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Sivasankarareddy, V., Sundari, G..  2022.  Clustering-based routing protocol using FCM-RSOA and DNA cryptography algorithm for smart building. 2022 IEEE 2nd Mysore Sub Section International Conference (MysuruCon). :1—8.
The WSN nodes are arranged uniformly or randomly on the area of need for gathering the required data. The admin utilizes wireless broadband networks to connect to the Internet and acquire the required data from the base station (BS). However, these sensor nodes play a significant role in a variety of professional and industrial domains, but some of the concerns stop the growth of WSN, such as memory, transmission, battery power and processing power. The most significant issue with these restrictions is to increase the energy efficiency for WSN with rapid and trustworthy data transfer. In this designed model, the sensor nodes are clustered using the FCM (Fuzzy C-Means) clustering algorithm with the Reptile Search Optimization (RSO) for finding the centre of the cluster. The cluster head is determined by using African vulture optimization (AVO). For selecting the path of data transmission from the cluster head to the base station, the adaptive relay nodes are selected using the Fuzzy rule. These data from the base station are given to the server with a DNA cryptography encryption algorithm for secure data transmission. The performance of the designed model is evaluated with specific parameters such as average residual energy, throughput, end-to-end delay, information loss and execution time for a secure and energy-efficient routing protocol. These evaluated values for the proposed model are 0.91 %, 1.17Mbps, 1.76 ms, 0.14 % and 0.225 s respectively. Thus, the resultant values of the proposed model show that the designed clustering-based routing protocol using FCM-RSOA and DNA cryptography for smart building performs better compared to the existing techniques.
B C, Manoj Kumar, R J, Anil Kumar, D, Shashidhara, M, Prem Singh.  2022.  Data Encryption and Decryption Using DNA and Embedded Technology. 2022 Fourth International Conference on Emerging Research in Electronics, Computer Science and Technology (ICERECT). :1—5.
Securing communication and information is known as cryptography. To convert messages from plain text to cipher text and the other way around. It is the process of protecting the data and sending it to the right audience so they can understand and process it. Hence, unauthorized access is avoided. This work suggests leveraging DNA technology for encrypt and decrypt the data. The main aim of utilizing the AES in this stage will transform ASCII code to hexadecimal to binary coded form and generate DNA. The message is encrypted with a random key. Shared key used for encrypt and decrypt the data. The encrypted data will be disguised as an image using steganography. To protect our data from hijackers, assailants, and muggers, it is frequently employed in institutions, banking, etc.
Hassan, Shahriar, Muztaba, Md. Asif, Hossain, Md. Shohrab, Narman, Husnu S..  2022.  A Hybrid Encryption Technique based on DNA Cryptography and Steganography. 2022 IEEE 13th Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON). :0501—0508.
The importance of data and its transmission rate are increasing as the world is moving towards online services every day. Thus, providing data security is becoming of utmost importance. This paper proposes a secure data encryption and hiding method based on DNA cryptography and steganography. Our approach uses DNA for encryption and data hiding processes due to its high capacity and simplicity in securing various kinds of data. Our proposed method has two phases. In the first phase, it encrypts the data using DNA bases along with Huffman coding. In the second phase, it hides the encrypted data into a DNA sequence using a substitution algorithm. Our proposed method is blind and preserves biological functionality. The result shows a decent cracking probability with comparatively better capacity. Our proposed method has eliminated most limitations identified in the related works. Our proposed hybrid technique can provide a double layer of security to sensitive data.
Bari, N., Wajid, M., Ali Shah, M., Ejaz, G., Stanikzai, A. Q..  2022.  Securing digital economies byimplementing DNA cryptography with amino acid and one-time pad. Competitive Advantage in the Digital Economy (CADE 2022). 2022:99—104.
