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Chethana, Savarala, Charan, Sreevathsa Sree, Srihitha, Vemula, Radha, D., Kavitha, C. R..  2022.  Comparative Analysis of Password Storage Security using Double Secure Hash Algorithm. 2022 IEEE North Karnataka Subsection Flagship International Conference (NKCon). :1—5.
Passwords are generally used to keep unauthorized users out of the system. Password hacking has become more common as the number of internet users has extended, causing a slew of issues. These problems include stealing the confidential information of a company or a country by adversaries which harm the economy or the security of the organization. Hackers often use password hacking for criminal activities. It is indispensable to protect passwords from hackers. There are many hacking methods such as credential stuffing, social engineering, traffic interception, and password spraying for hacking the passwords. So, in order to control hacking, there are hashing algorithms that are mostly used to hash passwords making password cracking more difficult. In this proposed work, different hashing algorithms such as SHA-1, MD-5, Salted MD-5, SHA-256, and SHA-512 have been used. And the MySQL database is used to store the hash values of passwords that are generated using various hash functions. It is proven that SHA is better than MD-5 and Salted MD-5. Whereas in the SHA family, SHA-512 and SHA-256 have their own benefits. Four new hashing functions have been proposed using the combination of existing algorithms like SHA-256, and SHA-512 namely SHA-256\_with\_SHA-256, SHA-256\_ With\_SHA-512,SHA-512\_With\_SHA-512,and SHA-512\_ With\_SHA-256. They provide strong hash value for passwords by which the security of passwords increases, and hacking can be controlled to an extent.
Walia, K. S., Shenoy, S., Cheng, Y..  2020.  An Empirical Analysis on the Usability and Security of Passwords. 2020 IEEE 21st International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration for Data Science (IRI). :1–8.
Security and usability are two essential aspects of a system, but they usually move in opposite directions. Sometimes, to achieve security, usability has to be compromised, and vice versa. Password-based authentication systems require both security and usability. However, to increase password security, absurd rules are introduced, which often drive users to compromise the usability of their passwords. Users tend to forget complex passwords and use techniques such as writing them down, reusing them, and storing them in vulnerable ways. Enhancing the strength while maintaining the usability of a password has become one of the biggest challenges for users and security experts. In this paper, we define the pronounceability of a password as a means to measure how easy it is to memorize - an aspect we associate with usability. We examine a dataset of more than 7 million passwords to determine whether the usergenerated passwords are secure. Moreover, we convert the usergenerated passwords into phonemes and measure the pronounceability of the phoneme-based representations. We then establish a relationship between the two and suggest how password creation strategies can be adapted to better align with both security and usability.
Shaout, A., Schmidt, N..  2020.  Keystroke Identifier Using Fuzzy Logic to Increase Password Security. 2020 21st International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT). :1—8.

Cybersecurity is a major issue today. It is predicted that cybercrime will cost the world \$6 trillion annually by 2021. It is important to make logins secure as well as to make advances in security in order to catch cybercriminals. This paper will design and create a device that will use Fuzzy logic to identify a person by the rhythm and frequency of their typing. The device will take data from a user from a normal password entry session. This data will be used to make a Fuzzy system that will be able to identify the user by their typing speed. An application of this project could be used to make a more secure log-in system for a user. The log-in system would not only check that the correct password was entered but also that the rhythm of how the password was typed matched the user. Another application of this system could be used to help catch cybercriminals. A cybercriminal may have a certain rhythm at which they type at and this could be used like a fingerprint to help officials locate cybercriminals.

Glory, Farhana Zaman, Ul Aftab, Atif, Tremblay-Savard, Olivier, Mohammed, Noman.  2019.  Strong Password Generation Based On User Inputs. 2019 IEEE 10th Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON). :0416—0423.
Every person using different online services is concerned with the security and privacy for protecting individual information from the intruders. Many authentication systems are available for the protection of individuals' data, and the password authentication system is one of them. Due to the increment of information sharing, internet popularization, electronic commerce transactions, and data transferring, both password security and authenticity have become an essential and necessary subject. But it is also mandatory to ensure the strength of the password. For that reason, all cyber experts recommend intricate password patterns. But most of the time, the users forget their passwords because of those complicated patterns. In this paper, we are proposing a unique algorithm that will generate a strong password, unlike other existing random password generators. This password will he based on the information, i.e. (some words and numbers) provided by the users so that they do not feel challenged to remember the password. We have tested our system through various experiments using synthetic input data. We also have checked our generator with four popular online password checkers to verify the strength of the produced passwords. Based on our experiments, the reliability of our generated passwords is entirely satisfactory. We also have examined that our generated passwords can defend against two password cracking attacks named the "Dictionary attack" and the "Brute Force attack". We have implemented our system in Python programming language. In the near future, we have a plan to extend our work by developing an online free to use user interface. The passwords generated by our system are not only user-friendly but also have achieved most of the qualities of being strong as well as non- crackable passwords.
Bošnjak, L., Sreš, J., Brumen, B..  2018.  Brute-force and dictionary attack on hashed real-world passwords. 2018 41st International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO). :1161—1166.
An information system is only as secure as its weakest point. In many information systems that remains to be the human factor, despite continuous attempts to educate the users about the importance of password security and enforcing password creation policies on them. Furthermore, not only do the average users' password creation and management habits remain more or less the same, but the password cracking tools, and more importantly, the computer hardware, keep improving as well. In this study, we performed a broad targeted attack combining several well-established cracking techniques, such as brute-force, dictionary, and hybrid attacks, on the passwords used by the students of a Slovenian university to access the online grading system. Our goal was to demonstrate how easy it is to crack most of the user-created passwords using simple and predictable patterns. To identify differences between them, we performed an analysis of the cracked and uncracked passwords and measured their strength. The results have shown that even a single low to mid-range modern GPU can crack over 95% of passwords in just few days, while a more dedicated system can crack all but the strongest 0.5% of them.
Li, Zhiyong, Li, Tao, Zhu, Fangdong.  2019.  An Online Password Guessing Method Based on Big Data. Proceedings of the 2019 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Metaheuristics & Swarm Intelligence. :59–62.
Password authentication is the most widely used authentication method in information systems. The traditional proactive password detection method is generally implemented by counting password length, character class number and computing password information entropy to improve password security. However, passwords that pass proactive password detection do not represent that they are secure. In this paper, based on the research of the characteristics of password distribution under big data, we propose an online password guessing method, which collects a dataset of guessing passwords composed of weak passwords, high frequency passwords and personal information related passwords. It is used to guess the 13k password dataset leaked in China's largest ticketing website, China Railways 12306 website. The experimental results show that even if our guess object has passed the strict proactive password detection, we can construct a guessing password dataset contain only 100 passwords, and effectively guess 4.84% of the passwords.
Lekshmi, A. S. Sai, Devipriya, V. S..  2017.  An Emulation of Sql Injection Disclosure and Deterrence. 2017 International Conference on Networks Advances in Computational Technologies (NetACT). :314–316.

