Visible to the public A Command-by-Intent Architecture for Battlefield Information Acquisition Systems

TitleA Command-by-Intent Architecture for Battlefield Information Acquisition Systems
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsLee, J., Hao, Y., Abdelzaher, T., Marcus, K., Hobbs, R.
Conference Name2018 21st International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION)
Date PublishedJuly 2018
ISBN Number978-0-9964527-6-2
KeywordsAnglova, Bandwidth, battlefield information acquisition systems, cache storage, Command-by-intent, command-by-intent architecture, commander intent, data fusion system, Data integration, decision authority, decision making, Decision trees, Decision-centric, forwarding caching relevant data, human factors, information needs, Information systems, Internet of battlefield things, iobt, military computing, military operations, mission information, mission information needs, mission success rate, mission-critical decision making, NATO-based mission scenario, network resources, operational mission goals, Prefetching, pubcrawl, real-time information collection, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, sensor fusion, Sensor systems, subordinate units, target tracking, target tracking application

In military operations, Commander's Intent describes the desired end state and purpose of the operation, expressed in a concise and clear manner. Command by intent is a paradigm that empowers subordinate units to exercise measured initiative to meet mission goals and accept prudent risk within commander's intent. It improves agility of military operations by allowing exploitation of local opportunities without an explicit directive from the commander to do so. This paper discusses what the paradigm entails in terms of architectural decisions for data fusion systems tasked with real-time information collection to satisfy operational mission goals. In our system, information needs of decisions are expressed at a high level, and shared among relevant nodes. The selected nodes, then, jointly operate to meet mission information needs by forwarding and caching relevant data without explicit directives regarding the objects to fetch and sources to contact. A preliminary evaluation of the system is presented using a target tracking application, set in the context of a NATO-based mission scenario, called Anglova. Evaluation results show that delegating some decision authority to the data fusion system (in terms of objects to fetch and sources to contact) allows it to save more network resources, while also increasing mission success rate. The system is therefore particularly well-suited to operation in partially denied or contested environments, where resource bottlenecks caused by adversarial activity impair one's ability to collect real-time information for mission-critical decision making.

Citation Keylee_command-by-intent_2018