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Bao, Shihan, Lei, Ao, Cruickshank, Haitham, Sun, Zhili, Asuquo, Philip, Hathal, Waleed.  2019.  A Pseudonym Certificate Management Scheme Based on Blockchain for Internet of Vehicles. 2019 IEEE Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, Intl Conf on Cloud and Big Data Computing, Intl Conf on Cyber Science and Technology Congress (DASC/PiCom/CBDCom/CyberSciTech). :28–35.
Research into the established area of ITS is evolving into the Internet of Vehicles (IoV), itself a fast-moving research area, fuelled in part by rapid changes in computing and communication technologies. Using pseudonym certificate is a popular way to address privacy issues in IoV. Therefore, the certificate management scheme is considered as a feasible technique to manage system and maintain the lifecycle of certificate. In this paper, we propose an efficient pseudonym certificate management scheme in IoV. The Blockchain concept is introduced to simplify the network structure and distributed maintenance of the Certificate Revocation List (CRL). The proposed scheme embeds part of the certificate revocation functions within the security and privacy applications, aiming to reduce the communication overhead and shorten the processing time cost. Extensive simulations and analysis show the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed scheme, in which the Blockchain structure costs fewer network resources and gives a more economic solution to against further cybercrime attacks.
Sharma, Sachin, Ghanshala, Kamal Kumar, Mohan, Seshadri.  2019.  Blockchain-Based Internet of Vehicles (IoV): An Efficient Secure Ad Hoc Vehicular Networking Architecture. 2019 IEEE 2nd 5G World Forum (5GWF). :452–457.
With the transformation of connected vehicles into the Internet of Vehicles (IoV), the time is now ripe for paving the way for the next generation of connected vehicles with novel applications and innovative security measures. The connected vehicles are experiencing prenominal growth in the auto industry, but are still studded with many security and privacy vulnerabilities. Today's IoV applications are part of cyber physical communication systems that collect useful information from thousands of smart sensors associated with the connected vehicles. The technology advancement has paved the way for connected vehicles to share significant information among drivers, auto manufacturers, auto insurance companies and operational and maintenance service providers for various applications. The critical issues in engineering the IoV applications are effective to use of the available spectrum and effective allocation of good channels an opportunistic manner to establish connectivity among vehicles, and the effective utilization of the infrastructure under various traffic conditions. Security and privacy in information sharing are the main concerns in a connected vehicle communication network. Blockchain technology facilitates secured communication among users in a connected vehicles network. Originally, blockchain technology was developed and employed with the cryptocurrency. Bitcoin, to provide increased trust, reliability, and security among users based on peer-to-peer networks for transaction sharing. In this paper, we propose to integrate blockchain technology into ad hoc vehicular networking so that the vehicles can share network resources with increased trust, reliability, and security using distributed access control system and can benefit a wider scope of scalable IoV applications scenarios for decision making. The proposed architecture is the faithful environment for information sharing among connected vehicles. Blockchain technology allows multiple copies of data storage at the distribution cloud. Distributed access control system is significantly more secure than a traditional centralized system. This paper also describes how important of ad hoc vehicular networking in human life, possibilities in real-world implementation and its future trends. The ad hoc vehicular networking may become one of the most trendy networking concepts in the future that has the perspective to bring out much ease human beneficial and secured applications.
Ababtain, Eman, Engels, Daniel.  2019.  Gestures Based CAPTCHAs the Use of Sensor Readings to Solve CAPTCHA Challenge on Smartphones. 2019 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI). :113—119.
We present novel CAPTCHA challenges based on user gestures designed for mobile. A gesture CAPTCHA challenge is a security mechanism to prevent malware from gaining access to network resources from mobile. Mobile devices contain a number of sensors that record the physical movement of the device. We utilized the accelerometer and gyroscope data as inputs to our novel CAPTCHAs to capture the physical manipulation of the device. We conducted an experimental study on a group of people. We discovered that younger people are able to solve this type of CAPTCHA challenges successfully in a short amount of time. We found that using accelerometer readings produces issues for some older people.
Yang, Bowen, Chen, Xiang, Xie, Jinsen, Li, Sugang, Zhang, Yanyong, Yang, Jian.  2019.  Multicast Design for the MobilityFirst Future Internet Architecture. 2019 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC). :88–93.
With the advent of fifth generation (5G) network and increasingly powerful mobile devices, people can conveniently obtain network resources wherever they are and whenever they want. However, the problem of mobility support in current network has not been adequately solved yet, especially in inter-domain mobile scenario, which leads to poor experience for mobile consumers. MobilityFirst is a clean slate future Internet architecture which adopts a clean separation between identity and network location. It provides new mechanisms to address the challenge of wireless access and mobility at scale. However, MobilityFirst lacks effective ways to deal with multicast service over mobile networks. In this paper, we design an efficient multicast mechanism based on MobilityFirst architecture and present the deployment in current network at scale. Furthermore, we propose a hierarchical multicast packet header with additional destinations to achieve low-cost dynamic multicast routing and provide solutions for both the multicast source and the multicast group members moving in intra- or inter-domain. Finally, we deploy a multicast prototype system to evaluate the performance of the proposed multicast mechanism.
