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Shimamoto, Shogo, Kobayashi, Koichi, Yamashita, Yuh.  2020.  Stochastic Model Predictive Control of Energy Management Systems with Human in the Loop. 2020 IEEE 9th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE). :60–61.
In this paper, we propose a method of stochastic model predictive control for energy management systems including human-in-the-loop. Here, we consider an air-conditioning system consisting of some rooms. Human decision making about the set temperature is modeled by a discrete-time Markov chain. The finite-time optimal control problem solved in the controller is reduced to a mixed integer linear programming problem.
Chin, J., Zufferey, T., Shyti, E., Hug, G..  2019.  Load Forecasting of Privacy-Aware Consumers. 2019 IEEE Milan PowerTech. :1—6.

The roll-out of smart meters (SMs) in the electric grid has enabled data-driven grid management and planning techniques. SM data can be used together with short-term load forecasts (STLFs) to overcome polling frequency constraints for better grid management. However, the use of SMs that report consumption data at high spatial and temporal resolutions entails consumer privacy risks, motivating work in protecting consumer privacy. The impact of privacy protection schemes on STLF accuracy is not well studied, especially for smaller aggregations of consumers, whose load profiles are subject to more volatility and are, thus, harder to predict. In this paper, we analyse the impact of two user demand shaping privacy protection schemes, model-distribution predictive control (MDPC) and load-levelling, on STLF accuracy. Support vector regression is used to predict the load profiles at different consumer aggregation levels. Results indicate that, while the MDPC algorithm marginally affects forecast accuracy for smaller consumer aggregations, this diminishes at higher aggregation levels. More importantly, the load-levelling scheme significantly improves STLF accuracy as it smoothens out the grid visible consumer load profile.

Pudukotai Dinakarrao, Sai Manoj, Sayadi, Hossein, Makrani, Hosein Mohammadi, Nowzari, Cameron, Rafatirad, Setareh, Homayoun, Houman.  2019.  Lightweight Node-level Malware Detection and Network-level Malware Confinement in IoT Networks. 2019 Design, Automation Test in Europe Conference Exhibition (DATE). :776–781.
The sheer size of IoT networks being deployed today presents an "attack surface" and poses significant security risks at a scale never before encountered. In other words, a single device/node in a network that becomes infected with malware has the potential to spread malware across the network, eventually ceasing the network functionality. Simply detecting and quarantining the malware in IoT networks does not guarantee to prevent malware propagation. On the other hand, use of traditional control theory for malware confinement is not effective, as most of the existing works do not consider real-time malware control strategies that can be implemented using uncertain infection information of the nodes in the network or have the containment problem decoupled from network performance. In this work, we propose a two-pronged approach, where a runtime malware detector (HaRM) that employs Hardware Performance Counter (HPC) values to detect the malware and benign applications is devised. This information is fed during runtime to a stochastic model predictive controller to confine the malware propagation without hampering the network performance. With the proposed solution, a runtime malware detection accuracy of 92.21% with a runtime of 10ns is achieved, which is an order of magnitude faster than existing malware detection solutions. Synthesizing this output with the model predictive containment strategy lead to achieving an average network throughput of nearly 200% of that of IoT networks without any embedded defense.
Ding, Yueming, Li, Kuan, Meng, Zhaoxian.  2018.  CPS Optimal Control for Interconnected Power Grid Based on Model Predictive Control. 2018 2nd IEEE Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration (EI2). :1—9.

The CPS standard can be more objective to evaluate the effect of control behavior in each control area on the interconnected power grid. The CPS standard is derived from statistical methods emphasizing the long-term control performance of AGC, which is beneficial to the frequency control of the power grid by mutual support between the various power grids in the case of an accident. Moreover, CPS standard reduces the wear of the equipment caused by the frequent adjustment of the AGC unit. The key is to adjust the AGC control strategy to meet the performance of CPS standard. This paper proposed a dynamic optimal CPS control methodology for interconnected power systems based on model predictive control which can achieve optimal control under the premise of meeting the CPS standard. The effectiveness of the control strategy is verified by simulation examples.

