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Fugkeaw, Somchart, Sanchol, Pattavee.  2021.  Proxy-Assisted Digital Signing Scheme for Mobile Cloud Computing. 2021 13th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST). :78—83.
This paper proposes a lightweight digital signing scheme for supporting document signing on mobile devices connected to cloud computing. We employ elliptic curve (ECC) digital signature algorithm (ECDSA) for key pair generation done at mobile device and introduce outsourced proxy (OSP) to decrypt the encrypted file and compute hash value of the files stored in the cloud system. In our model, a mobile client invokes fixed-sized message digests to be signed with a private key stored in the device and produces the digital signature. Then, the signature is returned to the proxy for embedding it onto the original file. To this end, the trust between proxy and mobile devices is guaranteed by PKI technique. Based on the lightweight property of ECC and the modular design of our OSP, our scheme delivers the practical solution that allows mobile users to create their own digital signatures onto documents in a secure and efficient way. We also present the implementation details including system development and experimental evaluation to demonstrate the efficiency of our proposed system.
Rhunn, Tommy Cha Hweay, Raffei, Anis Farihan Mat, Rahman, Nur Shamsiah Abdul.  2021.  Internet of Things (IoT) Based Door Lock Security System. 2021 International Conference on Software Engineering Computer Systems and 4th International Conference on Computational Science and Information Management (ICSECS-ICOCSIM). :6–9.
A door enables you to enter a room without breaking through a wall. Also, a door enables you for privacy, environmental or security reasons. The problem statement which is the biometric system sometimes is sensitive and will not be able to sense the biological pattern of the employer’s fingerprint due to sweat and other factors. Next, people tend to misplace their key or RFID card. Apart from that, people tend to forget their pin number for a door lock. The objective of this paper is to present a secret knock intensity for door lock security system using Arduino and mobile. This project works by using a knock intensity and send the information to mobile application via wireless network to unlock or lock the door.
Contașel, Cristian, Trancă, Dumitru-Cristian, Pălăcean, Alexandru-Viorel.  2021.  Cloud based mobile application security enforcement using device attestation API. 2021 20th RoEduNet Conference: Networking in Education and Research (RoEduNet). :1–5.
Today the mobile devices are more and more present in our lives, and the mobile applications market has experienced a sharp growth. Most of these applications are made to make our daily lives easier, and for this a large part of them consume various web services. Given this transition, from desktop and web applications to mobile applications, many critical services have begun to expose their APIs for use by such application clients. Unfortunately, this transition has paved the way for new vulnerabilities, vulnerabilities used to compress cloud services. In this article we analyzed the main security problems and how they can be solved using the attestation services, the services that indicate that the device running the application and the client application are genuine.
Sun, P., Garcia, L., Salles-Loustau, G., Zonouz, S..  2020.  Hybrid Firmware Analysis for Known Mobile and IoT Security Vulnerabilities. 2020 50th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN). :373—384.

Mobile and IoT operating systems–and their ensuing software updates–are usually distributed as binary files. Given that these binary files are commonly closed source, users or businesses who want to assess the security of the software need to rely on reverse engineering. Further, verifying the correct application of the latest software patches in a given binary is an open problem. The regular application of software patches is a central pillar for improving mobile and IoT device security. This requires developers, integrators, and vendors to propagate patches to all affected devices in a timely and coordinated fashion. In practice, vendors follow different and sometimes improper security update agendas for both mobile and IoT products. Moreover, previous studies revealed the existence of a hidden patch gap: several vendors falsely reported that they patched vulnerabilities. Therefore, techniques to verify whether vulnerabilities have been patched or not in a given binary are essential. Deep learning approaches have shown to be promising for static binary analyses with respect to inferring binary similarity as well as vulnerability detection. However, these approaches fail to capture the dynamic behavior of these systems, and, as a result, they may inundate the analysis with false positives when performing vulnerability discovery in the wild. In particular, they cannot capture the fine-grained characteristics necessary to distinguish whether a vulnerability has been patched or not. In this paper, we present PATCHECKO, a vulnerability and patch presence detection framework for executable binaries. PATCHECKO relies on a hybrid, cross-platform binary code similarity analysis that combines deep learning-based static binary analysis with dynamic binary analysis. PATCHECKO does not require access to the source code of the target binary nor that of vulnerable functions. We evaluate PATCHECKO on the most recent Google Pixel 2 smartphone and the Android Things IoT firmware images, within which 25 known CVE vulnerabilities have been previously reported and patched. Our deep learning model shows a vulnerability detection accuracy of over 93%. We further prune the candidates found by the deep learning stage–which includes false positives–via dynamic binary analysis. Consequently, PATCHECKO successfully identifies the correct matches among the candidate functions in the top 3 ranked outcomes 100% of the time. Furthermore, PATCHECKO's differential engine distinguishes between functions that are still vulnerable and those that are patched with an accuracy of 96%.