Mansour, Ahmad, Malik, Khalid M., Kaso, Niko.  2019.  AMOUN: Lightweight Scalable Multi-recipient Asymmetric Cryptographic Scheme. 2019 IEEE 9th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC). :0838–0846.
Securing multi-party communication is very challenging particularly in dynamic networks. Existing multi-recipient cryptographic schemes pose variety of limitations. These include: requiring trust among all recipients to make an agreement, high computational cost for both encryption and decryption, and additional communication overhead when group membership changes. To overcome these limitations, this paper introduces a novel multi-recipient asymmetric cryptographic scheme, AMOUN. This scheme enables the sender to possibly send different messages in one ciphertext to multiple recipients to better utilize network resources, while ensuring that each recipient only retrieves its own designated message. Security analysis demonstrates that proposed scheme is secure against well-known attacks. Evaluation results demonstrate that lightweight AMOUN outperforms RSA and Multi-RSA in terms of computational cost for both encryption and decryption. For a given prime size, in case of encryption, AMOUN achieves 86% and 98% lower average computational cost than RSA and Multi-RSA, respectively; while for decryption, it shows performance improvement of 98% compared to RSA and Multi-RSA.
Ahalawat, Anchal, Dash, Shashank Sekhar, Panda, Abinas, Babu, Korra Sathya.  2019.  Entropy Based DDoS Detection and Mitigation in OpenFlow Enabled SDN. 2019 International Conference on Vision Towards Emerging Trends in Communication and Networking (ViTECoN). :1–5.
Distributed Denial of Service(DDoS) attacks have become most important network security threat as the number of devices are connected to internet increases exponentially and reaching an attack volume approximately very high compared to other attacks. To make the network safe and flexible a new networking infrastructure such as Software Defined Networking (SDN) has come into effect, which relies on centralized controller and decoupling of control and data plane. However due to it's centralized controller it is prone to DDoS attacks, as it makes the decision of forwarding of packets based on rules installed in switch by OpenFlow protocol. Out of all different DDoS attacks, UDP (User Datagram Protocol) flooding constitute the most in recent years. In this paper, we have proposed an entropy based DDoS detection and rate limiting based mitigation for efficient service delivery. We have evaluated using Mininet as emulator and Ryu as controller by taking switch as OpenVswitch and obtained better result in terms of bandwidth utilization and hit ratio which consume network resources to make denial of service.
Xuanyuan, Ming, Ramsurrun, Visham, Seeam, Amar.  2019.  Detection and Mitigation of DDoS Attacks Using Conditional Entropy in Software-defined Networking. 2019 11th International Conference on Advanced Computing (ICoAC). :66–71.
Software-defined networking (SDN) is a relatively new technology that promotes network revolution. The most distinct characteristic of SDN is the transformation of control logic from the basic packet forwarding equipment to a centralized management unit called controller. However, the centralized control of the network resources is like a double-edged sword, for it not only brings beneficial features but also introduces single point of failure if the controller is under distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. In this paper, we introduce a light-weight approach based on conditional entropy to improve the SDN security with an aim of defending DDoS at the early stage. The experimental results show that the proposed method has a high average detection rate of 99.372%.
Xue, Kaiping, Zhang, Xiang, Xia, Qiudong, Wei, David S.L., Yue, Hao, Wu, Feng.  2018.  SEAF: A Secure, Efficient and Accountable Access Control Framework for Information Centric Networking. IEEE INFOCOM 2018 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications. :2213–2221.
Information Centric Networking (ICN) has been regarded as an ideal architecture for the next-generation network to handle users' increasing demand for content delivery with in-network cache. While making better use of network resources and providing better delivery service, an effective access control mechanism is needed due to wide dissemination of contents. However, in the existing solutions, making cache-enabled routers or content providers authenticate users' requests causes high computation overhead and unnecessary delay. Also, straightforward utilization of advanced encryption algorithms increases the opportunities for DoS attacks. Besides, privacy protection and service accountability are rarely taken into account in this scenario. In this paper, we propose a secure, efficient, and accountable access control framework, called SEAF, for ICN, in which authentication is performed at the network edge to block unauthorized requests at the very beginning. We adopt group signature to achieve anonymous authentication, and use hash chain technique to greatly reduce the overhead when users make continuous requests for the same file. Furthermore, the content providers can affirm the service amount received from the network and extract feedback information from the signatures and hash chains. By formal security analysis and the comparison with related works, we show that SEAF achieves the expected security goals and possesses more useful features. The experimental results also demonstrate that our design is efficient for routers and content providers, and introduces only slight delay for users' content retrieval.
Lee, J., Hao, Y., Abdelzaher, T., Marcus, K., Hobbs, R..  2018.  A Command-by-Intent Architecture for Battlefield Information Acquisition Systems. 2018 21st International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION). :2298–2305.

