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Daoud, Luka, Rafla, Nader.  2022.  Energy-Efficient Black Hole Router Detection in Network-on-Chip. 2022 IEEE 35th International System-on-Chip Conference (SOCC). :1–6.
The Network-on-Chip (NoC) is the communication heart in Multiprocessors System-on-Chip (MPSoC). It offers an efficient and scalable interconnection platform, which makes it a focal point of potential security threats. Due to outsourcing design, the NoC can be infected with a malicious circuit, known as Hardware Trojan (HT), to leak sensitive information or degrade the system’s performance and function. An HT can form a security threat by consciously dropping packets from the NoC, structuring a Black Hole Router (BHR) attack. This paper presents an end-to-end secure interconnection network against the BHR attack. The proposed scheme is energy-efficient to detect the BHR in runtime with 1% and 2% average throughput and energy consumption overheads, respectively.
Wang, Yuze, Liu, Peng, Han, Xiaoxia, Jiang, Yingtao.  2021.  Hardware Trojan Detection Method for Inspecting Integrated Circuits Based on Machine Learning. 2021 22nd International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED). :432–436.
Nowadays malicious vendors can easily insert hardware Trojans into integrated circuit chips as the entire integrated chip supply chain involves numerous design houses and manufacturers on a global scale. It is thereby becoming a necessity to expose any possible hardware Trojans, if they ever exist in a chip. A typical Trojan circuit is made of a trigger and a payload that are interconnected with a trigger net. As trigger net can be viewed as the signature of a hardware Trojan, in this paper, we propose a gate-level hardware Trojan detection method and model that can be applied to screen the entire chip for trigger nets. In specific, we extract the trigger-net features for each net from known netlists and use the machine learning method to train multiple detection models according to the trigger modes. The detection models are used to identify suspicious trigger nets from the netlist of the integrated circuit under detection, and score each net in terms of suspiciousness value. By flagging the top 2% suspicious nets with the highest suspiciousness values, we shall be able to detect majority hardware Trojans, with an average accuracy rate of 96%.
Krishnamoorthy, Raja, Kalaivaani, P.T., Jackson, Beulah.  2019.  Test methodology for detecting short-channel faults in network on- chip networks using IOT. 2019 3rd International conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA). :1406—1417.
The NOC Network on chip provides better performance and scalability communication structures point-to-point signal node, shared through bus architecture. Information analysis of method using the IOT termination, as the energy consumed in this regard reduces and reduces the network load but it also displays safety concerns because the valuation data is stored or transmitted to the network in various stages of the node. Using encryption to protect data on the area of network-on-chip Analysis Machine is a way to solve data security issues. We propose a Network on chip based on a combined multicore cluster with special packages for computing-intensive data processing and encryption functionality and support for software, in a tight power envelope for analyzing and coordinating integrated encryption. Programming for regular computing tasks is the challenge of efficient and secure data analysis for IOT end-end applications while providing full-functionality with high efficiency and low power to satisfy the needs of multiple processing applications. Applications provide a substantial parallel, so they can also use NOC's ability. Applications must compose in. This system controls the movement of the packets through the network. As network on chip (NOC) systems become more prevalent in the processing unit. Routers and interconnection networks are the main components of NOC. This system controls the movement of packets over the network. Chip (NOC) networks are very backward for the network processing unit. Guides and Link Networks are critical elements of the NOC. Therefore, these areas require less access and power consumption, so we can better understand environmental and energy transactions. In this manner, a low-area and efficient NOC framework were proposed by removing virtual channels.
Lian, Mengyun, Wang, Jian, Lu, Jinzhi.  2018.  A New Hardware Logic Circuit for Evaluating Multi-Processor Chip Security. 2018 Eighth International Conference on Instrumentation Measurement, Computer, Communication and Control (IMCCC). :1571—1574.
NoC (Network-on-Chip) is widely considered and researched by academic communities as a new inter-core interconnection method that replaces the bus. Nowadays, the complexity of on-chip systems is increasing, requiring better communication performance and scalability. Therefore, the optimization of communication performance has become one of the research hotspots. While the NoC is rapidly developing, it is threatened by hardware Trojans inserted during the design or manufacturing processes. This leads to that the attackers can exploit NoC's vulnerability to attack the on-chip systems. To solve the problem, we design and implement a replay-type hardware Trojan inserted into the NoC, aiming to provide a benchmark test set to promote the defense strategies for NoC hardware security. The experiment proves that the power consumption of the designed Trojan accounts for less than one thousandth of the entire NoC power consumption and area. Besides, simulation experiments reveal that this replaytype hardware Trojan can reduce the network throughput.
Lebiednik, Brian, Abadal, Sergi, Kwon, Hyoukjun, Krishna, Tushar.  2018.  Architecting a Secure Wireless Network-on-Chip. 2018 Twelfth IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip (NOCS). :1—8.

