The need for security1 continues to grow in distributed computing. Today's security solutions require greater scalability and convenience in cloud-computing architectures, in addition to the ability to store and process larger volumes of data to address very sophisticated attacks. This paper explores some of the existing architectures for big data intelligence analytics, and proposes an architecture that promises to provide greater security for data intensive environments. The architecture is designed to leverage the wealth in the multi-source information for security intelligence.
Machine learning algorithms including Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have shown great success in many different areas. However, they are frequently susceptible to adversarial examples, which are maliciously crafted inputs to fool machine learning classifiers. On the other hand, humans cannot distinguish between non-adversarial and adversarial inputs. In this work, we focus on creating adversarial examples to change the polarity of positive and negative reviews with Amazon product review dataset. We introduce a simple heuristics algorithm to construct adversarial product reviews by replacing words with semantically and synthetically similar synonyms. We evaluate our approach against the state-of-the-art CNN-BLSTM classifier. Our preliminary results show the performance drop of the classifier against the adversarial examples. We also present the defense mechanism using adversarial training.
Nowadays Internet services have dramatically changed the way people interact with each other and many of our daily activities are supported by those services. Statistical indicators show that more than half of the world's population uses the Internet generating about 2.5 quintillion bytes of data on daily basis. While such a huge amount of data is useful in a number of fields, such as in medical and transportation systems, it also poses unprecedented threats for user's privacy. This is aggravated by the excessive data collection and user profiling activities of service providers. Yet, regulation require service providers to inform users about their data collection and processing practices. The de facto way of informing users about these practices is through the use of privacy policies. Unfortunately, privacy policies suffer from bad readability and other complexities which make them unusable for the intended purpose. To address this issue, we introduce PrivacyGuide, a privacy policy summarization tool inspired by the European Union (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and based on machine learning and natural language processing techniques. Our results show that PrivacyGuide is able to classify privacy policy content into eleven privacy aspects with a weighted average accuracy of 74% and further shed light on the associated risk level with an accuracy of 90%. This article is summarized in: the morning paper an interesting/influential/important paper from the world of CS every weekday morning, as selected by Adrian Colyer
Knowledge work such as summarizing related research in preparation for writing, typically requires the extraction of useful information from scientific literature. Nowadays the primary source of information for researchers comes from electronic documents available on the Web, accessible through general and academic search engines such as Google Scholar or IEEE Xplore. Yet, the vast amount of resources makes retrieving only the most relevant results a difficult task. As a consequence, researchers are often confronted with loads of low-quality or irrelevant content. To address this issue we introduce a novel system, which combines a rich, interactive Web-based user interface and different visualization approaches. This system enables researchers to identify key phrases matching current information needs and spot potentially relevant literature within hierarchical document collections. The chosen context was the collection and summarization of related work in preparation for scientific writing, thus the system supports features such as bibliography and citation management, document metadata extraction and a text editor. This paper introduces the design rationale and components of the PaperViz. Moreover, we report the insights gathered in a formative design study addressing usability.
Text analytics systems often rely heavily on detecting and linking entity mentions in documents to knowledge bases for downstream applications such as sentiment analysis, question answering and recommender systems. A major challenge for this task is to be able to accurately detect entities in new languages with limited labeled resources. In this paper we present an accurate and lightweight, multilingual named entity recognition (NER) and linking (NEL) system. The contributions of this paper are three-fold: 1) Lightweight named entity recognition with competitive accuracy; 2) Candidate entity retrieval that uses search click-log data and entity embeddings to achieve high precision with a low memory footprint; and 3) efficient entity disambiguation. Our system achieves state-of-the-art performance on TAC KBP 2013 multilingual data and on English AIDA CONLL data.
Labeled datasets are always limited, and oftentimes the quantity of labeled data is a bottleneck for data analytics. This especially affects supervised machine learning methods, which require labels for models to learn from the labeled data. Active learning algorithms have been proposed to help achieve good analytic models with limited labeling efforts, by determining which additional instance labels will be most beneficial for learning for a given model. Active learning is consistent with interactive analytics as it proceeds in a cycle in which the unlabeled data is automatically explored. However, in active learning users have no control of the instances to be labeled, and for text data, the annotation interface is usually document only. Both of these constraints seem to affect the performance of an active learning model. We hypothesize that visualization techniques, particularly interactive ones, will help to address these constraints. In this paper, we implement a pilot study of visualization in active learning for text classification, with an interactive labeling interface. We compare the results of three experiments. Early results indicate that visualization improves high-performance machine learning model building with an active learning algorithm.
