Visible to the public CAREER: Novel Primitives and Side-Channel Countermeasures in the Design and Implementation of Cryptographic AlgorithmsConflict Detection Enabled

Project Details

Lead PI

Performance Period

Sep 01, 2007 - Aug 31, 2013


University of Connecticut

Award Number

Outcomes Report URL

The enormous number of successful attacks attests to the fact that computer security is a complex issue. It requires research in many layers and components in computer systems, and becomes even more challenging when resource-constrained systems like mobile computing devices and sensor nodes are considered.

As critical elements of the security of computer systems, cryptographic algorithms are used to achieve basic security functions such as confidentiality, data integrity, and authentication. This research addresses both the design and implementation of cryptographic algorithms. The research studies novel operation primitives that can be added to processors for enhanced cipher and cryptographic hash function designs and lead to ultra-efficient cryptographic algorithms for resource-constrained environments. The research in the implementations of cryptographic algorithms focuses on the defending mechanisms that can be incorporated into the design processes of cryptographic algorithms and computer systems and lead to comprehensive and effective countermeasures to thwart side-channel attacks. Furthermore, the research outcomes of this project will be integrated into a processor design tool to facilitate further study and fast real-world adoption of the research outcomes.

The broader impact of this project is to reveal the relations between the cryptographic properties of individual operations and the overall security strength of cryptographic algorithms and to understand the impact of side-channel attacks on the design of cryptographic algorithms and computer systems. The open-source improvements to design tools will make the research results readily available to designers and thus enables the widespread deployment of secure implementations of cryptographic algorithms and hardware security mechanisms.