Technology is transforming rapidly. Security during data transmission is an increasingly critical and essential factor for the integrity and confidentiality of data in the financial domain, such as e-commerce transactions and bank transactions, etc. We cannot overestimate the importance of encryption/decryption of information in the digital economy. The need to strengthen and secure the digital economy is urgent. Cryptography maintains the security and integrity of data kept on computers and data communicated over the internet using encryption/decryption. A new concept in cryptography named DNA cryptography has attracted the interest of information security professionals. The DNA cryptography method hides data using a DNA sequence, with DNA encryption converting binary data into the DNA sequence. Deoxy Ribonucleic Acid (DNA) is a long polymer strand having nitrogen bases adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), and guanine (G), which play an important role in plain text encoding and decoding. DNA has high storage capacity, fast processing, and high computation capacity, and is more secure than other cryptography algorithms. DNA cryptography supports both symmetric and asymmetric cryptography. DNA cryptography can encrypt numeric values, English language and unicast. The main aim of this paper is to explain different aspects of DNA cryptography and how it works. We also compare different DNA algorithms/methods proposed in a previous paper, and implement DNA cryptography using one-time pad (OTP) and amino acid sequence using java language. OTP is used for symmetric key generation and the DNA sequence is converted to an amino acid sequence to create confusion.
Ogiela, Marek R., Ogiela, Urszula.  2022.  DNA-based Secret Sharing and Hiding in Dispersed Computing. 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops (ISSREW). :126—127.
In this paper will be described a new security protocol for secret sharing and hiding, which use selected personal features. Such technique allows to create human-oriented personalized security protocols dedicated for particular users. Proposed method may be applied in dispersed computing systems, where secret data should be divided into particular number of parts.
Amdouni, Rim, Gafsi, Mohamed, Hajjaji, Mohamed Ali, Mtibaa, Abdellatif.  2022.  Combining DNA Encoding and Chaos for Medical Image Encryption. 2022 IEEE 21st international Ccnference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering (STA). :277—282.
A vast volume of digital electronic health records is exchanged across the open network in this modern era. Cross all the existing security methods, encryption is a dependable method of data security. This study discusses an encryption technique for digital medical images that uses chaos combined with deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). In fact, Rossler's and Lorenz's chaotic systems along with DNA encoding are used in the suggested medical image cryptographic system. Chaos is used to create a random key stream. The DNA encoding rules are then used to encode the key and the input original image. A hardware design of the proposed scheme is implemented on the Zedboard development kit. The experimental findings show that the proposed cryptosystem has strong security while maintaining acceptable hardware performances.
Ravi, Renjith V., Goyal, S. B., Islam, Sardar M N.  2022.  Colour Image Encryption Using Chaotic Trigonometric Map and DNA Coding. 2022 International Conference on Computational Modelling, Simulation and Optimization (ICCMSO). :172—176.
The problem of information privacy has grown more significant in terms of data storage and communication in the 21st century due to the technological explosion during which information has become a highly important strategic resource. The idea of employing DNA cryptography has been highlighted as a potential technology that offers fresh hope for unbreakable algorithms since standard cryptosystems are becoming susceptible to assaults. Due to biological DNA's outstanding energy efficiency, enormous storage capacity, and extensive parallelism, a new branch of cryptography based on DNA computing is developing. There is still more study to be done since this discipline is still in its infancy. This work proposes a DNA encryption strategy based on cryptographic key generation techniques and chaotic diffusion operation.
Hadi, Ahmed Hassan, Abdulshaheed, Sameer Hameed, Wadi, Salim Muhsen.  2022.  Safeguard Algorithm by Conventional Security with DNA Cryptography Method. 2022 Muthanna International Conference on Engineering Science and Technology (MICEST). :195—201.
Encryption defined as change information process (which called plaintext) into an unreadable secret format (which called ciphertext). This ciphertext could not be easily understood by somebody except authorized parson. Decryption is the process to converting ciphertext back into plaintext. Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) based information ciphering techniques recently used in large number of encryption algorithms. DNA used as data carrier and the modern biological technology is used as implementation tool. New encryption algorithm based on DNA is proposed in this paper. The suggested approach consists of three steps (conventional, stream cipher and DNA) to get high security levels. The character was replaced by shifting depend character location in conventional step, convert to ASCII and AddRoundKey was used in stream cipher step. The result from second step converted to DNA then applying AddRoundKey with DNA key. The evaluation performance results proved that the proposed algorithm cipher the important data with high security levels.
