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Zhang, Qixin.  2021.  An Overview and Analysis of Hybrid Encryption: The Combination of Symmetric Encryption and Asymmetric Encryption. 2021 2nd International Conference on Computing and Data Science (CDS). :616–622.
In the current scenario, various forms of information are spread everywhere, especially through the Internet. A lot of valuable information is contained in the dissemination, so security issues have always attracted attention. With the emergence of cryptographic algorithms, information security has been further improved. Generally, cryptography encryption is divided into symmetric encryption and asymmetric encryption. Although symmetric encryption has a very fast computation speed and is beneficial to encrypt a large amount of data, the security is not as high as asymmetric encryption. The same pair of keys used in symmetric algorithms leads to security threats. Thus, if the key can be protected, the security could be improved. Using an asymmetric algorithm to protect the key and encrypting the message with a symmetric algorithm would be a good choice. This paper will review security issues in the information transmission and the method of hybrid encryption algorithms that will be widely used in the future. Also, the various characteristics of algorithms in different systems and some typical cases of hybrid encryption will be reviewed and analyzed to showcase the reinforcement by combining algorithms. Hybrid encryption algorithms will improve the security of the transmission without causing more other problems. Additionally, the way how the encryption algorithms combine to strength the security will be discussed with the aid of an example.
Bisht, K., Deshmukh, M..  2020.  Encryption algorithm based on knight’s tour and n-neighbourhood addition. 2020 7th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN). :31–36.
This paper presents a new algorithm for image encryption by extending the Knight's Tour Problem (KTP). The idea behind the proposed algorithm is to generate a Knight Tour (KT) matrix (m,n) and then divide the image according to the size of knight tour matrix into several sub matrices. Finally, apply n-neighborhood addition modulo encryption algorithm according to the solution of KT matrix over each m × n partition of the image. The proposed algorithm provides image encryption without using the cover images. Results obtained from experiments have shown that the proposed algorithm is efficient, simple and does not disclose any information from encrypted image.
Huang, Kaiqing.  2019.  Multi-Authority Attribute-Based Encryption for Resource-Constrained Users in Edge Computing. 2019 International Conference on Information Technology and Computer Application (ITCA). :323–326.
Multi-authority attribute-based encryption (MA-ABE) is a promising technique to protect data privacy and achieve fine-grained access control in edge computing for Internet of Things (IoT). However, most of the existing MA-ABE schemes suffer from expensive computational cost in the encryption and decryption phases, which are not practical for resource constrained users in IoT. We propose a large-universe MA-CP-ABE scheme with online/offline encryption and outsourced decryption. In our scheme, most expensive encryption operations have been executed in the user's initialization phase by adding reusable ciphertext pool besides splitting the encryption algorithm to online encryption and offline encryption. Moreover, massive decryption operation are outsourced to the near edge server for reducing the computation overhead of decryption. The proposed scheme is proven statically secure under the q-DPBDHE2 assumption. The performance analysis results indicate that the proposed scheme is efficient and suitable for resource-constrained users in edge computing for IoT.
Wu, Zhengze, Zhang, Xiaohong, Zhong, Xiaoyong.  2019.  Generalized Chaos Synchronization Circuit Simulation and Asymmetric Image Encryption. IEEE Access. 7:37989–38008.
Generalized chaos systems have more complex dynamic behavior than conventional chaos systems. If a generalized response system can be synchronized with a conventional drive system, the flexible control parameters and unpredictable synchronization state will increase significantly. The study first constructs a four-dimensional nonlinear dynamic equation with quadratic variables as a drive system. The numerical simulation and analyses of the Lyapunov exponent show that it is also a chaotic system. Based on the generalized chaos synchronization (GCS) theory, a four-dimensional diffeomorphism function is designed, and the corresponding GCS response system is generated. Simultaneously, the structural and synchronous circuits of information interaction and control are constructed with Multisim™ software, with the circuit simulation resulting in a good agreement with the numerical calculations. In order to verify the practical effect of generalized synchronization, an RGB digital image secure communication scheme is proposed. We confuse a 24-bit true color image with the designed GCS system, extend the original image to 48-bits, analyze the scheme security from keyspace, key sensitivity and non-symmetric identity authentication, classical types of attacks, and statistical average from the histogram, image correlation. The research results show that this GCS system is simple and feasible, and the encryption algorithm is closely related to the confidential information, which can resist the differential attack. The scheme is suitable to be applied in network images or other multimedia safe communications.
Betha, Durga Janardhana Anudeep, Bhanuj, Tatineni Sai, Umamaheshwari, B, Iyer, R. Abirami, Devi, R. Santhiya, Amirtharajan, Rengarajan, Praveenkumar, Padmapriya.  2019.  Chaotic based Image Encryption - A Neutral Perspective. 2019 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI). :1—5.