The applications of 3D Virtual Environments are taking giant leaps with more sophisticated 3D user interfaces and immersive technologies. Interactive 3D and Virtual Reality platforms present a great opportunity for data analytics and can represent large amounts of data to help humans in decision making and insight. For any of the above to be effective, it is essential to understand the characteristics of these interfaces in displaying different types of content. Text is an essential and widespread content and legibility acts as an important criterion to determine the style, size and quantity of the text to be displayed. This study evaluates the maximum amount of text per visual angle, that is, the maximum density of text that will be legible in a virtual environment displayed on different platforms. We used Extensible 3D (X3D) to provide the portable (cross-platform) stimuli. The results presented here are based on a user study conducted in DeepSix (a tiled LCD display with 5750×2400 resolution) and the Hypercube (an immersive CAVE-style active stereo projection system with three walls and floor at 2560×2560 pixels active stereo per wall). We found that more legible text can be displayed on an immersive projection due to its larger Field of Regard; in the immersive case, stereo versus monoscopic rendering did not have a significant effect on legibility.
Information technology graduates reach industry and innovate for the future after completing demanding degrees. Upper division college courses require long hours of work on class projects and exams. Some students have hopes of completing their degrees, but are deterred due to many different issues. Instructors can monitor students' progress based on their assignments, projects, and exams. Judging students' understanding and potential for success becomes more difficult when handling large classes. In this paper we utilize IBM Text Analytics Web Tooling on large amounts of unstructured text data collected from past assignments, exams, and discussions to help professors make assessments faster for large classes. In particular, we focus on an Information Security course offered at San Jose State University and use its classroom-generated data to determine if the extracted information provides strong insights for professors to help struggling students. We examine these issues through exploratory analysis.
Autoencoders have been successful in learning meaningful representations from image datasets. However, their performance on text datasets has not been widely studied. Traditional autoencoders tend to learn possibly trivial representations of text documents due to their confoundin properties such as high-dimensionality, sparsity and power-law word distributions. In this paper, we propose a novel k-competitive autoencoder, called KATE, for text documents. Due to the competition between the neurons in the hidden layer, each neuron becomes specialized in recognizing specific data patterns, and overall the model can learn meaningful representations of textual data. A comprehensive set of experiments show that KATE can learn better representations than traditional autoencoders including denoising, contractive, variational, and k-sparse autoencoders. Our model also outperforms deep generative models, probabilistic topic models, and even word representation models (e.g., Word2Vec) in terms of several downstream tasks such as document classification, regression, and retrieval.
Social media has become an important platform for people to express opinions, share information and communicate with others. Detecting and tracking topics from social media can help people grasp essential information and facilitate many security-related applications. As social media texts are usually short, traditional topic evolution models built based on LDA or HDP often suffer from the data sparsity problem. Recently proposed topic evolution models are more suitable for short texts, but they need to manually specify topic number which is fixed during different time period. To address these issues, in this paper, we propose a nonparametric topic evolution model for social media short texts. We first propose the recurrent semantic dependent Chinese restaurant process (rsdCRP), which is a nonparametric process incorporating word embeddings to capture semantic similarity information. Then we combine rsdCRP with word co-occurrence modeling and build our short-text oriented topic evolution model sdTEM. We carry out experimental studies on Twitter dataset. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method to monitor social media topic evolution compared to the baseline methods.
Guidelines, directives, and policy statements are usually presented in ``linear'' text form - word after word, page after page. However necessary, this practice impedes full understanding, obscures feedback dynamics, hides mutual dependencies and cascading effects and the like, - even when augmented with tables and diagrams. The net result is often a checklist response as an end in itself. All this creates barriers to intended realization of guidelines and undermines potential effectiveness. We present a solution strategy using text as ``data'', transforming text into a structured model, and generate a network views of the text(s), that we then can use for vulnerability mapping, risk assessments and control point analysis. We apply this approach using two NIST reports on cybersecurity of smart grid, more than 600 pages of text. Here we provide a synopsis of approach, methods, and tools. (Elsewhere we consider (a) system-wide level, (b) aviation e-landscape, (c) electric vehicles, and (d) SCADA for smart grid).
In our era, most of the communication between people is realized in the form of electronic messages and especially through smart mobile devices. As such, the written text exchanged suffers from bad use of punctuation, misspelling words, continuous chunk of several words without spaces, tables, internet addresses etc. which make traditional text analytics methods difficult or impossible to be applied without serious effort to clean the dataset. Our proposed method in this paper can work in massive noisy and scrambled texts with minimal preprocessing by removing special characters and spaces in order to create a continuous string and detect all the repeated patterns very efficiently using the Longest Expected Repeated Pattern Reduced Suffix Array (LERP-RSA) data structure and a variant of All Repeated Patterns Detection (ARPaD) algorithm. Meta-analyses of the results can further assist a digital forensics investigator to detect important information to the chunk of text analyzed.