In military operations, Commander's Intent describes the desired end state and purpose of the operation, expressed in a concise and clear manner. Command by intent is a paradigm that empowers subordinate units to exercise measured initiative to meet mission goals and accept prudent risk within commander's intent. It improves agility of military operations by allowing exploitation of local opportunities without an explicit directive from the commander to do so. This paper discusses what the paradigm entails in terms of architectural decisions for data fusion systems tasked with real-time information collection to satisfy operational mission goals. In our system, information needs of decisions are expressed at a high level, and shared among relevant nodes. The selected nodes, then, jointly operate to meet mission information needs by forwarding and caching relevant data without explicit directives regarding the objects to fetch and sources to contact. A preliminary evaluation of the system is presented using a target tracking application, set in the context of a NATO-based mission scenario, called Anglova. Evaluation results show that delegating some decision authority to the data fusion system (in terms of objects to fetch and sources to contact) allows it to save more network resources, while also increasing mission success rate. The system is therefore particularly well-suited to operation in partially denied or contested environments, where resource bottlenecks caused by adversarial activity impair one's ability to collect real-time information for mission-critical decision making.

Acarali, D., Rajarajan, M., Komninos, N., Herwono, I..  2017.  Event graphs for the observation of botnet traffic. 2017 8th IEEE Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON). :628–634.

Botnets are a growing threat to the security of data and services on a global level. They exploit vulnerabilities in networks and host machines to harvest sensitive information, or make use of network resources such as memory or bandwidth in cyber-crime campaigns. Bot programs by nature are largely automated and systematic, and this is often used to detect them. In this paper, we extend upon existing work in this area by proposing a network event correlation method to produce graphs of flows generated by botnets, outlining the implementation and functionality of this approach. We also show how this method can be combined with statistical flow-based analysis to provide a descriptive chain of events, and test on public datasets with an overall success rate of 94.1%.

