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Taranum, Fahmina, Sarvat, Ayesha, Ali, Nooria, Siddiqui, Shamekh.  2020.  Detection and Prevention of Blackhole Node. 2020 4th International Conference on Electronics, Materials Engineering Nano-Technology (IEMENTech). :1–7.
Mobile Adhoc networks (MANETs) comprises of mobile devices or nodes that are connected wirelessly and have no infrastructure. Detecting malicious activities in MANETs is a challenging task as they are vulnerable to attacks where the performance of the entire network degrades. Hence it is necessary to provide security to the network so that the nodes are prone to attack. Selecting a good routing protocol in MANET is also important as frequent change of topology causes the route reply to not arrive at the source node. In this paper, R-AODV (Reverse Adhoc On-Demand Distance Vector) protocol along with ECC (Elliptic Key Cryptography) algorithm is designed and implemented to detect and to prevent the malicious node and to secure data transmission against blackhole attack. The main objective is to keep the data packets secure. ECC provides a smaller key size compared to other public-key encryption and eliminates the requirement of pre-distributed keys also makes the path more secure against blackhole attacks in a MANET. The performance of this proposed system is simulated by using the NS-2.35 network simulator. Simulation results show that the proposed protocol provides good experimental results on various metrics like throughput, end-to-end delay, and PDR. Analysis of the results points to an improvement in the overall network performance.
Mutalemwa, Lilian C., Shin, Seokjoo.  2020.  Improving the Packet Delivery Reliability and Privacy Protection in Monitoring Wireless Networks. 2020 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC). :1083—1088.
Source location privacy (SLP) protection ensures security of assets in monitoring wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Also, low end-to-end delay (EED) and high packet delivery ratio (PDR) guarantee high packet delivery reliability. Therefore, it is important to ensure high levels of SLP protection, low EED, and high PDR in mission-critical monitoring applications. Thus, this study proposes a new angle-based agent node routing protocol (APr) which is capable of achieving high levels of SLP protection, low EED, and high PDR. The proposed APr protocol employs multiple routing strategies to enable a dynamic agent node selection process and creation of obfuscating routing paths. Analysis results reveal that the APr protocol achieves high packet delivery reliability to outperform existing intermediate node-based protocols such as the AdrR and tree-based protocols such as the TbR. Furthermore, the APr protocol achieves significantly high levels of SLP protection to outperform the AdrR protocol.
Lim, S., Ko, Y..  2020.  Intellectual Priority-based Low Latency Data Delivery Scheme for Multi-interface and Multi-channel Devices in Multi-hop Wireless Mesh Networks. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (BigComp). :417–419.
In multi-hop wireless mesh networks, the end-to-end delay for a packet is getting longer as the relaying hops to the destination are increasing. The real-time packet such as the urgent safety message should be delivered within the stipulated deadline. Most previous studies have been focused to find out the optimal route to the destination. We propose an intellectual priority-based packet transmission scheme for multi-interface devices in multi-hop wireless mesh networks.
Ye, J., Liu, R., Xie, Z., Feng, L., Liu, S..  2019.  EMPTCP: An ECN Based Approach to Detect Shared Bottleneck in MPTCP. 2019 28th International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN). :1—10.

The major challenge of Real Time Protocol is to balance efficiency and fairness over limited bandwidth. MPTCP has proved to be effective for multimedia and real time networks. Ideally, an MPTCP sender should couple the subflows sharing the bottleneck link to provide TCP friendliness. However, existing shared bottleneck detection scheme either utilize end-to-end delay without consideration of multiple bottleneck scenario, or identify subflows on switch at the expense of operation overhead. In this paper, we propose a lightweight yet accurate approach, EMPTCP, to detect shared bottleneck. EMPTCP uses the widely deployed ECN scheme to capture the real congestion state of shared bottleneck, while at the same time can be transparently utilized by various enhanced MPTCP protocols. Through theory analysis, simulation test and real network experiment, we show that EMPTCP achieves higher than 90% accuracy in shared bottleneck detection, thus improving the network efficiency and fairness.

Li, Guoquan, Yan, Zheng, Fu, Yulong.  2018.  A Study and Simulation Research of Blackhole Attack on Mobile AdHoc Network. 2018 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS). :1–6.
Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a kind of mobile multi-hop network which can transmit data through intermediate nodes, it has been widely used and become important since the growing of the market of Internet of Things (IoT). However, the transmissions on MANET are vulnerable, it usually suffered with many internal or external attacks, and the research on security topics of MANET are becoming more and more hot recently. Blackhole Attack is one of the most famous attacks to MANET. In this paper, we focus on the Blackhole Attack in AODV protocol, and use NS-3 network simulator to study the impact of Blackhole Attack on network performance parameters, such as the Throughput, End-to-End Delay and Packet Loss Rate. We further analyze the changes in network performance by adjusting the number of blackhole nodes and total nodes, and the movement speed of mobile nodes. The experimental results not only reflect the behaviors of the Blackhole Attack and its damage to the network, but also provide the characteristics of Blackhole Attacks clearly. This is helpful to the research of Blackhole Attack feature extraction and MANET security measurement.
Chekired, Djabir Abdeldjalil, Khoukhi, Lyes.  2019.  Distributed SDN-Based C4ISR Communications: A Delay-Tolerant Network for Trusted Tactical Cloudlets. 2019 International Conference on Military Communications and Information Systems (ICMCIS). :1—7.