Critical information systems strongly rely on event logging techniques to collect data, such as housekeeping/error events, execution traces and dumps of variables, into unstructured text logs. Event logs are the primary source to gain actionable intelligence from production systems. In spite of the recognized importance, system/application logs remain quite underutilized in security analytics when compared to conventional and structured data sources, such as audit traces, network flows and intrusion detection logs. This paper proposes a method to measure the occurrence of interesting activity (i.e., entries that should be followed up by analysts) within textual and heterogeneous runtime log streams. We use an entropy-based approach, which makes no assumptions on the structure of underlying log entries. Measurements have been done in a real-world Air Traffic Control information system through a data analytics framework. Experiments suggest that our entropy-based method represents a valuable complement to security analytics solutions.
Data analytics is being increasingly used in cyber-security problems, and found to be useful in cases where data volumes and heterogeneity make it cumbersome for manual assessment by security experts. In practical cyber-security scenarios involving data-driven analytics, obtaining data with annotations (i.e. ground-truth labels) is a challenging and known limiting factor for many supervised security analytics task. Significant portions of the large datasets typically remain unlabelled, as the task of annotation is extensively manual and requires a huge amount of expert intervention. In this paper, we propose an effective active learning approach that can efficiently address this limitation in a practical cyber-security problem of Phishing categorization, whereby we use a human-machine collaborative approach to design a semi-supervised solution. An initial classifier is learnt on a small amount of the annotated data which in an iterative manner, is then gradually updated by shortlisting only relevant samples from the large pool of unlabelled data that are most likely to influence the classifier performance fast. Prioritized Active Learning shows a significant promise to achieve faster convergence in terms of the classification performance in a batch learning framework, and thus requiring even lesser effort for human annotation. An useful feature weight update technique combined with active learning shows promising classification performance for categorizing Phishing/malicious URLs without requiring a large amount of annotated training samples to be available during training. In experiments with several collections of PhishMonger's Targeted Brand dataset, the proposed method shows significant improvement over the baseline by as much as 12%.
Computing systems that make security decisions often fail to take into account human expectations. This failure occurs because human expectations are typically drawn from in textual sources (e.g., mobile application description and requirements documents) and are hard to extract and codify. Recently, researchers in security and software engineering have begun using text analytics to create initial models of human expectation. In this tutorial, we provide an introduction to popular techniques and tools of natural language processing (NLP) and text mining, and share our experiences in applying text analytics to security problems. We also highlight the current challenges of applying these techniques and tools for addressing security problems. We conclude the tutorial with discussion of future research directions.
Modern information extraction pipelines are typically constructed by (1) loading textual data from a database into a special-purpose application, (2) applying a myriad of text-analytics functions to the text, which produce a structured relational table, and (3) storing this table in a database. Obviously, this approach can lead to laborious development processes, complex and tangled programs, and inefficient control flows. Towards solving these deficiencies, we embark on an effort to lay the foundations of a new generation of text-centric database management systems. Concretely, we extend the relational model by incorporating into it the theory of document spanners which provides the means and methods for the model to engage the Information Extraction (IE) tasks. This extended model, called Spannerlog, provides a novel declarative method for defining and manipulating textual data, which makes possible the automation of the typical work method described above. In addition to formally defining Spannerlog and illustrating its usefulness for IE tasks, we also report on initial results concerning its expressive power.
In many domains, a plethora of textual information is available on the web as news reports, blog posts, community portals, etc. Information extraction (IE) is the default technique to turn unstructured text into structured fact databases, but systematically applying IE techniques to web input requires highly complex systems, starting from focused crawlers over quality assurance methods to cope with the HTML input to long pipelines of natural language processing and IE algorithms. Although a number of tools for each of these steps exists, their seamless, flexible, and scalable combination into a web scale end-to-end text analytics system still is a true challenge. In this paper, we report our experiences from building such a system for comparing the "web view" on health related topics with that derived from a controlled scientific corpus, i.e., Medline. The system combines a focused crawler, applying shallow text analysis and classification to maintain focus, with a sophisticated text analytic engine inside the Big Data processing system Stratosphere. We describe a practical approach to seed generation which led us crawl a corpus of \textasciitilde1 TB web pages highly enriched for the biomedical domain. Pages were run through a complex pipeline of best-of-breed tools for a multitude of necessary tasks, such as HTML repair, boilerplate detection, sentence detection, linguistic annotation, parsing, and eventually named entity recognition for several types of entities. Results are compared with those from running the same pipeline (without the web-related tasks) on a corpus of 24 million scientific abstracts and a third corpus made of \textasciitilde250K scientific full texts. We evaluate scalability, quality, and robustness of the employed methods and tools. The focus of this paper is to provide a large, real-life use case to inspire future research into robust, easy-to-use, and scalable methods for domain-specific IE at web scale.
