Trusted routing is a hot spot in network security. Lots of efforts have been made on trusted routing validation for Interior Gateway Protocols (IGP), e.g., using Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) to enhance the security of protocols, or routing monitoring systems. However, the former is limited by further deployment in the practical Internet, the latter depends on a complete, accurate, and fresh knowledge base-this is still a big challenge (Internet Service Providers (ISPs) are not willing to leak their routing policies). In this paper, inspired by the idea of centrally controlling in Software Defined Network (SDN), we propose a CENtrally Trusted Routing vAlidation framework, named CENTRA, which can automated collect routing information, centrally detect anomaly and deliver secure routing policy. We implement the proposed framework using NETCONF as the communication protocol and YANG as the data model. The experimental results reveal that CENTRA can detect and block anomalous routing in real time. Comparing to existing secure routing mechanism, CENTRA improves the detection efficiency and real-time significantly.
This paper proposes a new DNA cryptographic technique based on dynamic DNA encoding and asymmetric cryptosystem to increase the level of secrecy of data. The key idea is: to split the plaintext into fixed sized chunks, to encrypt each chunk using asymmetric cryptosystem and finally to merge the ciphertext of each chunk using dynamic DNA encoding. To generate chunks, characters of the plaintext are transformed into their equivalent ASCII values and split it into finite values. Now to encrypt each chunk, asymmetric cryptosystem is applied and the ciphertext is transformed into its equivalent binary value. Then this binary value is converted into DNA bases. Finally to merge each chunk, sufficient random strings are generated. Here to settle the required number of random strings, dynamic DNA encoding is exploited which is generated using Fibonacci series. Thus the use of finite chunks, asymmetric cryptosystem, random strings and dynamic DNA encoding increases the level of security of data. To evaluate the encryption-decryption time requirement, an empirical analysis is performed employing RSA, ElGamal and Paillier cryptosystems. The proposed technique is suitable for any use of cryptography.
We introduce $μ$DTNSec, the first fully-implemented security layer for Delay/Disruption-Tolerant Networks (DTN) on microcontrollers. It provides protection against eavesdropping and Man-in-the-Middle attacks that are especially easy in these networks. Following the Store-Carry-Forward principle of DTNs, an attacker can simply place itself on the route between source and destination. Our design consists of asymmetric encryption and signatures with Elliptic Curve Cryptography and hardware-backed symmetric encryption with the Advanced Encryption Standard. $μ$DTNSec has been fully implemented as an extension to $μ$DTN on Contiki OS and is based on the Bundle Protocol specification. Our performance evaluation shows that the choice of the curve (secp128r1, secp192r1, secp256r1) dominates the influence of the payload size. We also provide energy measurements for all operations to show the feasibility of our security layer on energy-constrained devices.
Internet of Thing (IoT) provide services by linking the different platform devices. They have the limitation in providing intelligent service. The IoT devices are heterogeneous which includes wireless sensors to less resource constrained devices. These devices are prone to hardware/software and network attacks. If not properly secured, it may lead to security issues like privacy and confidentiality. To resolve the above problem, an Intelligent Security Framework for IoT Devices is proposed in this paper. The proposed method is made up of (1) the light weight Asymmetric cryptography for securing the End-To-End devices which protects the IoT service gateway and the low power sensor nodes and (2) implements Lattice-based cryptography for securing the Broker devices/Gateway and the cloud services. The proposed architecture implements Asymmetric Key Encryption to share session key between the nodes and then uses this session key for message transfer This protects the system from Distributed Denial of Service Attacks, eavesdropping and Quantum algorithm attacks. The proposed protocol uses the unique Device ID of the sensors to generate key pair to establish mutual authentication between Devices and Services. Finally, the Mutual authentication mechanism is implemented in the gateway.