Dwiko Satriyo, U. Y. S, Rahutomo, Faisal, Harjito, Bambang, Prasetyo, Heri.  2022.  DNA Cryptography Based on NTRU Cryptosystem to Improve Security. 2022 IEEE 8th Information Technology International Seminar (ITIS). :27—31.
Information exchange occurs all the time in today’s internet era. Some of the data are public, and some are private. Asymmetric cryptography plays a critical role in securing private data transfer. However, technological advances caused private data at risk due to the presence of quantum computers. Therefore, we need a new method for securing private data. This paper proposes combining DNA cryptography methods based on the NTRU cryptosystem to enhance security data confidentiality. This method is compared with conventional public key cryptography methods. The comparison shows that the proposed method has a slow encryption and decryption time compared to other methods except for RSA. However, the key generation time of the proposed method is much faster than other methods tested except for ECC. The proposed method is superior in key generation time and considerably different from other tested methods. Meanwhile, the encryption and decryption time is slower than other methods besides RSA. The test results can get different results based on the programming language used.
Sreeja, C.S., Misbahuddin, Mohammed.  2022.  Anticounterfeiting Method for Drugs Using Synthetic DNA Cryptography. 2022 International Conference on Trends in Quantum Computing and Emerging Business Technologies (TQCEBT). :1—5.
Counterfeited products are a significant problem in both developed and developing countries and has become more critical as an aftermath of COVID-19, exclusively for drugs and medical equipment’s. In this paper, an innovative approach is proposed to resist counterfeiting which is based on the principles of Synthetic DNA. The proposed encryption approach has employed the distinctive features of synthetic DNA in amalgamation with DNA encryption to provide information security and functions as an anticounterfeiting method that ensures usability. The scheme’s security analysis and proof of concept are detailed. Scyther is used to carry out the formal analysis of the scheme, and all of the modeled assertions are verified without any attacks.
Deepa, N R, Sivamangai, N M.  2022.  A State-Of-Art Model of Encrypting Medical Image Using DNA Cryptography and Hybrid Chaos Map - 2d Zaslavaski Map: Review. 2022 6th International Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ICDCS). :190–195.

E-health, smart health and telemedicine are examples of sophisticated healthcare systems. For end-to-end communication, these systems rely on digital medical information. Although this digitizing saves much time, it is open source. As a result, hackers could potentially manipulate the digital medical image as it is being transmitted. It is harder to diagnose an actual disease from a modified digital medical image in medical diagnostics. As a result, ensuring the security and confidentiality of clinical images, as well as reducing the computing time of encryption algorithms, appear to be critical problems for research groups. Conventional approaches are insufficient to ensure high-level medical image security. So this review paper focuses on depicting advanced methods like DNA cryptography and Chaotic Map as advanced techniques that could potentially help in encrypting the digital image at an effective level. This review acknowledges the key accomplishments expressed in the encrypting measures and their success indicators of qualitative and quantitative measurement. This research study also explores the key findings and reasons for finding the lessons learned as a roadmap for impending findings.

ISSN: 2644-1802

Gasimov, Vagif A., Mammadov, Jabir I..  2021.  Image encryption algorithm using DNA pseudo-symbols and chaotic map. 2021 3rd International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications (HORA). :1—5.
There have been developed image encryption algorithm using chaotic map and DNA pseudo-symbols sequence gained on the basis of real DNA symbols. In the suggested algorithm, the address for the selecting of DNA symbols sequence from Gene Bank, encoding rule of the DNA symbols, also the initial parameters of the chaotic map are determined on the secret key basis. Image pixels modification is based on the numerical values of the chaotic points sets coordinates obtained with the chaos play description of the DNA pseudo-symbols and the transference of pixels is based on displacement table constructed with the chaotic map.
Goswami, Partha Sarathi, Chakraborty, Tamal, Chattopadhyay, Abir.  2021.  A Secured Quantum Key Exchange Algorithm using Fermat Numbers and DNA Encoding. 2021 Fourth International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies (ICECCT). :1—8.