Today, there are several applications which allow us to share images over the internet. All these images must be stored in a secure manner and should be accessible only to the intended recipients. Hence it is of utmost importance to develop efficient and fast algorithms for encryption of images. This paper uses chaotic generators to generate random sequences which can be used as keys for image encryption. These sequences are seemingly random and have statistical properties. This makes them resistant to analysis and correlation attacks. However, these sequences have fixed cycle lengths. This restricts the number of sequences that can be used as keys. This paper utilises neural networks as a source of perturbation in a chaotic generator and uses its output to encrypt an image. The robustness of the encryption algorithm can be verified using NPCR, UACI, correlation coefficient analysis and information entropy analysis.

Vikram, A., Kalaivani, S., Gopinath, G..  2019.  A Novel Encryption Algorithm based on DNA Cryptography. 2019 International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES). :1004–1009.
The process of information security entails securing the information by transferring it through the networks preventing the data from attacks. This way of securing the information is known as cryptography. The perspective of converting the plain-text into non-understandable format is known as cryptography that could be possible using certain cryptography algorithms. The security could not be offered by the conventional cryptographic algorithms that lacks in their security for the huge amount of growing data, which could be easily broken by the intruders for their malicious activities. This gives rise to the new cryptographic algorithm known as DNA computing that could strengthen the information security, which does not provide any intruders to get authorized to confidential data. The proposed DNA symmetric cryptography enhances information security. The results reveal that encryption process carried out on plain-text is highly secured.
Kasodhan, Rashmi, Gupta, Neetesh.  2019.  A New Approach of Digital Signature Verification based on BioGamal Algorithm. 2019 3rd International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC). :10–15.
In recent times, online services are playing a crucial role in our day-to-day life applications. Inspite of their advantage, it also have certain security challenges in the communication network. Security aspects consists of authentication of users, confidentiality of data/information as well as integrity of data. In order to achieve all these parameters, the sensitive information must be digitally signed by the original sender and later verified by the intended recipient. Therefore, research on digital signatures should be further developed to improve the data security and authenticity of the transferred data. In this paper, a secured digital signature algorithm is designed. The design of secure digital signature uses the concept of hybridization of secure hash code, DNA encryption/decryption technique and elgamal encryption/decryption techniques. The use of SHA algorithm generates a secure hash code and hybridization of encryption algorithm reduces the computational complexity and this research method is then compared with existing PlayGamal algorithm with respect to encryption/decryption time complexity.
Das, Bablu Kumar, Garg, Ritu.  2019.  Security of Cloud Storage based on Extended Hill Cipher and Homomorphic Encryption. 2019 International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES). :515–520.
Cloud computing is one of the emerging area in the business world that help to access resources at low expense with high privacy. Security is a standout amongst the most imperative difficulties in cloud network for cloud providers and their customers. In order to ensure security in cloud, we proposed a framework using different encryption algorithm namely Extended hill cipher and homomorphic encryption. Firstly user data/information is isolated into two parts which is static and dynamic data (critical data). Extended hill cipher encryption is applied over more important dynamic part where we are encrypting the string using matrix multiplication. While homomorphic encryption is applied over static data in which it accepts n number of strings as information, encode each string independently and lastly combine all the strings. The test results clearly manifests that the proposed model provides better information security.
Parikh, Sarang, Sanjay, H A, Shastry, K. Aditya, Amith, K K.  2019.  Multimodal Data Security Framework Using Steganography Approaches. 2019 International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES). :1997–2002.