Biometric authentication has been extremely popular in large scale industries. The face biometric has been used widely in various applications. Handling large numbers of face images is a challenging task in authentication of biometric system. It requires large amount of secure storage, where the registered user information can be stored. Maintaining centralized data centers to store the information requires high investment and maintenance cost, therefore there is a need for deployment of cloud services. However as there is no guaranty of the security in the cloud, user needs to implement an additional or extra layer of security before storing facial data of all registered users. In this work a unique cloud based biometric authentication system is developed using Microsoft cognitive face API. Because most of the cloud based biometric techniques are scalable it is paramount to implement a security technique which can handle the scalability. Any users can use this system for single enterprise application base over the entire enterprise application. In this work the identification number which is text information associated with each biometric image is protected by AES algorithm. The proposed technique also works under distributed system in order to have wider accessibility. The system is also being extended to validate the registered user with an image of aadhar card. An accuracy of 96% is achieved with 100 registered users face images and aadhar card images. Earlier research carried out for the development of biometric system either suffers from development of distributed system are security aspects to handle multiple biometric information such as facial image and aadhar card image.
Membership revocation is essential for cryptographic applications, from traditional PKIs to group signatures and anonymous credentials. Of the various solutions for the revocation problem that have been explored, dynamic accumulators are one of the most promising. We propose Braavos, a new, RSA-based, dynamic accumulator. It has optimal communication complexity and, when combined with efficient zero-knowledge proofs, provides an ideal solution for anonymous revocation. For the construction of Braavos we use a modular approach: we show how to build an accumulator with better functionality and security from accumulators with fewer features and weaker security guarantees. We then describe an anonymous revocation component (ARC) that can be instantiated using any dynamic accumulator. ARC can be added to any anonymous system, such as anonymous credentials or group signatures, in order to equip it with a revocation functionality. Finally, we implement ARC with Braavos and plug it into Idemix, the leading implementation of anonymous credentials. This work resolves, for the first time, the problem of practical revocation for anonymous credential systems.
Cooperative spectrum sensing is often necessary in cognitive radios systems to localize a transmitter by fusing the measurements from multiple sensing radios. However, revealing spectrum sensing information also generally leaks information about the location of the radio that made those measurements. We propose a protocol for performing cooperative spectrum sensing while preserving the privacy of the sensing radios. In this protocol, radios fuse sensing information through a distributed particle filter based on a tree structure. All sensing information is encrypted using public-key cryptography, and one of the radios serves as an anonymizer, whose role is to break the connection between the sensing radios and the public keys they use. We consider a semi-honest (honest-but-curious) adversary model in which there is at most a single adversary that is internal to the sensing network and complies with the specified protocol but wishes to determine information about the other participants. Under this scenario, an adversary may learn the sensing information of some of the radios, but it does not have any way to tie that information to a particular radio's identity. We test the performance of our proposed distributed, tree-based particle filter using physical measurements of FM broadcast stations.
In this paper, a practical quantum public-key encryption model is proposed by studying the recent quantum public-key encryption. This proposed model makes explicit stipulations on the generation, distribution, authentication, and usage of the secret keys, thus forms a black-box operation. Meanwhile, this proposed model encapsulates the process of encryption and decryption for the users, and forms a blackbox client-side. In our models, each module is independent and can be replaced arbitrarily without affecting the proposed model. Therefore, this model has a good guiding significance for the design and development of the quantum public key encryption schemes.
We use symbolic formal models to study the composition of public key-based protocols with public key infrastructures (PKIs). We put forth a minimal set of requirements which a PKI should satisfy and then identify several reasons why composition may fail. Our main results are positive and offer various trade-offs which align the guarantees provided by the PKI with those required by the analysis of protocol with which they are composed. We consider both the case of ideally distributed keys but also the case of more realistic PKIs.,,Our theorems are broadly applicable. Protocols are not limited to specific primitives and compositionality asks only for minimal requirements on shared ones. Secure composition holds with respect to arbitrary trace properties that can be specified within a reasonably powerful logic. For instance, secrecy and various forms of authentication can be expressed in this logic. Finally, our results alleviate the common yet demanding assumption that protocols are fully tagged.