Zhao, Q., Du, P., Gerla, M., Brown, A. J., Kim, J. H..  2018.  Software Defined Multi-Path TCP Solution for Mobile Wireless Tactical Networks. MILCOM 2018 - 2018 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM). :1—9.
Naval Battlefield Network communications rely on wireless network technologies to transmit data between different naval entities, such as ships and shore nodes. Existing naval battle networks heavily depend on the satellite communication system using single-path TCP for reliable, non-interactive data. While satisfactory for traditional use cases, this communication model may be inadequate for outlier cases, such as those arising from satellite failure and wireless signal outage. To promote network stability and assurance in such scenarios, the addition of unmanned aerial vehicles to function as relay points can complement network connectivity and alleviate potential strains in adverse conditions. The inherent mobility of aerial vehicles coupled with existing source node movements, however, leads to frequent network handovers with non-negligible overhead and communication interruption, particularly in the present single-path model. In this paper, we propose a solution based on multi-path TCP and software-defined networking, which, when applied to mobile wireless heterogeneous networks, reduces the network handover delay and improves the total throughput for transmissions among various naval entities at sea and littoral. In case of single link failure, the presence of a connectable relay point maintains TCP connectivity and reduces the risk of service interruption. To validate feasibility and to evaluate performance of our solution, we constructed a Mininet- WiFi emulation testbed. Compared against single-path TCP communication methods, execution of the testbed when configured to use multi-path TCP and UAV relays yields demonstrably more stable network handovers with relatively low overhead, greater reliability of network connectivity, and higher overall end-to-end throughput. Because the SDN global controller dynamically adjusts allocations per user, the solution effectively eliminates link congestion and promotes more efficient bandwidth utilization.
Cedillo, Priscila, Camacho, Jessica, Campos, Karina, Bermeo, Alexandra.  2019.  A Forensics Activity Logger to Extract User Activity from Mobile Devices. 2019 Sixth International Conference on eDemocracy eGovernment (ICEDEG). :286—290.

Nowadays, mobile devices have become one of the most popular instruments used by a person on its regular life, mainly due to the importance of their applications. In that context, mobile devices store user's personal information and even more data, becoming a personal tracker for daily activities that provides important information about the user. Derived from this gathering of information, many tools are available to use on mobile devices, with the restrain that each tool only provides isolated information about a specific application or activity. Therefore, the present work proposes a tool that allows investigators to obtain a complete report and timeline of the activities that were performed on the device. This report incorporates the information provided by many sources into a unique set of data. Also, by means of an example, it is presented the operation of the solution, which shows the feasibility in the use of this tool and shows the way in which investigators have to apply the tool.

