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Tran, Geoffrey Phi, Walters, John Paul, Crago, Stephen.  2019.  Increased Fault-Tolerance and Real-Time Performance Resiliency for Stream Processing Workloads through Redundancy. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC). :51–55.

Data analytics and telemetry have become paramount to monitoring and maintaining quality-of-service in addition to business analytics. Stream processing-a model where a network of operators receives and processes continuously arriving discrete elements-is well-suited for these needs. Current and previous studies and frameworks have focused on continuity of operations and aggregate performance metrics. However, real-time performance and tail latency are also important. Timing errors caused by either performance or failed communication faults also affect real-time performance more drastically than aggregate metrics. In this paper, we introduce redundancy in the stream data to improve the real-time performance and resiliency to timing errors caused by either performance or failed communication faults. We also address limitations in previous solutions using a fine-grained acknowledgment tracking scheme to both increase the effectiveness for resiliency to performance faults and enable effectiveness for failed communication faults. Our results show that fine-grained acknowledgment schemes can improve the tail and mean latencies by approximately 30%. We also show that these schemes can improve resiliency to performance faults compared to existing work. Our improvements result in 47.4% to 92.9% fewer missed deadlines compared to 17.3% to 50.6% for comparable topologies and redundancy levels in the state of the art. Finally, we show that redundancies of 25% to 100% can reduce the number of data elements that miss their deadline constraints by 0.76% to 14.04% for applications with high fan-out and by 7.45% up to 50% for applications with no fan-out.

Cusack, Greg, Michel, Oliver, Keller, Eric.  2018.  Machine Learning-Based Detection of Ransomware Using SDN. Proceedings of the 2018 ACM International Workshop on Security in Software Defined Networks & Network Function Virtualization. :1–6.
The growth of malware poses a major threat to internet users, governments, and businesses around the world. One of the major types of malware, ransomware, encrypts a user's sensitive information and only returns the original files to the user after a ransom is paid. As malware developers shift the delivery of their product from HTTP to HTTPS to protect themselves from payload inspection, we can no longer rely on deep packet inspection to extract features for malware identification. Toward this goal, we propose a solution leveraging a recent trend in networking hardware, that is programmable forwarding engines (PFEs). PFEs allow collection of per-packet, network monitoring data at high rates. We use this data to monitor the network traffic between an infected computer and the command and control (C&C) server. We extract high-level flow features from this traffic and use this data for ransomware classification. We write a stream processor and use a random forest, binary classifier to utilizes these rich flow records in fingerprinting malicious, network activity without the requirement of deep packet inspection. Our classification model achieves a detection rate in excess of 0.86, while maintaining a false negative rate under 0.11. Our results suggest that a flow-based fingerprinting method is feasible and accurate enough to catch ransomware before encryption.
Suriarachchi, I., Withana, S., Plale, B..  2018.  Big Provenance Stream Processing for Data Intensive Computations. 2018 IEEE 14th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science). :245–255.
In the business and research landscape of today, data analysis consumes public and proprietary data from numerous sources, and utilizes any one or more of popular data-parallel frameworks such as Hadoop, Spark and Flink. In the Data Lake setting these frameworks co-exist. Our earlier work has shown that data provenance in Data Lakes can aid with both traceability and management. The sheer volume of fine-grained provenance generated in a multi-framework application motivates the need for on-the-fly provenance processing. We introduce a new parallel stream processing algorithm that reduces fine-grained provenance while preserving backward and forward provenance. The algorithm is resilient to provenance events arriving out-of-order. It is evaluated using several strategies for partitioning a provenance stream. The evaluation shows that the parallel algorithm performs well in processing out-of-order provenance streams, with good scalability and accuracy.
Havet, Aurélien, Pires, Rafael, Felber, Pascal, Pasin, Marcelo, Rouvoy, Romain, Schiavoni, Valerio.  2017.  SecureStreams: A Reactive Middleware Framework for Secure Data Stream Processing. Proceedings of the 11th ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event-based Systems. :124–133.
The growing adoption of distributed data processing frameworks in a wide diversity of application domains challenges end-to-end integration of properties like security, in particular when considering deployments in the context of large-scale clusters or multi-tenant Cloud infrastructures. This paper therefore introduces SecureStreams, a reactive middleware framework to deploy and process secure streams at scale. Its design combines the high-level reactive dataflow programming paradigm with Intel®'s low-level software guard extensions (SGX) in order to guarantee privacy and integrity of the processed data. The experimental results of SecureStreams are promising: while offering a fluent scripting language based on Lua, our middleware delivers high processing throughput, thus enabling developers to implement secure processing pipelines in just few lines of code.
Anderson, Jeff, El-Ghazawi, Tarek.  2017.  Hardware Support for Secure Stream Processing in Cloud Environments. Proceedings of the Computing Frontiers Conference. :283–286.
Many-core microprocessor architectures are quickly becoming prevalent in data centers, due to their demonstrated processing power and network flexibility. However, this flexibility comes at a cost; co-mingled data from disparate users must be kept secure, which forces processor cycles to be wasted on cryptographic operations. This paper introduces a novel, secure, stream processing architecture which supports efficient homomorphic authentication of data and enforces secrecy of individuals' data. Additionally, this architecture is shown to secure time-series analysis of data from multiple users from both corruption and disclosure. Hardware synthesis shows that security-related circuitry incurs less than 10% overhead, and latency analysis shows an increase of 2 clocks per hop. However, despite the increase in latency, the proposed architecture shows an improvement over stream processing systems that use traditional security methods.
Durbeck, Lisa J. K., Athanas, Peter M., Macias, Nicholas J..  2014.  Secure-by-construction Composable Componentry for Network Processing. Proceedings of the 2014 Symposium and Bootcamp on the Science of Security. :27:1–27:2.

