We propose a dense continuous-time tracking and mapping method for RGB-D cameras. We parametrize the camera trajectory using continuous B-splines and optimize the trajectory through dense, direct image alignment. Our method also directly models rolling shutter in both RGB and depth images within the optimization, which improves tracking and reconstruction quality for low-cost CMOS sensors. Using a continuous trajectory representation has a number of advantages over a discrete-time representation (e.g. camera poses at the frame interval). With splines, less variables need to be optimized than with a discrete representation, since the trajectory can be represented with fewer control points than frames. Splines also naturally include smoothness constraints on derivatives of the trajectory estimate. Finally, the continuous trajectory representation allows to compensate for rolling shutter effects, since a pose estimate is available at any exposure time of an image. Our approach demonstrates superior quality in tracking and reconstruction compared to approaches with discrete-time or global shutter assumptions.
Road In this paper, we focus on both the road vehicle and pedestrians detection, namely obstacle detection. At the same time, a new obstacle detection and classification technique in dynamical background is proposed. Obstacle detection is based on inverse perspective mapping and homography. Obstacle classification is based on fuzzy neural network. The estimation of the vanishing point relies on feature extraction strategy, which segments the lane markings of the images by combining a histogram-based segmentation with temporal filtering. Then, the vanishing point of each image is stabilized by means of a temporal filtering along the estimates of previous images. The IPM image is computed based on the stabilized vanishing point. The method exploits the geometrical relations between the elements in the scene so that obstacle can be detected. The estimated homography of the road plane between successive images is used for image alignment. A new fuzzy decision fusion method with fuzzy attribution for obstacle detection and classification application is described. The fuzzy decision function modifies parameters with auto-adapted algorithm to get better classification probability. It is shown that the method can achieve better classification result.