To address the concerns posed by certain security attacks on communication protocol, this paper proposes a Quantum Key Exchange algorithm coupled with an encoding scheme based on Fermat Numbers and DNA sequences. The concept of Watson-Crick’s transformation of DNA sequences and random property of the Fermat Numbers is applied for protection of the communication system by means of dual encryption. The key generation procedure is governed by a quantum bit rotation mechanism. The total process is illustrated with an example. Also, security analysis of the encryption and decryption process is also discussed.
S, Sudersan, B, Sowmiya, V.S, Abhijith, M, Thangavel, P, Varalakshmi.  2021.  Enhanced DNA Cryptosystem for Secure Cloud Data Storage. 2021 2nd International Conference on Secure Cyber Computing and Communications (ICSCCC). :337—342.
Cloud computing has revolutionized the way how users store, process, and use data. It has evolved over the years to put forward various sophisticated models that offer enhanced performance. The growth of electronic data stored in the Cloud has made it crucial to access data without data loss and leakage. Security threats still prevent significant corporations that use sensitive data to employ cloud computing to handle their data. Traditional cryptographic techniques like DES, AES, etc... provide data confidentiality but are computationally complex. To overcome such complexities, a unique field of cryptography known as DNA Cryptography came into existence. DNA cryptography is a new field of cryptography that utilizes the chemical properties of DNA for secure data encoding. DNA cryptographic algorithms are much faster than traditional cryptographic methods and can bring about greater security with lesser computational costs. In this paper, we have proposed an enhanced DNA cryptosystem involving operations such as encryption, encoding table generation, and decryption based on the chemical properties of DNA. The performance analysis has proven that the proposed DNA cryptosystem is secure and efficient in Cloud data storage.
Akumalla, Harichandana, Hegde, Ganapathi.  2021.  Deoxyribonucleic Acid Based Nonce-Misuse-Resistant Authenticated Encryption Algorithm. 2021 5th International Conference on Electronics, Materials Engineering Nano-Technology (IEMENTech). :1—5.
This paper aims to present a performance comparison of new authenticated encryption (AE) algorithm with the objective of high network security and better efficiency as compared to the defacto standard. This algorithm is based on a critical property of nonce-misuse-resistance incorporating DNA computation for securing the key, here the processing unit of DNA block converts the input key into its equivalent DNA base formats based on the ASCII code table. The need for secure exchange of keys through a public channel has become inevitable and thus, the proposed architecture will enhance the secrecy by using DNA cryptography. These implementations consider Advanced Encryption Standard in Galois Counter mode (AES-GCM) as a standard for comparison.
Zhang, Mengmeng, Wu, Wangchun.  2021.  Research on Image Encryption Technology Based on Hyperchaotic System and DNA Encoding. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Industrial Design (AIID). :140—144.
This paper proposes an image encryption technology based on six-dimensional hyperchaotic system and DNA encoding, in order to solve the problem of low security in existing image encryption algorithms. First of all, the pixel values of the R, G, and B channels are divided into blocks and zero-filled. Secondly, the chaotic sequence generated by the six-dimensional hyperchaotic system and logistic mapping is used for DNA coding and DNA operations. Third, the decoded three-channel pixel values are scrambled through diagonal traversal. Finally, merge the channels to generate a ciphertext image. According to simulation experiments and related performance analysis, the algorithm has high security performance, good encryption and decryption effects, and can effectively resist various common attack methods.
Jain, Kurunandan, Krishnan, Prabhakar, Rao, Vaishnavi V.  2021.  A Comparison Based Approach on Mutual Authentication and Key Agreement Using DNA Cryptography. 2021 Fourth International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies (ICECCT). :1—6.
Cryptography is the science of encryption and decryption of data using the techniques of mathematics to achieve secure communication. This enables the user to send the data in an insecure channel. These channels are usually vulnerable to security attacks due to the data that they possess. A lot of work is being done these days to protect data and data communication. Hence securing them is the utmost concern. In recent times a lot of researchers have come up with different cryptographic techniques to protect the data over the network. One such technique used is DNA cryptography. The proposed approach employs a DNA sequencing-based encoding and decoding mechanism. The data is secured over the network using a secure authentication and key agreement procedure. A significant amount of work is done to show how DNA cryptography is secure when compared to other forms of cryptography techniques over the network.
