Content Delivery Networks(CDN) is a standout amongst the most encouraging innovations that upgrade performance for its clients' websites by diverting web demands from browsers to topographically dispersed CDN surrogate nodes. However, due to the variable nature of CDN, it suffers from various security and resource allocation issues. The most common attack which is used to bring down a whole network as well as CDN without even finding a loophole in the security is DDoS. In this proposal, we proposed a distributed virtual honeypot model for diminishing DDoS attacks and prevent intrusion in securing CDN. Honeypots are specially utilized to imitate the primary server with the goal that the attack is alleviated to the fake rather than the main server. Our proposed layer based model utilizes honeypot to be more effective reducing the cost of the system as well as maintaining the smooth delivery in geographically dispersed servers without performance degradation.
It is important to provide strong security for IoT devices with limited security related resources. We introduce a new dynamic security agent management framework, which dynamically chooses the best security agent to support security functions depending on the applications' security requirements of IoT devices in the system. This framework is designed to overcome the challenges including high computation costs, multiple security protocol compatibility, and efficient energy management in IoT system.
We consider the problem of attack detection for IoT networks based only on passively collected network parameters. For the first time in the literature, we develop a blind attack detection method based on data conformity evaluation. Network parameters collected passively, are converted to their conformity values through iterative projections on refined L1-norm tensor subspaces. We demonstrate our algorithmic development in a case study for a simulated star topology network. Type of attack, affected devices, as well as, attack time frame can be easily identified.
Deep learning is a popular powerful machine learning solution to the computer vision tasks. The most criticized vulnerability of deep learning is its poor tolerance towards adversarial images obtained by deliberately adding imperceptibly small perturbations to the clean inputs. Such negatives can delude a classifier into wrong decision making. Previous defensive techniques mostly focused on refining the models or input transformation. They are either implemented only with small datasets or shown to have limited success. Furthermore, they are rarely scrutinized from the hardware perspective despite Artificial Intelligence (AI) on a chip is a roadmap for embedded intelligence everywhere. In this paper we propose a new discriminative noise injection strategy to adaptively select a few dominant layers and progressively discriminate adversarial from benign inputs. This is made possible by evaluating the differences in label change rate from both adversarial and natural images by injecting different amount of noise into the weights of individual layers in the model. The approach is evaluated on the ImageNet Dataset with 8-bit truncated models for the state-of-the-art DNN architectures. The results show a high detection rate of up to 88.00% with only approximately 5% of false positive rate for MobileNet. Both detection rate and false positive rate have been improved well above existing advanced defenses against the most practical noninvasive universal perturbation attack on deep learning based AI chip.
Security challenges present in Machine-to-Machine Communication (M2M-C) and big data paradigm are fundamentally different from conventional network security challenges. In M2M-C paradigms, “Trust” is a vital constituent of security solutions that address security threats and for such solutions,it is important to quantify and evaluate the amount of trust in the information and its source. In this work, we focus on Machine Learning (ML) Based Trust (MLBT) evaluation model for detecting malicious activities in a vehicular Based M2M-C (VBM2M-C) network. In particular, we present an Entropy Based Feature Engineering (EBFE) coupled Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) model which is optimized with Binary Particle Swarm optimization technique. Based on three performance metrics, i.e., Accuracy Rate (AR), True Positive Rate (TPR), False Positive Rate (FPR), the effectiveness of the proposed method is evaluated in comparison to the state-of-the-art ensemble models, such as XGBoost and Random Forest. The simulation results demonstrates the superiority of the proposed model with approximately 10% improvement in accuracy, TPR and FPR, with reference to the attacker density of 30% compared with the start-of-the-art algorithms.
We demonstrate secure fiber-optic transmission utilizing quantum-noise signal masking by 217-level random phase modulation. Masking of 157 signal phase levels at a BER of HD-FEC threshold is achieved without significant impacts on the transmission performance.
Recently, hashing has attracted considerable attention for nearest neighbor search due to its fast query speed and low storage cost. However, existing unsupervised hashing algorithms have two problems in common. Firstly, the widely utilized anchor graph construction algorithm has inherent limitations in local weight estimation. Secondly, the locally linear structure in the original feature space is seldom taken into account for binary encoding. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a novel unsupervised hashing method, dubbed “discrete locally-linear preserving hashing”, which effectively calculates the adjacent matrix while preserving the locally linear structure in the obtained hash space. Specifically, a novel local anchor embedding algorithm is adopted to construct the approximate adjacent matrix. After that, we directly minimize the reconstruction error with the discrete constrain to learn the binary codes. Experimental results on two typical image datasets indicate that the proposed method significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art unsupervised methods.
This paper focuses on the creation of information centric Cyber-Human Learning Frameworks involving Virtual Reality based mediums. A generalized framework is proposed, which is adapted for two educational domains: one to support education and training of residents in orthopedic surgery and the other focusing on science learning for children with autism. Users, experts and technology based mediums play a key role in the design of such a Cyber-Human framework. Virtual Reality based immersive and haptic mediums were two of the technologies explored in the implementation of the framework for these learning domains. The proposed framework emphasizes the importance of Information-Centric Systems Engineering (ICSE) principles which emphasizes a user centric approach along with formalizing understanding of target subjects or processes for which the learning environments are being created.
Digital forensics is process of identifying, preserving, analyzing and preserving digital evidence. Due to increasing cybercrimes now a days, it is important for all organizations to have a well-managed digital forensics cell. So to overcome this, we propose a framework called digital forensics capability analyser. [1]The main advantage of developing digital analyzer is cost minimization. This tool will provide fundamental information for setting up a digital forensic cell and will also offer services like online sessions. [2] [3]It will help organizations by providing them with a perfect solution according to their requirements to start a digital forensic cell in their respective lnstitution.[4] [5].