The notion of attribute-based encryption with outsourced decryption (OD-ABE) was proposed by Green, Hohenberger, and Waters. In OD-ABE, the ABE ciphertext is converted to a partially-decrypted ciphertext that has a shorter bit length and a faster decryption time than that of the ABE ciphertext. In particular, the transformation can be performed by a powerful third party with a public transformation key. In this paper, we propose a generic approach for constructing ABE with outsourced decryption from standard ABE, as long as the later satisfies some additional properties. Its security can be reduced to the underlying standard ABE in the selective security model by a black-box way. To avoid the drawback of selective security in practice, we further propose a modified decryption outsourcing mode so that our generic construction can be adapted to satisfying adaptive security. This partially solves the open problem of constructing an OD-ABE scheme, and its adaptive security can be reduced to the underlying ABE scheme in a black-box way. Then, we present some concrete constructions that not only encompass existing ABE outsourcing schemes of Green et al., but also result in new selectively/adaptively-secure OD-ABE schemes with more efficient transformation key generation algorithm. Finally, we use the PBC library to test the efficiency of our schemes and compare the results with some previous ones, which shows that our schemes are more efficient in terms of decryption outsourcing and transformation key generation.
In order to solve privacy protection problem in the Internet of Vehicles environment, a message authentication scheme based on proxy re-signature is proposed using elliptic curves, which realizes privacy protection by transforming the vehicle's signature of the message into the roadside unit's signature of the same message through the trusted center. And through the trusted center traceability, to achieve the condition of privacy protection, and the use of batch verification technology, greatly improve the efficiency of authentication. It is proved that the scheme satisfies unforgeability in ECDLP hard problem in the random oracle model. The efficiency analysis shows that the scheme meets the security and efficiency requirements of the Internet of Vehicles and has certain practical significance.
IoT is evolving as a combination of interconnected devices over a particular network. In the proposed paper, we discuss about the security of IoT system in the wireless devices. IoT security is the platform in which the connected devices over the network are safeguarded over internet of things framework. Wireless devices play an eminent role in this kind of networks since most of the time they are connected to the internet. Accompanied by major users cannot ensure their end to end security in the IoT environment. However, connecting these devices over the internet via using IoT increases the chance of being prone to the serious issues that may affect the system and its data if they are not protected efficiently. In the proposed paper, the security of IoT in wireless devices will be enhanced by using ECC. Since the issues related to security are becoming common these days, an attempt has been made in this proposed paper to enhance the security of IoT networks by using ECC for wireless devices.
Technology development has led to rapid increase in demands for multimedia applications. Due to this demand, digital archives are increasingly used to store these multimedia contents. Cloud is the commonly used archive to store, transmit, receive and share multimedia contents. Cloud makes use of internet to perform these tasks due to which data becomes more prone to attacks. Data security and privacy are compromised. This can be avoided by limiting data access to authenticated users and by hiding the data from cloud services that cannot be trusted. Hiding data from the cloud services involves encrypting the data before storing it into the cloud. Data to be shared with other users can be encrypted by utilizing Cipher Text-Policy Attribute Based Encryption (CP-ABE). CP-ABE is used which is a cryptographic technique that controls access to the encrypted data. The pairing-based computation based on bilinearity is used in ABE due to which the requirements for resources like memory and power supply increases rapidly. Most of the devices that we use today have limited memory. Therefore, an efficient pairing free CP- ABE access control scheme using elliptic curve cryptography has been used. Pairing based computation is replaced with scalar product on elliptic curves that reduces the necessary memory and resource requirements for the users. Even though pairing free CP-ABE is used, it is easier to retrieve the plaintext of a secret message if cryptanalysis is used. Therefore, this paper proposes to combine cryptography with steganography in such a way by embedding crypto text into an image to provide increased level of data security and data ownership for sub-optimal multimedia applications. It makes it harder for a cryptanalyst to retrieve the plaintext of a secret message from a stego-object if steganalysis were not used. This scheme significantly improved the data security as well as data privacy.
In this paper, we present the enhancement of a lightweight key-policy attribute-based encryption (KP-ABE) scheme designed for the Internet of Things (IoT). The KP-ABE scheme was claimed to achieve ciphertext indistinguishability under chosen-plaintext attack in the selective-set model but we show that the KP-ABE scheme is insecure even in the weaker security notion, namely, one-way encryption under the same attack and model. In particular, we show that an attacker can decrypt a ciphertext which does not satisfy the policy imposed on his decryption key. Subsequently, we propose an efficient fix to the KP-ABE scheme as well as extending it to be a hierarchical KP-ABE (H-KP-ABE) scheme that can support role delegation in IoT applications. An example of applying our H-KP-ABE on an IoT-connected healthcare system is given to highlight the benefit of the delegation feature. Lastly, using the NIST curves secp192k1 and secp256k1, we benchmark the fixed (hierarchical) KP-ABE scheme on an Android phone and the result shows that the scheme is still the fastest in the literature.
The core operation of all cryptosystems based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography is Elliptic Curve Point Multiplication. Depending on implementation it can be vulnerable to different Side Channel Analysis attacks exploiting information leakage, such as power consumption or execution time. Multiple countermeasures against these attacks have been developed over time, each having different impact on parameters of the cryptosystem. This paper summarizes popular countermeasures for simple and differential power analysis attacks on Elliptic Curve cryptosystems. Presented secure algorithms were implemented in Verilog hardware description language and synthesized to logic gates for power trace generation.