The next generation military environment requires a delay-tolerant network for sharing data and resources using an interoperable computerized, Command, Control, Communications, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) infrastructure. In this paper, we propose a new distributed SDN (Software-Defined Networks) architecture for tactical environments based on distributed cloudlets. The objective is to reduce the end-to-end delay of tactical traffic flow, and improve management capabilities, allowing flexible control and network resource allocation. The proposed SDN architecture is implemented over three layers: decentralized cloudlets layer where each cloudlet has its SDRN (Software-Defined Radio Networking) controller, decentralized MEC (Mobile Edge Computing) layer with an SDN controller for each MEC, and a centralized private cloud as a trusted third-part authority controlled by a centralized SDN controller. The experimental validations are done via relevant and realistic tactical scenarios based on strategic traffics loads, i.e., Tactical SMS (Short Message Service), UVs (Unmanned Vehicle) patrol deployment and high bite rate ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance) video.

Arshad, Akashah, Hanapi, Zurina Mohd, Subramaniam, Shamala K., Latip, Rohaya.  2019.  Performance Evaluation of the Geographic Routing Protocols Scalability. 2019 International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN). :396–398.
Scalability is an important design factor for evaluating the performance of routing protocols as the network size or traffic load increases. One of the most appropriate design methods is to use geographic routing approach to ensure scalability. This paper describes a scalability study comparing Secure Region Based Geographic Routing (SRBGR) and Dynamic Window Secure Implicit Geographic Forwarding (DWSIGF) protocols in various network density scenarios based on an end-to-end delay performance metric. The simulation studies were conducted in MATLAB 2106b where the network densities were varied according to the network topology size with increasing traffic rates. The results showed that DWSIGF has a lower end-to-end delay as compared to SRBGR for both sparse (15.4%) and high density (63.3%) network scenarios.Despite SRBGR having good security features, there is a need to improve the performance of its end-to-end delay to fulfil the application requirements.
Khanzada, T. J. S., Mukhtiar, A., Bushra, N., Talpur, M. S. N., Faisal, A..  2017.  Evaluation and analysis of network coding at network layer. 2017 International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing (PIC). :333–336.

Network coding is a potential method that numerous investigators have move forwarded due to its significant advantages to enhance the proficiency of data communication. In this work, utilize simulations to assess the execution of various network topologies employing network coding. By contrasting the results of network and without network coding, it insists that network coding can improve the throughput, end-to-end delays, Packet Delivery Rate (PDR) and consistency. This paper presents the comparative performance analysis of network coding such as, XOR, LNC, and RLNC. The results demonstrates the XOR technique has attractive outcomes and can improve the real time performance metrics i.e.; throughput, end-to-end delay and PDR by substantial limitations. The analysis has been carried out based on packet size and also number of packets to be transmitted. Results illustrates that the network coding facilitate in dependence between networks.

Zhexiong Wei, Tang, H., Yu, F.R., Maoyu Wang, Mason, P..  2014.  Security Enhancements for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks With Trust Management Using Uncertain Reasoning. Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on. 63:4647-4658.

The distinctive features of mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), including dynamic topology and open wireless medium, may lead to MANETs suffering from many security vulnerabilities. In this paper, using recent advances in uncertain reasoning that originated from the artificial intelligence community, we propose a unified trust management scheme that enhances the security in MANETs. In the proposed trust management scheme, the trust model has two components: trust from direct observation and trust from indirect observation. With direct observation from an observer node, the trust value is derived using Bayesian inference, which is a type of uncertain reasoning when the full probability model can be defined. On the other hand, with indirect observation, which is also called secondhand information that is obtained from neighbor nodes of the observer node, the trust value is derived using the Dempster-Shafer theory (DST), which is another type of uncertain reasoning when the proposition of interest can be derived by an indirect method. By combining these two components in the trust model, we can obtain more accurate trust values of the observed nodes in MANETs. We then evaluate our scheme under the scenario of MANET routing. Extensive simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed scheme. Specifically, throughput and packet delivery ratio (PDR) can be improved significantly with slightly increased average end-to-end delay and overhead of messages.

Rahman, S.M.M., Kamruzzaman, S.M., Almogren, A., Alelaiwi, A., Alamri, A., Alghamdi, A..  2014.  Anonymous and Secure Communication Protocol for Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks. Multimedia (ISM), 2014 IEEE International Symposium on. :393-398.

Cognitive radio (CR) networks are becoming an increasingly important part of the wireless networking landscape due to the ever-increasing scarcity of spectrum resources throughout the world. Nowadays CR media is becoming popular wireless communication media for disaster recovery communication network. Although the operational aspects of CR are being explored vigorously, its security aspects have gained less attention to the research community. The existing research on CR network mainly focuses on the spectrum sensing and allocation, energy efficiency, high throughput, end-to-end delay and other aspect of the network technology. But, very few focuses on the security aspect and almost none focus on the secure anonymous communication in CR networks (CRNs). In this research article we would focus on secure anonymous communication in CR ad hoc networks (CRANs). We would propose a secure anonymous routing for CRANs based on pairing based cryptography which would provide source node, destination node and the location anonymity. Furthermore, the proposed research would protect different attacks those are feasible on CRANs.