With increasing integration in SoCs, the Network-on-Chip (NoC) connecting cores and accelerators is of paramount importance to provide low-latency and high-throughput communication. Due to limits to scaling of electrical wires in terms of energy and delay, especially for long multi-mm distances on-chip, alternate technologies such as Wireless Network-on-Chip (WNoC) have shown promise. WNoCs can provide low-latency one-hop broadcasts across the entire chip and can augment point-to-point multi-hop signaling over traditional wired NoCs. Thus, there has been a recent surge in research demonstrating the performance and energy benefits of WNoCs. However, little to no work has studied the additional security and fault tolerance challenges that are unique to WNoCs. In this work, we study potential threats related to denial-of-service, spoofing, and eavesdropping attacks in WNoCs, due to malicious hardware trojans or faulty wireless components. We introduce Prometheus, a dropin solution inside the network interface that provides protection from all three attacks, while adhering to the strict area, power and latency constraints of on-chip systems.

Ajaei, F. Badrkhani, Mohammadi, J., Stevens, G., Akhavan, E..  2019.  Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid Configurations for a Net-Zero Energy Community. 2019 IEEE/IAS 55th Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Technical Conference (I CPS). :1–7.

The hybrid microgrid is attracting great attention in recent years as it combines the main advantages of the alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) microgrids. It is one of the best candidates to support a net-zero energy community. Thus, this paper investigates and compares different hybrid AC/DC microgrid configurations that are suitable for a net-zero energy community. Four different configurations are compared with each other in terms of their impacts on the overall system reliability, expandability, load shedding requirements, power sharing issues, net-zero energy capability, number of the required interface converters, and the requirement of costly medium-voltage components. The results of the investigations indicate that the best results are achieved when each building is enabled to supply its critical loads using an independent AC microgrid that is interfaced to the DC microgrid through a dedicated interface converter.

Esirci, F. N., Bayrakci, A. A..  2017.  Hardware Trojan Detection Based on Correlated Path Delays in Defiance of Variations with Spatial Correlations. Design, Automation Test in Europe Conference Exhibition (DATE), 2017. :163–168.

Hardware Trojan (HT) detection methods based on the side channel analysis deeply suffer from the process variations. In order to suppress the effect of the variations, we devise a method that smartly selects two highly correlated paths for each interconnect (edge) that is suspected to have an HT on it. First path is the shortest one passing through the suspected edge and the second one is a path that is highly correlated with the first one. Delay ratio of these paths avails the detection of the HT inserted circuits. Test results reveal that the method enables the detection of even the minimally invasive Trojans in spite of both inter and intra die variations with the spatial correlations.

Yang, Y., Wu, L., Zhang, X., He, J..  2017.  A Novel Hardware Trojan Detection with Chip ID Based on Relative Time Delays. 2017 11th IEEE International Conference on Anti-Counterfeiting, Security, and Identification (ASID). :163–167.

This paper introduces a hardware Trojan detection method using Chip ID which is generated by Relative Time-Delays (RTD) of sensor chains and the effectiveness of RTD is verified by post-layout simulations. The rank of time-delays of the sensor chains would be changed in Trojan-inserted chip. RTD is an accurate approach targeting to all kinds of Trojans, since it is based on the RELATIVE relationship between the time-delays rather than the absolute values, which are hard to be measured and will change with the fabricate process. RTD needs no golden chip, because the RELATIVE values would not change in most situations. Thus the genuine ID can be generated by simulator. The sensor chains can be inserted into a layout utilizing unused spaces, so RTD is a low-cost solution. A Trojan with 4x minimum NMOS is placed in different places of the chip. The behavior of the chip is obtained by using transient based post-layout simulation. All the Trojans are detected AND located, thus the effectiveness of RTD is verified.

