Visible to the public High-Throughput and Memory-Efficient Multimatch Packet Classification Based on Distributed and Pipelined Hash Tables

TitleHigh-Throughput and Memory-Efficient Multimatch Packet Classification Based on Distributed and Pipelined Hash Tables
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsYang Xu, Zhaobo Liu, Zhuoyuan Zhang, Chao, H.J.
JournalNetworking, IEEE/ACM Transactions on
Date PublishedJune
Keywordsasynchronous pipeline architecture, bit rate 26.8 Gbit/s to 93.1 Gbit/s, complicated multidimensional search, content-addressable storage, cryptography, distributed hash tables, edge-grouping, encoding, hash table, hash table lookup, high-throughput multimatch, hybrid perfect hash table construction, IEEE transactions, intermediate data structure, interstage parallel access, Memory management, memory-efficient multimatch, multimatch packet classification problem, network intrusion detection, packet classification, packet-level accounting, pipelined hash tables, Pipelines, Power demand, search engines, security of data, signal classification, signature tree, signature tree structure, single-dimensional searches, steep performance degradation, Table lookup, TCAM, ternary content addressable memory, ternary content addressable memory (TCAM), Throughput, throughput via, traffic traces, tree data structures

The emergence of new network applications, such as the network intrusion detection system and packet-level accounting, requires packet classification to report all matched rules instead of only the best matched rule. Although several schemes have been proposed recently to address the multimatch packet classification problem, most of them require either huge memory or expensive ternary content addressable memory (TCAM) to store the intermediate data structure, or they suffer from steep performance degradation under certain types of classifiers. In this paper, we decompose the operation of multimatch packet classification from the complicated multidimensional search to several single-dimensional searches, and present an asynchronous pipeline architecture based on a signature tree structure to combine the intermediate results returned from single-dimensional searches. By spreading edges of the signature tree across multiple hash tables at different stages, the pipeline can achieve a high throughput via the interstage parallel access to hash tables. To exploit further intrastage parallelism, two edge-grouping algorithms are designed to evenly divide the edges associated with each stage into multiple work-conserving hash tables. To avoid collisions involved in hash table lookup, a hybrid perfect hash table construction scheme is proposed. Extensive simulation using realistic classifiers and traffic traces shows that the proposed pipeline architecture outperforms HyperCuts and B2PC schemes in classification speed by at least one order of magnitude, while having a similar storage requirement. Particularly, with different types of classifiers of 4K rules, the proposed pipeline architecture is able to achieve a throughput between 26.8 and 93.1 Gb/s using perfect hash tables.

Citation Key6565409