Information or data is a very crucial resource. Hence securing the information becomes a critical task. Transfer and Communication mediums via which we send this information do not provide data security natively. Therefore, methods for data security have to be devised to protect the information from third party and unauthorized users. Information hiding strategies like steganography provide techniques for data encryption so that the unauthorized users cannot read it. This work is aimed at creating a novel method of Augmented Reality Steganography (ARSteg). ARSteg uses cloud for image and key storage that does not alter any attributes of an image such as size and colour scheme. Unlike, traditional algorithms such as Least Significant Bit (LSB) which changes the attributes of images, our approach uses well established encryption algorithm such as Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) for encryption and decryption. This system is further secured by many alternative means such as honey potting, tracking and heuristic intrusion detection that ensure that the transmitted messages are completely secure and no intrusions are allowed. The intrusions are prevented by detecting them immediately and neutralizing them.
Saraswat, Pavi, Garg, Kanika, Tripathi, Rajan, Agarwal, Ayush.  2019.  Encryption Algorithm Based on Neural Network. 2019 4th International Conference on Internet of Things: Smart Innovation and Usages (IoT-SIU). :1—5.
Security is one of the most important needs in network communication. Cryptography is a science which involves two techniques encryption and decryption and it basically enables to send sensitive and confidential data over the unsecure network. The basic idea of cryptography is concealing of the data from unauthenticated users as they can misuse the data. In this paper we use auto associative neural network concept of soft computing in combination with encryption technique to send data securely on communication network.
Mahmoud, Ahmed Y., Alqumboz, Mohammed Naji Abu.  2019.  Encryption Based On Multilevel Security for Relational Database EBMSR. 2019 International Conference on Promising Electronic Technologies (ICPET). :130–135.
Cryptography is one of the most important sciences today because of the importance of data and the possibility of sharing data via the Internet. Therefore, data must be preserved when stored or transmitted over the Internet. Encryption is used as a solution to protect information during the transmission via an open channel. If the information is obtained illegally, the opponent/ enemy will not be able to understand the information due to encryption. In this paper we have developed a cryptosystem for testing the concepts of multi security level. The information is encrypted using more than one encryption algorithm based on the security level. The proposed cryptosystem concerns of Encryption Based on Multilevel Security (MLS) Model for DBMS. The cryptosystem is designed for both encryption and decryption.
Hussain, Syed Saiq, Sohail Ibrahim, Muhammad, Mir, Syed Zain, Yasin, Sajid, Majeed, Muhammad Kashif, Ghani, Azfar.  2018.  Efficient Video Encryption Using Lightweight Cryptography Algorithm. 2018 3rd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Sciences and Technology (ICEEST). :1-6.

The natural redundancy in video data due to its spatio-temporal correlation of neighbouring pixels require highly complex encryption process to successfully cipher the data. Conventional encryption methods are based on lengthy keys and higher number of rounds which are inefficient for low powered, small battery operated devices. Motivated by the success of lightweight encryption methods specially designed for IoT environment, herein an efficient method for video encryption is proposed. The proposed technique is based on a recently proposed encryption algorithm named Secure IoT (SIT), which utilizes P and Q functions of the KHAZAD cipher to achieve high encryption at low computation cost. Extensive simulations are performed to evaluate the efficacy of the proposed method and results are compared with Secure Force (SF-64) cipher. Under all conditions the proposed method achieved significantly improved results.

Kumbhar, S. S., Lee, Y., Yang, J..  2018.  Hybrid Encryption for Securing SharedPreferences of Android Applications. 2018 1st International Conference on Data Intelligence and Security (ICDIS). :246–249.

Most mobile applications generate local data on internal memory with SharedPreference interface of an Android operating system. Therefore, many possible loopholes can access the confidential information such as passwords. We propose a hybrid encryption approach for SharedPreferences to protect the leaking confidential information through the source code. We develop an Android application and store some data using SharedPreference. We produce different experiments with which this data could be accessed. We apply Hybrid encryption approach combining encryption approach with Android Keystore system, for providing better encryption algorithm to hide sensitive data.