Techniques commonly used for analyzing streaming video, audio, SIGINT, and network transmissions, at less-than-streaming rates, such as data decimation and ad-hoc sampling, can miss underlying structure, trends and specific events held in the data[3]. This work presents a secure-by-construction approach [7] for the upper-end data streams with rates from 10- to 100 Gigabits per second. The secure-by-construction approach strives to produce system security through the composition of individually secure hardware and software components. The proposed network processor can be used not only at data centers but also within networks and onboard embedded systems at the network periphery for a wide range of tasks, including preprocessing and data cleansing, signal encoding and compression, complex event processing, flow analysis, and other tasks related to collecting and analyzing streaming data. Our design employs a four-layer scalable hardware/software stack that can lead to inherently secure, easily constructed specialized high-speed stream processing. This work addresses the following contemporary problems: (1) There is a lack of hardware/software systems providing stream processing and data stream analysis operating at the target data rates; for high-rate streams the implementation options are limited: all-software solutions can't attain the target rates[1]. GPUs and GPGPUs are also infeasible: they were not designed for I/O at 10-100Gbps; they also have asymmetric resources for input and output and thus cannot be pipelined[4, 2], whereas custom chip-based solutions are costly and inflexible to changes, and FPGA-based solutions are historically hard to program[6]; (2) There is a distinct advantage to utilizing high-bandwidth or line-speed analytics to reduce time-to-discovery of information, particularly ones that can be pipelined together to conduct a series of processing tasks or data tests without impeding data rates; (3) There is potentially significant network infrastructure cost savings possible from compact and power-efficient analytic support deployed at the network periphery on the data source or one hop away; (4) There is a need for agile deployment in response to changing objectives; (5) There is an opportunity to constrain designs to use only secure components to achieve their specific objectives. We address these five problems in our stream processor design to provide secure, easily specified processing for low-latency, low-power 10-100Gbps in-line processing on top of a commodity high-end FPGA-based hardware accelerator network processor. With a standard interface a user can snap together various filter blocks, like Legos™, to form a custom processing chain. The overall design is a four-layer solution in which the structurally lowest layer provides the vast computational power to process line-speed streaming packets, and the uppermost layer provides the agility to easily shape the system to the properties of a given application. Current work has focused on design of the two lowest layers, highlighted in the design detail in Figure 1. The two layers shown in Figure 1 are the embeddable portion of the design; these layers, operating at up to 100Gbps, capture both the low- and high frequency components of a signal or stream, analyze them directly, and pass the lower frequency components, residues to the all-software upper layers, Layers 3 and 4; they also optionally supply the data-reduced output up to Layers 3 and 4 for additional processing. Layer 1 is analogous to a systolic array of processors on which simple low-level functions or actions are chained in series[5]. Examples of tasks accomplished at the lowest layer are: (a) check to see if Field 3 of the packet is greater than 5, or (b) count the number of X.75 packets, or (c) select individual fields from data packets. Layer 1 provides the lowest latency, highest throughput processing, analysis and data reduction, formulating raw facts from the stream; Layer 2, also accelerated in hardware and running at full network line rate, combines selected facts from Layer 1, forming a first level of information kernels. Layer 2 is comprised of a number of combiners intended to integrate facts extracted from Layer 1 for presentation to Layer 3. Still resident in FPGA hardware and hardware-accelerated, a Layer 2 combiner is comprised of state logic and soft-core microprocessors. Layer 3 runs in software on a host machine, and is essentially the bridge to the embeddable hardware; this layer exposes an API for the consumption of information kernels to create events and manage state. The generated events and state are also made available to an additional software Layer 4, supplying an interface to traditional software-based systems. As shown in the design detail, network data transitions systolically through Layer 1, through a series of light-weight processing filters that extract and/or modify packet contents. All filters have a similar interface: streams enter from the left, exit the right, and relevant facts are passed upward to Layer 2. The output of the end of the chain in Layer 1 shown in the Figure 1 can be (a) left unconnected (for purely monitoring activities), (b) redirected into the network (for bent pipe operations), or (c) passed to another identical processor, for extended processing on a given stream (scalability).