Visible to the public EMPTCP: An ECN Based Approach to Detect Shared Bottleneck in MPTCP

TitleEMPTCP: An ECN Based Approach to Detect Shared Bottleneck in MPTCP
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsYe, J., Liu, R., Xie, Z., Feng, L., Liu, S.
Conference Name2019 28th International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN)
Date PublishedAug. 2019
ISBN Number978-1-7281-1856-7
KeywordsBandwidth, bottleneck link, computer networks, coupled congestion control, delays, ECN scheme, EMPTCP, end-to-end delay, enhanced MPTCP protocols, lightweight yet accurate approach, MPTCP sender, Multimedia communication, multiple bottleneck scenario, network efficiency, Protocols, pubcrawl, real time networks, real time protocol, Real-time Systems, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, shared bottleneck detection scheme, subflows, Switches, Synchronization, telecommunication congestion control, transport protocols

The major challenge of Real Time Protocol is to balance efficiency and fairness over limited bandwidth. MPTCP has proved to be effective for multimedia and real time networks. Ideally, an MPTCP sender should couple the subflows sharing the bottleneck link to provide TCP friendliness. However, existing shared bottleneck detection scheme either utilize end-to-end delay without consideration of multiple bottleneck scenario, or identify subflows on switch at the expense of operation overhead. In this paper, we propose a lightweight yet accurate approach, EMPTCP, to detect shared bottleneck. EMPTCP uses the widely deployed ECN scheme to capture the real congestion state of shared bottleneck, while at the same time can be transparently utilized by various enhanced MPTCP protocols. Through theory analysis, simulation test and real network experiment, we show that EMPTCP achieves higher than 90% accuracy in shared bottleneck detection, thus improving the network efficiency and fairness.

Citation Keyye_emptcp_2019