Wagh, D., Pareek, N., Singh, U..  2017.  Elimination of internal attacksfor PUMA in MANET. 2017 International conference of Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA). 2:478–482.

Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) play a significant role for communication whenever infrastructure is not available. In MANET, the group communication-based applications use the multicast routing protocol, where there is a single sender node and a group of receiver nodes. The benefits of multicast routing protocols are the capability to reduce the communication costs and saving the network resources by reproduction of the message over a shared network. The security is the main concern for multicast routing protocol in MANET, as it includes large number of participants. The security issues become more rigorous in a multicast communication due to its high variedness and routing difficulty. In this paper, we consider the internal attack, namely Multicast Announcement Packet Fabrication Attack on PUMA (Protocol for Unified Multicasting through Announcements). We proposed the security approach to detect the attacks as multicast activity-based overhearing technique, i.e., traffic analysis-based detection method with a unique key value. The performance analysis, shows an improved network performance of proposed approach over PUMA.

Aliyu, A. L., Bull, P., Abdallah, A..  2017.  A Trust Management Framework for Network Applications within an SDN Environment. 2017 31st International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (WAINA). :93–98.

Software Defined Networking (SDN) is an emerging paradigm that changes the way networks are managed by separating the control plane from data plane and making networks programmable. The separation brings about flexibility, automation, orchestration and offers savings in both capital and operational expenditure. Despite all the advantages offered by SDN it introduces new threats that did not exist before or were harder to exploit in traditional networks, making network penetration potentially easier. One of the key threat to SDN is the authentication and authorisation of network applications that control network behaviour (unlike the traditional network where network devices like routers and switches are autonomous and run proprietary software and protocols to control the network). This paper proposes a mechanism that helps the control layer authenticate network applications and set authorisation permissions that constrict manipulation of network resources.

Bhaya, W., EbadyManaa, M..  2017.  DDoS attack detection approach using an efficient cluster analysis in large data scale. 2017 Annual Conference on New Trends in Information Communications Technology Applications (NTICT). :168–173.

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is a congestion-based attack that makes both the network and host-based resources unavailable for legitimate users, sending flooding attack packets to the victim's resources. The non-existence of predefined rules to correctly identify the genuine network flow made the task of DDoS attack detection very difficult. In this paper, a combination of unsupervised data mining techniques as intrusion detection system are introduced. The entropy concept in term of windowing the incoming packets is applied with data mining technique using Clustering Using Representative (CURE) as cluster analysis to detect the DDoS attack in network flow. The data is mainly collected from DARPA2000, CAIDA2007 and CAIDA2008 datasets. The proposed approach has been evaluated and compared with several existing approaches in terms of accuracy, false alarm rate, detection rate, F. measure and Phi coefficient. Results indicates the superiority of the proposed approach with four out five detected phases, more than 99% accuracy rate 96.29% detection rate, around 0% false alarm rate 97.98% F-measure, and 97.98% Phi coefficient.

Mendes, L.D.P., Rodrigues, J.J.P.C., Lloret, J., Sendra, S..  2014.  Cross-Layer Dynamic Admission Control for Cloud-Based Multimedia Sensor Networks. Systems Journal, IEEE. 8:235-246.

Cloud-based communications system is now widely used in many application fields such as medicine, security, environment protection, etc. Its use is being extended to the most demanding services like multimedia delivery. However, there are a lot of constraints when cloud-based sensor networks use the standard IEEE 802.15.3 or IEEE 802.15.4 technologies. This paper proposes a channel characterization scheme combined to a cross-layer admission control in dynamic cloud-based multimedia sensor networks to share the network resources among any two nodes. The analysis shows the behavior of two nodes using different network access technologies and the channel effects for each technology. Moreover, the existence of optimal node arrival rates in order to improve the usage of dynamic admission control when network resources are used is also shown. An extensive simulation study was performed to evaluate and validate the efficiency of the proposed dynamic admission control for cloud-based multimedia sensor networks.