Utomo, Subroto Budhi, Hendradjaya, Bayu.  2018.  Multifactor Authentication on Mobile Secure Attendance System. 2018 International Conference on ICT for Smart Society (ICISS). :1–5.
BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) trends allows employees to use the smartphone as a tool in everyday work and also as an attendance device. The security of employee attendance system is important to ensure that employees do not commit fraud in recording attendance and when monitoring activities at working hours. In this paper, we propose a combination of fingerprint, secure android ID, and GPS as authentication factors, also addition of anti emulator and anti fake location module turn Mobile Attendance System into Mobile Secure Attendance System. Testing based on scenarios that have been adapted to various possible frauds is done to prove whether the system can minimize the occurrence of fraud in attendance recording and monitoring of employee activities.
Mohsen, Fadi, Jafaarian, Haadi.  2019.  Raising the Bar Really High: An MTD Approach to Protect Data in Embedded Browsers. 2019 IEEE 43rd Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC). 1:786—794.
The safety of web browsers is essential to the privacy of Internet users and the security of their computing systems. In the last few years, there have been several cyber attacks geared towards compromising surfers' data and systems via exploiting browser-based vulnerabilities. Android and a number of mobile operating systems have been supporting a UI component called WebView, which can be embedded in any mobile application to render the web contents. Yet, this mini-browser component has been found to be vulnerable to various kinds of attacks. For instance, an attacker in her WebView-Embedded app can inject malicious JavaScripts into the WebView to modify the web contents or to steal user's input values. This kind of attack is particularly challenging due to the full control of attackers over the content of the loaded pages. In this paper, we are proposing and testing a server-side moving target defense technique to counter the risk of JavaScript injection attacks on mobile WebViews. The solution entails creating redundant HTML forms, randomizing their attributes and values, and asserting stealthy prompts for the user data. The solution does not dictate any changes to the browser or applications codes, neither it requires key sharing with benign clients. The results of our performance and security analysis suggest that our proposed approach protects the confidentiality and integrity of user input values with minimum overhead.
Cai, Yang, Wang, Yuewu, Lei, Lingguang, Zhou, Quan.  2019.  ALTEE: Constructing Trustworthy Execution Environment for Mobile App Dynamically. 2019 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC). :1–7.
TEE(Trusted Execution Environment) has became one of the most popular security features for mobile platforms. Current TEE solutions usually implement secure functions in Trusted applications (TA) running over a trusted OS in the secure world. Host App may access these secure functions through the TEE driver. Unfortunately, such architecture is not very secure. A trusted OS has to be loaded in secure world to support TA running. Thus, the code size in secure world became large. As more and more TA is installed, the secure code size will be further larger and larger. Lots of real attack case have been reported [1]. In this paper, we present a novel TEE constructing method named ALTEE. Different from existing TEE solutions, ALTEE includes secure code in host app, and constructs a trustworthy execution environment for it dynamically whenever the code needs to be run.
Muszynska, Maria, Michels, Denise, von Zezschwitz, Emanuel.  2018.  Not On My Phone: Exploring Users' Conception of Related Permissions. Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. :LBW508:1–LBW508:6.

Many smartphone security mechanisms prompt users to decide on sensitive resource requests. This approach fails if corresponding implications are not understood. Prior work identified ineffective user interfaces as a cause for insufficient comprehension and proposed augmented dialogs. We hypothesize that, prior to interface-design, efficient security dialogs require an underlying permission model based on user demands. We believe, that only an implementation which corresponds to users\guillemotright mental models, in terms of the handling, granularity and grouping of permission requests, allows for informed decisions. In this work, we propose a study design which leverages materialization for the extraction of the mental models. We present preliminary results of three Focus Groups. The findings indicate that the materialization provided sufficient support for non-experts to understand and discuss this complex topic. In addition to this, the results indicate that current permission approaches do not match users\guillemotright demands for information and control.

Razaghpanah, Abbas, Niaki, Arian Akhavan, Vallina-Rodriguez, Narseo, Sundaresan, Srikanth, Amann, Johanna, Gill, Philippa.  2018.  Studying TLS Usage in Android Apps. Proceedings of the Applied Networking Research Workshop. :5–5.

First standardized by the IETF in the 1990's, SSL/TLS is the most widely-used encryption protocol on the Internet. This makes it imperative to study its usage across different platforms and applications to ensure proper usage and robustness against attacks and vulnerabilities. While previous efforts have focused on the usage of TLS in the desktop ecosystem, there have been no studies of TLS usage by mobile apps at scale. In our study, we use anonymized data collected by the Lumen mobile measurement app to analyze TLS usage by Android apps in the wild. We analyze and fingerprint handshake messages to characterize the TLS APIs and libraries that apps use, and evaluate their weaknesses. We find that 84% of apps use the default TLS libraries provided by the operating system, and the remaining apps use other TLS libraries for various reasons such as using TLS extensions and features that are not supported by the Android TLS libraries, some of which are also not standardized by the IETF. Our analysis reveals the strengths and weaknesses of each approach, demonstrating that the path to improving TLS security in the mobile platform is not straightforward. Based on work published at: Abbas Razaghpanah, Arian Akhavan Niaki, Narseo Vallina-Rodriguez, Srikanth Sundaresan, Johanna Amann, and Phillipa Gill. 2017. Studying TLS Usage in Android Apps. In Proceedings of CoNEXT '17. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 13 pages.

Razaghpanah, Abbas, Niaki, Arian Akhavan, Vallina-Rodriguez, Narseo, Sundaresan, Srikanth, Amann, Johanna, Gill, Phillipa.  2017.  Studying TLS Usage in Android Apps. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies. :350–362.