SQL Injection is one of the most critical security vulnerability in web applications. Most web applications use SQL as web applications. SQL injection mainly affects these websites and web applications. An attacker can easily bypass a web applications authentication and authorization and get access to the contents they want by SQL injection. This unauthorised access helps the attacker to retrieve confidential data's, trade secrets and can even delete or modify valuable documents. Even though, to an extend many preventive measures are found, till now there are no complete solution for this problem. Hence, from the surveys and analyses done, an enhanced methodology is proposed against SQL injection disclosure and deterrence by ensuring proper authentication using Heisenberg analysis and password security using Honey pot mechanism.

D'Lima, N., Mittal, J..  2015.  Password authentication using Keystroke Biometrics. 2015 International Conference on Communication, Information Computing Technology (ICCICT). :1–6.

The majority of applications use a prompt for a username and password. Passwords are recommended to be unique, long, complex, alphanumeric and non-repetitive. These reasons that make passwords secure may prove to be a point of weakness. The complexity of the password provides a challenge for a user and they may choose to record it. This compromises the security of the password and takes away its advantage. An alternate method of security is Keystroke Biometrics. This approach uses the natural typing pattern of a user for authentication. This paper proposes a new method for reducing error rates and creating a robust technique. The new method makes use of multiple sensors to obtain information about a user. An artificial neural network is used to model a user's behavior as well as for retraining the system. An alternate user verification mechanism is used in case a user is unable to match their typing pattern.

Ziegler, D., Rauter, M., Stromberger, C., Teufl, P., Hein, D..  2014.  Do you think your passwords are secure? Privacy and Security in Mobile Systems (PRISMS), 2014 International Conference on. :1-8.

Many systems rely on passwords for authentication. Due to numerous accounts for different services, users have to choose and remember a significant number of passwords. Password-Manager applications address this issue by storing the user's passwords. They are especially useful on mobile devices, because of the ubiquitous access to the account passwords. Password-Managers often use key derivation functions to convert a master password into a cryptographic key suitable for encrypting the list of passwords, thus protecting the passwords against unauthorized, off-line access. Therefore, design and implementation flaws in the key derivation function impact password security significantly. Design and implementation problems in the key derivation function can render the encryption on the password list useless, by for example allowing efficient bruteforce attacks, or - even worse - direct decryption of the stored passwords. In this paper, we analyze the key derivation functions of popular Android Password-Managers with often startling results. With this analysis, we want to raise the awareness of developers of security critical apps for security, and provide an overview about the current state of implementation security of security-critical applications.

Mazurek, Michelle L., Komanduri, Saranga, Vidas, Timothy, Bauer, Lujo, Christin, Nicolas, Cranor, Lorrie Faith, Kelley, Patrick Gage, Shay, Richard, Ur, Blase.  2013.  Measuring Password Guessability for an Entire University. Proceedings of the 2013 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer &\#38; Communications Security. :173–186.
Despite considerable research on passwords, empirical studies of password strength have been limited by lack of access to plaintext passwords, small data sets, and password sets specifically collected for a research study or from low-value accounts. Properties of passwords used for high-value accounts thus remain poorly understood. We fill this gap by studying the single-sign-on passwords used by over 25,000 faculty, staff, and students at a research university with a complex password policy. Key aspects of our contributions rest on our (indirect) access to plaintext passwords. We describe our data collection methodology, particularly the many precautions we took to minimize risks to users. We then analyze how guessable the collected passwords would be during an offline attack by subjecting them to a state-of-the-art password cracking algorithm. We discover significant correlations between a number of demographic and behavioral factors and password strength. For example, we find that users associated with the computer science school make passwords more than 1.5 times as strong as those of users associated with the business school. while users associated with computer science make strong ones. In addition, we find that stronger passwords are correlated with a higher rate of errors entering them. We also compare the guessability and other characteristics of the passwords we analyzed to sets previously collected in controlled experiments or leaked from low-value accounts. We find more consistent similarities between the university passwords and passwords collected for research studies under similar composition policies than we do between the university passwords and subsets of passwords leaked from low-value accounts that happen to comply with the same policies.