Complex safety-critical devices require dependable communication. Dependability includes confidentiality and integrity as much as safety. Encrypting gateways with demilitarized zones, Multiple Independent Levels of Security architectures and the infamous Air Gap are diverse integration patterns for safety-critical infrastructure. Though resource restricted embedded safety devices still lack simple, certifiable, and efficient cryptography implementations. Following the recommended formal methods approach for safety-critical devices, we have implemented proven cryptography algorithms in the qualified model based language Scade as the Safety Leveraged Implementation of Data Encryption (SLIDE) library. Optimization for the synchronous dataflow language is discussed in the paper. The implementation for public-key based encryption and authentication is evaluated for real-world performance. The feasibility is shown by execution time benchmarks on an industrial safety microcontroller platform running a train control safety application.
In this paper, we propose a lightweight multi-receiver encryption scheme for the device to device communications on Internet of Things (IoT) applications. In order for the individual user to control the disclosure range of his/her own data directly and to prevent sensitive personal data disclosure to the trusted third party, the proposed scheme uses device-generated public keys. For mutual authentication, third party generates Schnorr-like lightweight identity-based partial private keys for users. The proposed scheme provides source authentication, message integrity, replay-attack prevention and implicit user authentication. In addition to more security properties, computation expensive pairing operations are eliminated to achieve less time usage for both sender and receiver, which is favourable property for IoT applications. In this paper, we showed a proof of security of our scheme, computational cost comparison and experimental performance evaluations. We implemented our proposed scheme on real embedded Android devices and confirmed that it achieves less time cost for both encryption and decryption comparing with the existing most efficient certificate-based multi-receiver encryption scheme and certificateless multi-receiver encryption scheme.
Cooperation of software and hardware with hybrid architectures, such as Xilinx Zynq SoC combining ARM CPU and FPGA fabric, is a high-performance and low-power platform for accelerating RSA Algorithm. This paper adopts the none-subtraction Montgomery algorithm and the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) to implement high-speed RSA processors, and deploys a 48-node cluster infrastructure based on Zynq SoC to achieve extremely high scalability and throughput of RSA computing. In this design, we use the ARM to implement node-to-node communication with the Message Passing Interface (MPI) while use the FPGA to handle complex calculation. Finally, the experimental results show that the overall performance is linear with the number of nodes. And the cluster achieves 6× 9× speedup against a multi-core desktop (Intel i7-3770) and comparable performance to a many-core server (288-core). In addition, we gain up to 2.5× energy efficiency compared to these two traditional platforms.
In this paper, we propose a variant of searchable public-key encryption named hidden-token searchable public-key encryption with two new security properties: token anonymity and one-token-per-trapdoor. With the former security notion, the client can obtain the search token from the data owner without revealing any information about the underlying keyword. Meanwhile, the client cannot derive more than one token from one trapdoor generated by the data owner according to the latter security notion. Furthermore, we present a concrete hiddentoken searchable public-key encryption scheme together with the security proofs in the random oracle model.
High accurate time synchronization is very important for many applications and industrial environments. In a computer network, synchronization of time for connected devices is provided by the Precision Time Protocol (PTP), which in principal allows for device time synchronization down to microsecond level. However, PTP and network infrastructures are vulnerable to cyber-attacks, which can de-synchronize an entire network, leading to potentially devastating consequences. This paper will focus on the issue of internal attacks on time synchronization networks and discuss how counter-measures based on public key infrastructures, trusted platform modules, network intrusion detection systems and time synchronization supervisors can be adopted to defeat or at least detect such internal attacks.
Use of digital token - which certifies the bearer's rights to some kind of products or services - is quite common nowadays for its convenience, ease of use and cost-effectiveness. Many of such digital tokens, however, are produced with software alone, making them vulnerable to forgery, including alteration and duplication. For a more secure safeguard for both token owner's right and service provider's accountability, digital tokens should be tamper-resistant as much as possible in order for them to withstand physical attacks as well. In this paper, we present a rights management system that leverages tamper-resistant digital tokens created by hardware-software collaboration in our eTRON architecture. The system features the complete life cycle of a digital token from generation to storage and redemption. Additionally, it provides a secure mechanism for transfer of rights in a peer-to-peer manner over the Internet. The proposed system specifies protocols for permissible manipulation on digital tokens, and subsequently provides a set of APIs for seamless application development. Access privileges to the tokens are strictly defined and state-of-the-art asymmetric cryptography is used for ensuring their confidentiality. Apart from the digital tokens being physically tamper-resistant, the protocols involved in the system are proven to be secure against attacks. Furthermore, an authentication mechanism is implemented that invariably precedes any operation involving the digital token in question. The proposed system presents clear security gains compared to existing systems that do not take tamper-resistance into account, and schemes that use symmetric key cryptography.
Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is one of the most important and unique network in wireless network which has brought maximum mobility and scalability. It is suitable for environments that need on fly setup. A lot of challenges come with implementing these networks. The most sensitive challenge that MANET faces is making the MANET energy efficient at the same time handling the security issues. In this paper we are going to discuss the best routing for maximum energy saving which is Load Balanced Energy Enhanced Clustered Bee Ad Hoc Routing (LBEE) along with secured PKI scheme. LBEE which is inspired from swarm intelligence and follows the bee colony paradigm has been found as the best energy efficient method for the MANETs. In this paper along with energy efficiency care has been taken for security of all the nodes of the network. The best suiting security for the protocol has been chosen as the four key security scheme.
The proposed frame describes two objectives one is to issue certificates through online and second is provide three level security through DNA cryptography. DNA Cryptography means converting the data to the DNA sequence. DNA is a succession comprising of four letters in order; A, C, G and T. every letter set is identified with a nucleotide. DNA can be used for store data, transmit the data and also used for computation of the data. This paper implemented 3 levels of cryptography. The receiver will apply the decryption for extracting the readable from the unreadable format. This DNA cryptography provide the security more than the other cryptography, but it takes more time complexity for generating the encoding and decoding and it has the chances to hacking the data by the hacker. So in this paper we implement the fast three level DNA Cryptography for me seva services.
In the recent years many companies are shifting towards cloud for expanding their business profit with least additional cost. Cloud computing is a growing technology which has emerged from the development of grid computing, virtualization and utility computing. Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources like networks, servers, storage, applications, and services that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction. There was a huge data loss during the recent Chennai floods during Dec 2015. If these data would have been stored at distributed data centers great loss could have been prevented. Though, such natural calamities are tempting many users to shift towards the cloud storage, security threats are inhibiting them to shift towards the cloud. Many solutions have been addressed for these security issues but they do not give guaranteed security. By guaranteed security we mean confidentiality, integrity and availability. Some of the existing techniques for providing security are Cryptographic Protocols, Data Sanitization, Predicate Logic, Access Control Mechanism, Honeypots, Sandboxing, Erasure Coding, RAID(Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks), Homomorphic Encryption and Split-Key Encryption. All these techniques either cannot work alone or adds computational and time complexity. An alternate scheme of combining encryption and channel coding schemes at one-go is proposed for increasing the levels of security. Hybrid encryption scheme is proposed to be used in the interleaver block of Turbo coder for avoiding burst error. Hybrid encryption avoids sharing of secret key via the unsecured channel. This provides both security and reliability by reducing error propagation effect with small additional cost and computational overhead. Time complexity can be reduced when encryption and encoding are done as a single process.
Elliptic curve asymmetric cryptography has achieved increased popularity due to its capability of providing comparable levels of security as other existing cryptographic systems while requiring less computational work. Pollard Rho and Parallel Collision Search, the fastest known sequential and parallel algorithms for breaking this cryptographic system, have been successfully applied over time to break ever-increasing bit-length system instances using implementations heavily optimized for the available hardware. This work presents portable, general implementations of a Parallel Collision Search based solution for prime elliptic curve asymmetric cryptographic systems that use publicly available big integer libraries and make no assumption on prime curve properties. It investigates which bit-length keys can be broken in reasonable time by a user that has access to a state of the art, public HPC equipment with CPUs and GPUs. The final implementation breaks a 79-bit system in about two hours using 80 GPUs and 94-bits system in about 15 hours using 256 GPUs. Extensive experimentation investigates scalability of CPU, GPU and CPU+GPU runs. The discussed results indicate that speed-up is not a good metric for parallel scalability. This paper proposes and evaluates a new metric that is better suited for this task.