Transport Layer Security (TLS), has become the de-facto standard for secure Internet communication. When used correctly, it provides secure data transfer, but used incorrectly, it can leave users vulnerable to attacks while giving them a false sense of security. Numerous efforts have studied the adoption of TLS (and its predecessor, SSL) and its use in the desktop ecosystem, attacks, and vulnerabilities in both desktop clients and servers. However, there is a dearth of knowledge of how TLS is used in mobile platforms. In this paper we use data collected by Lumen, a mobile measurement platform, to analyze how 7,258 Android apps use TLS in the wild. We analyze and fingerprint handshake messages to characterize the TLS APIs and libraries that apps use, and also evaluate weaknesses. We see that about 84% of apps use default OS APIs for TLS. Many apps use third-party TLS libraries; in some cases they are forced to do so because of restricted Android capabilities. Our analysis shows that both approaches have limitations, and that improving TLS security in mobile is not straightforward. Apps that use their own TLS configurations may have vulnerabilities due to developer inexperience, but apps that use OS defaults are vulnerable to certain attacks if the OS is out of date, even if the apps themselves are up to date. We also study certificate verification, and see low prevalence of security measures such as certificate pinning, even among high-risk apps such as those providing financial services, though we did observe major third-party tracking and advertisement services deploying certificate pinning.

Martinelli, Fabio, Mercaldo, Francesco, Nardone, Vittoria, Santone, Antonella.  2017.  How Discover a Malware Using Model Checking. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :902–904.

Android operating system is constantly overwhelmed by new sophisticated threats and new zero-day attacks. While aggressive malware, for instance malicious behaviors able to cipher data files or lock the GUI, are not worried to circumvention users by infection (that can try to disinfect the device), there exist malware with the aim to perform malicious actions stealthy, i.e., trying to not manifest their presence to the users. This kind of malware is less recognizable, because users are not aware of their presence. In this paper we propose FormalDroid, a tool able to detect silent malicious beaviours and to localize the malicious payload in Android application. Evaluating real-world malware samples we obtain an accuracy equal to 0.94.

Baluda, Mauro, Pistoia, Marco, Castro, Paul, Tripp, Omer.  2016.  A Framework for Automatic Anomaly Detection in Mobile Applications. Proceedings of the International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems. :297–298.
It is standard practice in enterprises to analyze large amounts of logs to detect software failures and malicious behaviors. Mobile applications pose a major challenge to centralized monitoring as network and storage limitations prevent fine-grained logs to be stored and transferred for off-line analysis. In this paper we introduce EMMA, a framework for automatic anomaly detection that enables security analysis as well as in-the-field quality assurance for enterprise mobile applications, and incurs minimal overhead for data exchange with a back-end monitoring platform. EMMA instruments binary applications with a lightweight anomaly-detection layer that reveals failures and security threats directly on mobile devices, thus enabling corrective measures to be taken promptly even when the device is disconnected. In our empirical evaluation, EMMA detected failures in unmodified Android mobile applications.
Lee, Won-Jong, Hwang, Seok Joong, Shin, Youngsam, Ryu, Soojung, Ihm, Insung.  2016.  Adaptive Multi-rate Ray Sampling on Mobile Ray Tracing GPU. SIGGRAPH ASIA 2016 Mobile Graphics and Interactive Applications. :3:1–3:6.
We present an adaptive multi-rate ray sampling algorithm targeting mobile ray-tracing GPUs. We efficiently combine two existing algorithms, adaptive supersampling and undersampling, into a single framework targeting ray-tracing GPUs and extend it to a new multi-rate sampling scheme by utilizing tile-based rendering and frame-to-frame coherency. The experimental results show that our implementation is a versatile solution for future ray-tracing GPUs as it provides up to 2.98 times better efficiency in terms of performance per Watt by reducing the number of rays to be fed into the dedicated hardware and minimizing the memory operations.
Wang, Jing, Wang, Na, Jin, Hongxia.  2016.  Context Matters?: How Adding the Obfuscation Option Affects End Users' Data Disclosure Decisions Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces. :299–304.

Recent advancement of smart devices and wearable tech-nologies greatly enlarges the variety of personal data people can track. Applications and services can leverage such data to provide better life support, but also impose privacy and security threats. Obfuscation schemes, consequently, have been developed to retain data access while mitigate risks. Compared to offering choices of releasing raw data and not releasing at all, we examine the effect of adding a data obfuscation option on users' disclosure decisions when configuring applications' access, and how that effect varies with data types and application contexts. Our online user experiment shows that users are less likely to block data access when the obfuscation option is available except for locations. This effect significantly differs between applications for domain-specific dynamic tracking data, but not for generic personal traits. We further unpack the role of context and discuss the design opportunities.