Kumar, Anuj.  2021.  Data Security and Privacy using DNA Cryptography and AES Method in Cloud Computing. 2021 Fifth International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC). :1529—1535.
Cloud computing has changed how humans use their technological expertise. It indicates a transition in the use of computers as utilitarian instruments with radical applications in general. However, as technology advances, the number of hazards increases and crucial data protection has become increasingly challenging due to extensive internet use. Every day, new encryption methods are developed, and much research is carried out in the search for a reliable cryptographic algorithm. The AES algorithm employs an overly simplistic algebraic structure. Each block employs the same encryption scheme, and AES is subject to brute force and MITM attacks. AES have not provide d sufficient levels of security; the re is still a need to put further le vels of protection over them. In this regard, DNA cryptography allows you to encrypt a large quantity of data using only a few amount of DNA. This paper combines two methodologies, a DNA-based algorithm and the AES Algorithm, to provide a consi derably more secure data security platform. The DNA cryptography technology and the AES approach are utilized for data encryption and decryption. To improve cloud security, DNA cryptography and AES provide a technologically ideal option.
Bansal, Malti, Gupta, Shubham, Mathur, Siddhant.  2021.  Comparison of ECC and RSA Algorithm with DNA Encoding for IoT Security. 2021 6th International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT). :1340—1343.
IoT is still an emerging technology without a lot of standards around it, which makes it difficult to integrate it into existing businesses, what's more, with restricted assets and expanding gadgets that essentially work with touchy information. Thus, information safety has become urgent for coders and clients. Thus, painstakingly chosen and essentially tested encryption calculations should be utilized to grow the gadgets productively, to decrease the danger of leaking the delicate information. This investigation looks at the ECC calculation (Elliptic Curve Cryptography) and Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) calculation. Furthermore, adding the study of DNA encoding operation in DNA computing with ECC to avoid attackers from getting access to the valuable data.
Nayak, Lipsa, Jayalakshmi, V..  2021.  A Study of Securing Healthcare Big Data using DNA Encoding based ECC. 2021 6th International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT). :348—352.
IT world is migrating towards utilizing cloud computing as an essential data storing and exchanging platform. With the amelioration of technology, a colossal amount of data is generating with time. Cloud computing provides an enormous data storage capacity with the flexibility of accessing it without the time and place restrictions with virtualized resources. Healthcare industries spawn intense amounts of data from various medical instruments and digital records of patients. To access data remotely from any geographical location, the healthcare industry is moving towards cloud computing. EHR and PHR are patient's digital records, which include sensitive information of patients. Apart from all the proficient service provided by cloud computing, security is a primary concern for various organizations. To address the security issue, several cryptographic techniques implemented by researchers worldwide. In this paper, a vigorous cryptographic method discussed which is implemented by combining DNA cryptography and Elliptic Curve Cryptography to protect sensitive data in the cloud.
Kumar, Anuj.  2021.  Framework for Data Security Using DNA Cryptography and HMAC Technique in Cloud Computing. 2021 Second International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems (ICESC). :898—903.

The main objective of the proposed work is to build a reliable and secure architecture for cloud servers where users may safely store and transfer their data. This platform ensures secure communication between the client and the server during data transfer. Furthermore, it provides a safe method for sharing and transferring files from one person to another. As a result, for ensuring safe data on cloud servers, this research work presents a secure architecture combining three DNA cryptography, HMAC, and a third party Auditor. In order to provide security by utilizing various strategies, a number of traditional and novel cryptographic methods are investigated. In the first step, data will be encrypted with the help of DNA cryptography, where the encoded document will be stored in the cloud server. In next step, create a HMAC value of encrypted file, which was stored on cloud by using secret key and sends to TPA. In addition, Third Party Auditor is used for authenticate the purity of stored documents in cloud at the time of verification TPA also create HMAC value from Cloud stored data and verify it. DNA-based cryptographic technique, hash based message authentic code and third party auditor will provide more secured framework for data security and integrity in cloud server.