Text mining has developed and emerged as an essential tool for revealing the hidden value in the data. Text mining is an emerging technique for companies around the world and suitable for large enduring analyses and discrete investigations. Since there is a need to track disrupting technologies, explore internal knowledge bases or review enormous data sets. Most of the information produced due to conversation transcripts is an unstructured format. These data have ambiguity, redundancy, duplications, typological errors and many more. The processing and analysis of these unstructured data are difficult task. But, there are several techniques in text mining are available to extract keywords from these unstructured conversation transcripts. Keyword Extraction is the process of examining the most significant word in the context which helps to take decisions in a much faster manner. The main objective of the proposed work is extracting the keywords from meeting transcripts by using the Swarm Intelligence (SI) techniques. Here Stochastic Diffusion Search (SDS) algorithm is used for keyword extraction and Firefly algorithm used for clustering. These techniques will be implemented for an extensive range of optimization problems and produced better results when compared with existing technique.
Many books and papers describe how to do data science. While those texts are useful, it can also be important to reflect on anti-patterns; i.e. common classes of errors seen when large communities of researchers and commercial software engineers use, and misuse data mining tools. This technical briefing will present those errors and show how to avoid them.
The web world is been flooded with multi-media sources such as images, videos, animations and audios, which has in turn made the computer vision researchers to focus over extracting the content from the sources. Scene text recognition basically involves two major steps namely Text Localization and Text Recognition. This paper provides end-to-end text recognition approach to extract the characters alone from the complex natural scene. Using Maximal Stable Extremal Region (MSER) the various objects are localized, using Canny Edge detection method edges are identified, further binary classification is done using Connected-Component method which segregates the text and nontext objects and finally the stroke analysis method is applied to analyse the style of the character, leading to the character recognization. The Experimental results were obtained by testing the approach over ICDAR2015 dataset, wherein text was able to be recognized from most of the scene images with good precision value.
By reflecting the degree of proximity or remoteness of documents, similarity measure plays the key role in text analytics. Traditional measures, e.g. cosine similarity, assume that documents are represented in an orthogonal space formed by words as dimensions. Words are considered independent from each other and document similarity is computed based on lexical overlap. This assumption is also made in the bag of concepts representation of documents while the space is formed by concepts. This paper proposes new semantic similarity measures without relying on the orthogonality assumption. By employing Wikipedia as an external resource, we introduce five similarity measures using concept-concept relatedness. Experimental results on real text datasets reveal that eliminating the orthogonality assumption improves the quality of text clustering algorithms.
The identification of relevant information in large text databases is a challenging task. One of the reasons is human beings' limitations in handling large volumes of data. A common solution for scavenging data from texts are word clouds. A word cloud illustrates word usage in a document by resizing individual words in documents proportionally to how frequently they appear. Even though word clouds are easy to understand, they are not particularly efficient, because they are static. In addition, the presented information lacks context, i.e., words are not explained and they may lead to radically erroneous interpretations. To tackle these problems we developed VCloud, a tool that allows the user to interact with word clouds, therefore allowing informative and interactive data exploration. Furthermore, our tool also allows one to compare two data sets presented as word clouds. We evaluated VCloud using real data about the evolution of gastritis research through the years. The papers indexed by Pubmed related to this medical context were selected for visualization and data analysis using VCloud. A domain expert explored these visualizations, being able to extract useful information from it. This illustrates how can VCloud be a valuable tool for visual text analytics.
Analyzing and gaining insights from a large amount of textual conversations can be quite challenging for a user, especially when the discussions become very long. During my doctoral research, I have focused on integrating Information Visualization (InfoVis) with Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques to better support the user's task of exploring and analyzing conversations. For this purpose, I have designed a visual text analytics system that supports the user exploration, starting from a possibly large set of conversations, then narrowing down to a subset of conversations, and eventually drilling-down to a set of comments of one conversation. While so far our approach is evaluated mainly based on lab studies, in my on-going and future work I plan to evaluate our approach via online longitudinal studies.