Ali, Yasir, Shen, Zhen, Zhu, Fenghua, Xiong, Gang, Chen, Shichao, Xia, Yuanqing, Wang, Fei-Yue.  2018.  Solutions Verification for Cloud-Based Networked Control System using Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Conditions. 2018 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC). :1385—1389.
The rapid development of the Cloud Computing Technologies (CCTs) has amended the conventional design of resource-constrained Network Control System (NCS) to the powerful and flexible design of Cloud-Based Networked Control System (CB-NCS) by relocating the processing part to the cloud server. This arrangement has produced many internets based exquisite applications. However, this new arrangement has also raised many network security challenges for the cloud-based control system related to cyber-physical part of the system. In the absence of robust verification methodology, an attacker can launch the modification attack in order to destabilize or take control of NCS. It is desirable that there shall be a solution authentication methodology used to verify whether the incoming solutions are coming from the cloud or not. This paper proposes a methodology used for the verification of the receiving solution to the local control system from the cloud using Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions, which is then applied to actuator after verification and thus ensure the stability in case of modification attack.
Xiao, Kaiming, Zhu, Cheng, Xie, Junjie, Zhou, Yun, Zhu, Xianqiang, Zhang, Weiming.  2018.  Dynamic Defense Strategy against Stealth Malware Propagation in Cyber-Physical Systems. IEEE INFOCOM 2018 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications. :1790–1798.
Stealth malware, a representative tool of advanced persistent threat (APT) attacks, in particular poses an increased threat to cyber-physical systems (CPS). Due to the use of stealthy and evasive techniques (e.g., zero-day exploits, obfuscation techniques), stealth malwares usually render conventional heavyweight countermeasures (e.g., exploits patching, specialized ant-malware program) inapplicable. Light-weight countermeasures (e.g., containment techniques), on the other hand, can help retard the spread of stealth malwares, but the ensuing side effects might violate the primary safety requirement of CPS. Hence, defenders need to find a balance between the gain and loss of deploying light-weight countermeasures. To address this challenge, we model the persistent anti-malware process as a shortest-path tree interdiction (SPTI) Stackelberg game, and safety requirements of CPS are introduced as constraints in the defender's decision model. Specifically, we first propose a static game (SSPTI), and then extend it to a multi-stage dynamic game (DSPTI) to meet the need of real-time decision making. Both games are modelled as bi-level integer programs, and proved to be NP-hard. We then develop a Benders decomposition algorithm to achieve the Stackelberg Equilibrium of SSPTI. Finally, we design a model predictive control strategy to solve DSPTI approximately by sequentially solving an approximation of SSPTI. The extensive simulation results demonstrate that the proposed dynamic defense strategy can achieve a balance between fail-secure ability and fail-safe ability while retarding the stealth malware propagation in CPS.
Ding, P., Wang, Y., Yan, G., Li, W..  2017.  DoS Attacks in Electrical Cyber-Physical Systems: A Case Study Using TrueTime Simulation Tool. 2017 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC). :6392–6396.

Recent years, the issue of cyber security has become ever more prevalent in the analysis and design of electrical cyber-physical systems (ECPSs). In this paper, we present the TrueTime Network Library for modeling the framework of ECPSs and focuses on the vulnerability analysis of ECPSs under DoS attacks. Model predictive control algorithm is used to control the ECPS under disturbance or attacks. The performance of decentralized and distributed control strategies are compared on the simulation platform. It has been proved that DoS attacks happen at dada collecting sensors or control instructions actuators will influence the system differently.

Yaseen, A. A., Bayart, M..  2017.  Cyber-attack detection in the networked control system with faulty plant. 2017 25th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED). :980–985.

In this paper, the mathematical framework of behavioral system will be applied to detect the cyber-attack on the networked control system which is used to control the remotely operated underwater vehicle ROV. The Intelligent Generalized Predictive Controller IGPC is used to control the ROV. The IGPC is designed with fault-tolerant ability. In consequence of the used fault accommodation technique, the proposed cyber-attacks detector is able to clearly detect the presence of attacker control signal and to distinguish between the effects of the attacker signal and fault on the plant side. The test result of the suggested method demonstrates that it can be considerably used for detection of the cyber-attack.

Farag, M.M., Azab, M., Mokhtar, B..  2014.  Cross-layer security framework for smart grid: Physical security layer. Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe), 2014 IEEE PES. :1-7.

Security is a major challenge preventing wide deployment of the smart grid technology. Typically, the classical power grid is protected with a set of isolated security tools applied to individual grid components and layers ignoring their cross-layer interaction. Such an approach does not address the smart grid security requirements because usually intricate attacks are cross-layer exploiting multiple vulnerabilities at various grid layers and domains. We advance a conceptual layering model of the smart grid and a high-level overview of a security framework, termed CyNetPhy, towards enabling cross-layer security of the smart grid. CyNetPhy tightly integrates and coordinates between three interrelated, and highly cooperative real-time security systems crossing section various layers of the grid cyber and physical domains to simultaneously address the grid's operational and security requirements. In this article, we present in detail the physical security layer (PSL) in CyNetPhy. We describe an attack scenario raising the emerging hardware Trojan threat in process control systems (PCSes) and its novel PSL resolution leveraging the model predictive control principles. Initial simulation results illustrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the PSL.