Wu, Zuowei, Li, Taoshen.  2017.  An Improved Fully Homomorphic Encryption Scheme Under the Cloud Environment. Proceedings of the 12th Chinese Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing. :251–252.
In order to improve the efficiency of the existing homomorphic encryption method, based on the DGHV scheme, an improved fully homomorphic scheme over the integer is proposed. Under the premise of ensuring data owner and user data security, the scheme supports the addition and multiplication operations of ciphertext, and ensures faster execution efficiency and meets the security requirements of cloud computing. Security analysis shows that our scheme is safe. Performance assessment demonstrates that our scheme can more efficiently implement data than DGHV scheme.
Carnevale, B., Baldanzi, L., Pilato, L., Fanucci, L..  2016.  A flexible system-on-a-chip implementation of the Advanced Encryption Standard. 2016 20th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC). :156–161.
Systems-on-a-Chip are among the best-performing and complete solutions for complex electronic systems. This is also true in the field of network security, an application requiring high performance with low resource usage. This work presents an Advanced Encryption Standard implementation for Systems-on-a-Chip using as a reference the Cipher Block Chaining mode. In particular, a flexible interface based and the Advanced Peripheral Bus to integrate the encryption algorithm with any kind of processor is presented. The hardware-software approach of the architecture is also analyzed and described. The final system was integrated on a Xilinx Zynq 7000 to prototype and evaluate the idea. Results show that our solution demonstrates good performance and flexibility with low resource usage, occupying less than 2% of the Zynq 7000 with a throughput of 320 Mbps. The architecture is suitable when implementations of symmetric encryption algorithms for modern Systems-on-a-Chip are required.
V. Waghmare, K. Gojre, A. Watpade.  2015.  "Approach to Enhancing Concurrent and Self-Reliant Access to Cloud Database: A Review". 2015 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (CICN). :777-781.

Now a day's cloud computing is power station to run multiple businesses. It is cumulating more and more users every day. Database-as-a-service is service model provided by cloud computing to store, manage and process data on a cloud platform. Database-as-a-service has key characteristics such as availability, scalability, elasticity. A customer does not have to worry about database installation and management. As a replacement, the cloud database service provider takes responsibility for installing and maintaining the database. The real problem occurs when it comes to storing confidential or private information in the cloud database, we cannot rely on the cloud data vendor. A curious cloud database vendor may capture and leak the secret information. For that purpose, Protected Database-as-a-service is a novel solution to this problem that provides provable and pragmatic privacy in the face of a compromised cloud database service provider. Protected Database-as-a-service defines various encryption schemes to choose encryption algorithm and encryption key to encrypt and decrypt data. It also provides "Master key" to users, so that a metadata storage table can be decrypted only by using the master key of the users. As a result, a cloud service vendor never gets access to decrypted data, and even if all servers are jeopardized, in such inauspicious circumstances a cloud service vendor will not be able to decrypt the data. Proposed Protected Database-as-a-service system allows multiple geographically distributed clients to execute concurrent and independent operation on encrypted data and also conserve data confidentiality and consistency at cloud level, to eradicate any intermediate server between the client and the cloud database.

Torrieri, D..  2014.  Cyber Maneuvers and Maneuver Keys. Military Communications Conference (MILCOM), 2014 IEEE. :262-267.

This paper presents an overview of cyber maneuvers and their roles in cyber security. As the cyber war escalates, a strategy that preemptively limits and curtails attacks is required. Such a proactive strategy is called a cyber maneuver and is a refinement of the concept of a moving-target defense, which includes both reactive and proactive network changes. The major advantages of cyber maneuvers relative to other moving-target defenses are described. The use of maneuver keys in making cyber maneuvers much more feasible and affordable is explained. As specific examples, the applications of maneuver keys in encryption algorithms and as spread-spectrum keys are described. The integration of cyber maneuvers into a complete cyber security system with intrusion detection, identification of compromised nodes, and secure rekeying is presented. An example of secure rekeying despite the presence of compromised nodes is described.