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Al-Aaridhi, R., Yueksektepe, A., Graffi, K..  2017.  Access Control for Secure Distributed Data Structures in Distributed Hash Tables. 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks (LANMAN). :1–3.
Peer-To-Peer (P2P) networks open up great possibilities for intercommunication, collaborative and social projects like file sharing, communication protocols or social networks while offering advantages over the conventional Client-Server model of computing pattern. Such networks counter the problems of centralized servers such as that P2P networks can scale to millions without additional costs. In previous work, we presented Distributed Data Structure (DDS) which offers a middle-ware scheme for distributed applications. This scheme builds on top of DHT (Distributed Hash Table) based P2P overlays, and offers distributed data storage services as a middle-ware it still needs to address security issues. The main objective of this paper is to investigate possible ways to handle the security problem for DDS, and to develop a possibly reusable security architecture for access control for secure distributed data structures in P2P networks without depending on trusted third parties.
Yang Xu, Zhaobo Liu, Zhuoyuan Zhang, Chao, H.J..  2014.  High-Throughput and Memory-Efficient Multimatch Packet Classification Based on Distributed and Pipelined Hash Tables. Networking, IEEE/ACM Transactions on. 22:982-995.

The emergence of new network applications, such as the network intrusion detection system and packet-level accounting, requires packet classification to report all matched rules instead of only the best matched rule. Although several schemes have been proposed recently to address the multimatch packet classification problem, most of them require either huge memory or expensive ternary content addressable memory (TCAM) to store the intermediate data structure, or they suffer from steep performance degradation under certain types of classifiers. In this paper, we decompose the operation of multimatch packet classification from the complicated multidimensional search to several single-dimensional searches, and present an asynchronous pipeline architecture based on a signature tree structure to combine the intermediate results returned from single-dimensional searches. By spreading edges of the signature tree across multiple hash tables at different stages, the pipeline can achieve a high throughput via the interstage parallel access to hash tables. To exploit further intrastage parallelism, two edge-grouping algorithms are designed to evenly divide the edges associated with each stage into multiple work-conserving hash tables. To avoid collisions involved in hash table lookup, a hybrid perfect hash table construction scheme is proposed. Extensive simulation using realistic classifiers and traffic traces shows that the proposed pipeline architecture outperforms HyperCuts and B2PC schemes in classification speed by at least one order of magnitude, while having a similar storage requirement. Particularly, with different types of classifiers of 4K rules, the proposed pipeline architecture is able to achieve a throughput between 26.8 and 93.1 Gb/s using perfect hash tables.

Biagioni, E..  2014.  Ubiquitous Interpersonal Communication over Ad-hoc Networks and the Internet. System Sciences (HICSS), 2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on. :5144-5153.

The hardware and low-level software in many mobile devices are capable of mobile-to-mobile communication, including ad-hoc 802.11, Bluetooth, and cognitive radios. We have started to leverage this capability to provide interpersonal communication both over infrastructure networks (the Internet), and over ad-hoc and delay-tolerant networks composed of the mobile devices themselves. This network is decentralized in the sense that it can function without any infrastructure, but does take advantage of infrastructure connections when available. All interpersonal communication is encrypted and authenticated so packets may be carried by devices belonging to untrusted others. The decentralized model of security builds a flexible trust network on top of the social network of communicating individuals. This social network can be used to prioritize packets to or from individuals closely related by the social network. Other packets are prioritized to favor packets likely to consume fewer network resources. Each device also has a policy that determines how many packets may be forwarded, with the goal of providing useful interpersonal communications using at most 1% of any given resource on mobile devices. One challenge in a fully decentralized network is routing. Our design uses Rendezvous Points (RPs) and Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs) for delivery over infrastructure networks, and hop-limited broadcast and Delay Tolerant Networking (DTN) within the wireless ad-hoc network.