Visible to the public Securing Email for the Average Users via a New Architecture

TitleSecuring Email for the Average Users via a New Architecture
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsNourai, M., Levkowitz, H.
Conference Name2017 IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing (PACRIM)
Date Publishedaug
ISBN Number978-1-5386-0700-8
Keywordscommunication medium, consumer, cryptography, cyber security, data privacy, Electronic mail, email encryption, email messages, Email Protocols, email security, Encryption, Human Behavior, human factors, Internet, Metrics, PKI, PKI Trust Models, privacy, privacy protection, pubcrawl, Public key, Resiliency, Scalability, Servers

The ubiquity of the Internet and email, have provided a mostly insecure communication medium for the consumer. During the last few decades, we have seen the development of several ways to secure email messages. However, these solutions are inflexible and difficult to use for encrypting email messages to protect security and privacy while communicating or collaborating via email. Under the current paradigm, the arduous process of setting up email encryption is non-intuitive for the average user. The complexity of the current practices has also yielded to incorrect developers' interpretation of architecture which has resulted in interoperability issues. As a result, the lack of simple and easy-to-use infrastructure in current practices means that the consumers still use plain text emails over insecure networks. In this paper, we introduce and describe a novel, holistic model with new techniques for protecting email messages. The architecture of our innovative model is simpler and easier to use than those currently employed. We use the simplified trust model, which can relieve users from having to perform many complex steps to achieve email security. Utilizing the new techniques presented in this paper can safeguard users' email from unauthorized access and protect their privacy. In addition, a simplified infrastructure enables developers to understand the architecture more readily eliminating interoperability.

Citation Keynourai_securing_2017