Atwater, Erinn, Hengartner, Urs.  2016.  Shatter: Using Threshold Cryptography to Protect Single Users with Multiple Devices. Proceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Security & Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks. :91–102.

The average computer user is no longer restricted to one device. They may have several devices and expect their applications to work on all of them. A challenge arises when these applications need the cryptographic private key of the devices' owner. Here the device owner typically has to manage keys manually with a "keychain" app, which leads to private keys being transferred insecurely between devices – or even to other people. Even with intuitive synchronization mechanisms, theft and malware still pose a major risk to keys. Phones and watches are frequently removed or set down, and a single compromised device leads to the loss of the owner's private key, a catastrophic failure that can be quite difficult to recover from. We introduce Shatter, an open-source framework that runs on desktops, Android, and Android Wear, and performs key distribution on a user's behalf. Shatter uses threshold cryptography to turn the security weakness of having multiple devices into a strength. Apps that delegate cryptographic operations to Shatter have their keys compromised only when a threshold number of devices are compromised by the same attacker. We demonstrate how our framework operates with two popular Android apps (protecting identity keys for a messaging app, and encryption keys for a note-taking app) in a backwards-compatible manner: only Shatter users need to move to a Shatter-aware version of the app. Shatter has minimal impact on app performance, with signatures and decryption being calculated in 0.5s and security proofs in 14s.

Schweitzer, Nadav, Stulman, Ariel, Shabtai, Asaf.  2016.  Neighbor Contamination to Achieve Complete Bottleneck Control. Proceedings of the 19th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems. :247–253.

Black-holes, gray-holes and, wormholes, are devastating to the correct operation of any network. These attacks (among others) are based on the premise that packets will travel through compromised nodes, and methods exist to coax routing into these traps. Detection of these attacks are mainly centered around finding the subversion in action. In networks, bottleneck nodes -- those that sit on many potential routes between sender and receiver -- are an optimal location for compromise. Finding naturally occurring path bottlenecks, however, does not entitle network subversion, and as such are more difficult to detect. The dynamic nature of mobile ad-hoc networks (manets) causes ubiquitous routing algorithms to be even more susceptible to this class of attacks. Finding perceived bottlenecks in an olsr based manet, is able to capture between 50%-75% of data. In this paper we propose a method of subtly expanding perceived bottlenecks into complete bottlenecks, raising capture rate up to 99%; albeit, at high cost. We further tune the method to reduce cost, and measure the corresponding capture rate.

Rastogi, V., Yan Chen, Xuxian Jiang.  2014.  Catch Me If You Can: Evaluating Android Anti-Malware Against Transformation Attacks. Information Forensics and Security, IEEE Transactions on. 9:99-108.

Mobile malware threats (e.g., on Android) have recently become a real concern. In this paper, we evaluate the state-of-the-art commercial mobile anti-malware products for Android and test how resistant they are against various common obfuscation techniques (even with known malware). Such an evaluation is important for not only measuring the available defense against mobile malware threats, but also proposing effective, next-generation solutions. We developed DroidChameleon, a systematic framework with various transformation techniques, and used it for our study. Our results on 10 popular commercial anti-malware applications for Android are worrisome: none of these tools is resistant against common malware transformation techniques. In addition, a majority of them can be trivially defeated by applying slight transformation over known malware with little effort for malware authors. Finally, in light of our results, we propose possible remedies for improving the current state of malware detection on mobile devices.

Liu, Qian, Bae, Juhee, Watson, Benjamin, McLaughhlin, Anne, Enck, William.  2014.  Modeling and Sensing Risky User Behavior on Mobile Devices. Proceedings of the 2014 Symposium and Bootcamp on the Science of Security. :33:1–33:2.

As mobile technology begins to dominate computing, understanding how their use impacts security becomes increasingly important. Fortunately, this challenge is also an opportunity: the rich set of sensors with which most mobile devices are equipped provide a rich contextual dataset, one that should enable mobile user behavior to be modeled well enough to predict when users are likely to act insecurely, and provide cognitively grounded explanations of those behaviors. We will evaluate this hypothesis with a series of experiments designed first to confirm that mobile sensor data can reliably predict user stress, and that users experiencing such stress are more likely to act insecurely.