Bhoi, G., Bhavsar, R., Prajapati, P., Shah, P..  2020.  A Review of Recent Trends on DNA Based Cryptography. 2020 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems (ICISS). :815–822.
One of the emerging methodologies nowadays in the field of cryptography based on human DNA sequences. As the research says that even a limited quantity of DNA can store gigantic measure of information likewise DNA can process and transmit the information, such potential of DNA give rise to the idea of DNA cryptography. A synopsis of the research carried out in DNA based security presented in this paper. Included deliberation contain encryption algorithms based on random DNA, chaotic systems, polymerase chain reaction, coupled map lattices, and other common encryption algorithms. Purpose of algorithms are specific or general as some of them are only designed to encrypt the images or more specific images like medical images or text data and others designed to use it as general for images and text data. We discussed divergent techniques that proposed earlier based on random sample DNA, medical image encryption, image encryption, and cryptanalysis done on various algorithms. With the help of this paper, one can understand the existing algorithms and can design a DNA based encryption algorithm.
Karmakar, J., Mandal, M. K..  2020.  Chaos-based Image Encryption using Integer Wavelet Transform. 2020 7th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN). :756–760.
Since the last few decades, several chaotic encryption techniques are reported by different researchers. Although the cryptanalysis of some techniques shows the feebler resistance of those algorithms against any weaker attackers. However, different hyper-chaotic based and DNA-coding based encrypting methods are introduced recently. Though, these methods are efficient against several attacks, but, increase complexity as well. On account of these drawbacks, we have proposed a novel technique of chaotic encryption of an image using the integer wavelet transform (IWT) and global bit scrambling (GBS). Here, the image is transformed and decomposed by IWT. Thereafter, a chaotic map is used in the encryption algorithm. A key-dependent bit scrambling (GBS) is introduced rather than pixel scrambling to make the encryption stronger. It enhances key dependency along with the increased resistance against intruder attacks. To check the fragility and dependability of the algorithm, a sufficient number of tests are done, which have given reassuring results. Some tests are done to check the similarity between the original and decrypted image to ensure the excellent outcome of the decryption algorithm. The outcomes of the proposed algorithm are compared with some recent works' outputs to demonstrate its eligibility.
Mathur, G., Pandey, A., Goyal, S..  2020.  Immutable DNA Sequence Data Transmission for Next Generation Bioinformatics Using Blockchain Technology. 2nd International Conference on Data, Engineering and Applications (IDEA). :1–6.
In recent years, there is fast growth in the high throughput DNA sequencing technology, and also there is a reduction in the cost of genome-sequencing, that has led to a advances in the genetic industries. However, the reduction in cost and time required for DNA sequencing there is still an issue of managing such large amount of data. Also, the security and transmission of such huge amount of DNA sequence data is still an issue. The idea is to provide a secure storage platform for future generation bioinformatics systems for both researchers and healthcare user. Secure data sharing strategies, that can permit the healthcare providers along with their secured substances for verifying the accuracy of data, are crucial for ensuring proper medical services. In this paper, it has been surveyed about the applications of blockchain technology for securing healthcare data, where the recorded information is encrypted so that it becomes difficult to penetrate or being removed, as the primary goals of block-chaining technology is to make data immutable.
Nisperos, Z. A., Gerardo, B., Hernandez, A..  2020.  Key Generation for Zero Steganography Using DNA Sequences. 2020 12th International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI). :1–6.
Some of the key challenges in steganography are imperceptibility and resistance to detection of steganalysis algorithms. Zero steganography is an approach to data hiding such that the cover image is not modified. This paper focuses on the generation of stego-key, which is an essential component of this steganographic approach. This approach utilizes DNA sequences and shifting and flipping operations in its binary code representation. Experimental results show that the key generation algorithm has a low cracking probability. The algorithm satisfies the avalanche criterion.