Raiola, P., Erb, D., Reddy, S. M., Becker, B..  2017.  Accurate Diagnosis of Interconnect Open Defects Based on the Robust Enhanced Aggressor Victim Model. 2017 30th International Conference on VLSI Design and 2017 16th International Conference on Embedded Systems (VLSID). :135–140.

Interconnect opens are known to be one of the predominant defects in nanoscale technologies. Automatic test pattern generation for open faults is challenging, because of their rather unstable behavior and the numerous electrical parameters which need to be considered. Thus, most approaches try to avoid accurate modeling of all constraints like the influence of the aggressors on the open net and use simplified fault models in order to detect as many faults as possible or make assumptions which decrease both complexity and accuracy. Yet, this leads to the problem that not only generated tests may be invalidated but also the localization of a specific fault may fail - in case such a model is used as basis for diagnosis. Furthermore, most of the models do not consider the problem of oscillating behavior, caused by feedback introduced by coupling capacitances, which occurs in almost all designs. In [1], the Robust Enhanced Aggressor Victim Model (REAV) and in [2] an extension to address the problem of oscillating behavior were introduced. The resulting model does not only consider the influence of all aggressors accurately but also guarantees robustness against oscillating behavior as well as process variations affecting the thresholds of gates driven by an open interconnect. In this work we present the first diagnostic classification algorithm for this model. This algorithm considers all constraints enforced by the REAV model accurately - and hence handles unknown values as well as oscillating behavior. In addition, it allows to distinguish faults at the same interconnect and thus reducing the area that has to be considered for physical failure analysis. Experimental results show the high efficiency of the new method handling circuits with up to 500,000 non-equivalent faults and considerably increasing the diagnostic resolution.

Yuankai Chen, Xuan Zeng, Hai Zhou.  2014.  Recovery-based resilient latency-insensitive systems. Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition (DATE), 2014. :1-6.

As the interconnect delay is becoming a larger fraction of the clock cycle time, the conventional global stalling mechanism, which is used to correct error in general synchronous circuits, would be no longer feasible because of the expensive timing cost for the stalling signal to travel across the circuit. In this paper, we propose recovery-based resilient latency-insensitive systems (RLISs) that efficiently integrate error-recovery techniques with latency-insensitive design to replace the global stalling. We first demonstrate a baseline RLIS as the motivation of our work that uses additional output buffer which guarantees that only correct data can enter the output channel. However this baseline RLIS suffers from performance degradations even when errors do not occur. We propose a novel improved RLIS that allows erroneous data to propagate in the system. Equipped with improved queues that prevent accumulation of erroneous data, the improved RLIS retains the system performance. We provide theoretical study that analyzes the impact of errors on system performance and the queue sizing problem. We also theoretically prove that the improved RLIS performs no worse than the global stalling mechanism. Experimental results show that the improved RLIS has 40.3% and even 3.1% throughput improvements compared to the baseline RLIS and the infeasible global stalling mechanism respectively, with less than 10% hardware overhead.

Han Huang, Jun Zhang, Guanglong Xie.  2014.  RESEARCH on the future functions and MODALITY of smart grid and its key technologies. Electricity Distribution (CICED), 2014 China International Conference on. :1241-1245.

Power network is important part of national comprehensive energy resources transmission system in the way of energy security promise and the economy society running. Meanwhile, because of many industries involved, the development of grid can push national innovation ability. Nowadays, it makes the inner of smart grid flourish that material science, computer technique and information and communication technology go forward. This paper researches the function and modality of smart grid on energy, geography and technology dimensions. The analysis on the technology dimension is addressed on two aspects which are network control and interaction with customer. The mapping relationship between functions fo smart grid and eight key technologies, which are Large-capacity flexible transmission technology, DC power distribution technology, Distributed power generation technology, Large-scale energy storage technology, Real-time tracking simulation technology, Intelligent electricity application technology, The big data analysis and cloud computing technology, Wide-area situational awareness technology, is given. The research emphasis of the key technologies is proposed.