Recently, the chaotic public-key cryptography attracts much attention of researchers, due to the great characters of chaotic maps. With the security superiorities and computation efficiencies of chaotic map over other cryptosystems, in this paper, a novel Identity-based signcryption scheme is proposed using extended chaotic maps. The difficulty of chaos-based discrete logarithm (CDL) problem lies the foundation of the security of proposed ECM-IBSC scheme.
Multivariate public key cryptosystem acts as a signature system rather than encryption system due to the minus mode used in system. A multivariate encryption system with determinate equations in central map and chaotic shell protection for central map and affine map is proposed in this paper. The outputs of two-dimension chaotic system are discretized on a finite field to disturb the central map and affine map in multivariate cryptosystem. The determined equations meet the shortage of indeterminate equations in minus mode and make the general attack methods are out of tenable condition. The analysis shows the proposed multivariate symmetric encryption system based on chaotic shell is able to resist general attacks.
This paper proposes a novel scheme for RFID anti-counterfeiting by applying bisectional multivariate quadratic equations (BMQE) system into an RF tag data encryption. In the key generation process, arbitrarily choose two matrix sets (denoted as A and B) and a base Rab such that [AB] = λRABT, and generate 2n BMQ polynomials (denoted as p) over finite field Fq. Therefore, (Fq, p) is taken as a public key and (A, B, λ) as a private key. In the encryption process, the EPC code is hashed into a message digest dm. Then dm is padded to d'm which is a non-zero 2n×2n matrix over Fq. With (A, B, λ) and d'm, Sm is formed as an n-vector over F2. Unlike the existing anti-counterfeit scheme, the one we proposed is based on quantum cryptography, thus it is robust enough to resist the existing attacks and has high security.
Summary form only given. Strong light-matter coupling has been recently successfully explored in the GHz and THz [1] range with on-chip platforms. New and intriguing quantum optical phenomena have been predicted in the ultrastrong coupling regime [2], when the coupling strength Ω becomes comparable to the unperturbed frequency of the system ω. We recently proposed a new experimental platform where we couple the inter-Landau level transition of an high-mobility 2DEG to the highly subwavelength photonic mode of an LC meta-atom [3] showing very large Ω/ωc = 0.87. Our system benefits from the collective enhancement of the light-matter coupling which comes from the scaling of the coupling Ω ∝ √n, were n is the number of optically active electrons. In our previous experiments [3] and in literature [4] this number varies from 104-103 electrons per meta-atom. We now engineer a new cavity, resonant at 290 GHz, with an extremely reduced effective mode surface Seff = 4 × 10-14 m2 (FE simulations, CST), yielding large field enhancements above 1500 and allowing to enter the few (textless;100) electron regime. It consist of a complementary metasurface with two very sharp metallic tips separated by a 60 nm gap (Fig.1(a, b)) on top of a single triangular quantum well. THz-TDS transmission experiments as a function of the applied magnetic field reveal strong anticrossing of the cavity mode with linear cyclotron dispersion. Measurements for arrays of only 12 cavities are reported in Fig.1(c). On the top horizontal axis we report the number of electrons occupying the topmost Landau level as a function of the magnetic field. At the anticrossing field of B=0.73 T we measure approximately 60 electrons ultra strongly coupled (Ω/ω- textbartextbar
Security protection is a concern for the Internet of Things (IoT) which performs data exchange autonomously over the internet for remote monitoring, automation and other applications. IoT implementations has raised concerns over its security and various research has been conducted to find an effective solution for this. Thus, this work focus on the analysis of an asymmetric encryption scheme, AA-Beta (AAβ) on a platform constrained in terms of processor capability, storage and random access Memory (RAM). For this work, the platform focused is ARM Cortex-M7 microcontroller. The encryption and decryption's performance on the embedded microcontroller is realized and time executed is measured. By enabled the I-Cache (Instruction cache) and D-Cache (Data Cache), the performances are 50% faster compared to disabled the D-Cache and I-Cache. The performance is then compared to our previous work on System on Chip (SoC). This is to analyze the gap of the SoC that has utilized the full GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library (GMP) package versus ARM Cortex-M7 that using the mini-gmp package in term of the footprint and the actual performance.