Visible to the public Safeguard Algorithm by Conventional Security with DNA Cryptography Method

TitleSafeguard Algorithm by Conventional Security with DNA Cryptography Method
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsHadi, Ahmed Hassan, Abdulshaheed, Sameer Hameed, Wadi, Salim Muhsen
Conference Name2022 Muthanna International Conference on Engineering Science and Technology (MICEST)
KeywordsASCII coding, Biology, Ciphers, DNA, DNA cryptography, DNA sequence, encoding, Encryption, Encryption and Decryption, energy consumption, Human Behavior, Metrics, parallel processing, privacy, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, security
AbstractEncryption defined as change information process (which called plaintext) into an unreadable secret format (which called ciphertext). This ciphertext could not be easily understood by somebody except authorized parson. Decryption is the process to converting ciphertext back into plaintext. Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) based information ciphering techniques recently used in large number of encryption algorithms. DNA used as data carrier and the modern biological technology is used as implementation tool. New encryption algorithm based on DNA is proposed in this paper. The suggested approach consists of three steps (conventional, stream cipher and DNA) to get high security levels. The character was replaced by shifting depend character location in conventional step, convert to ASCII and AddRoundKey was used in stream cipher step. The result from second step converted to DNA then applying AddRoundKey with DNA key. The evaluation performance results proved that the proposed algorithm cipher the important data with high security levels.
Citation Keyhadi_safeguard_2022