Visible to the public 2012 CPS PI Meeting - Agenda

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6:00pm – 9:00pm Early Registration
7:00am – 5:00pm Registration
8:00am – 5:00pm CPS-VO Help Desk
7:00am – 8:15am Continental Breakfast
8:15am – 8:17am Welcome and Introduction
Keith Marzullo (NSF)
8:17am – 8:30am Opening Remarks
Tom Peterson (NSF)
Farnam Jahanian (NSF): 2012 CPS PI Meeting Welcome
8:30am – 8:50am Government Keynote
Vijay Kumar (OSTP)
8:50am – 9:25am Industry Keynote: Technologies for Cyber-Physical Systems
Jim Truchard (National Instruments)
9:25am –10:00am Science Keynote: Science of Cyber-Physical Systems - Bridging CS and Control
George Pappas (UPenn)
10:00am –10:20am Break
Session Chair: Helen Gill (NSF)
10:20am – 10:35am Is It About Time for Control
Paulo Tabuada (UCLA
10:35am –10:50am Bruno Sinopoli (CMU)
10:50am – 11:05am Model Synthesis: New Challenges in Model Based Design
Rajeev Alur (UPenn)
11:05am – 11:40am

Panel Discussion:
Moderator: TBD

Rajeev Alur (UPenn)
Bill Goodwine (UND)
Al Mok (UT)
George Pappas (UPenn)
Bruno Sinopoli (CMU)
Paulo Tabuada (UCLA)

11:40am – 12:15pm Break for Lunch Pickup
12:15pm – 1:15pm

Challenges on Autonomy, Verification, and Distributed Decision and Action
Moderator: Ruzena Bajcsy (UC Berkeley) - Autonomy, Authority, and Human Interaction

Anuradha Annaswamy (MIT) - Challenges on Autonomy, Verification and Distributed Decision, and Action
Hamsa Balakrishnan (MIT) - Autonomy, Authority, and Human Interaction Challenges in Air Transportation Systems
Yuri Gawdiak (FAA/JPDO) - Challenges to Autonomy Organizational Perspective
Jake Hinchman (AFRL) - The Future Trends of Autonomy
Dawn Tilbury (U Mich) - Manufacturing Systems Examples
Andres Zellweger (FAA/JPDO)

1:15pm – 2:00pm Tutorial: Formal Verification Technology
John Rushby (SRI)
Session Chair: Kishan Baheti (NSF)
2:00pm – 2:15pm StarExec - A Web Service for Evaluating Logic Solvers
Aaron Stump (U of Iowa)
2:15pm – 2:30pm Advanced Transportation Systems
Raj Rajkumar (CMU)
2:30pm – 2:45pm Credible Autocoding and Verification of Embedded Software (CrAVES)
Arnaud Venet (CMU West) w/ Eric Feron (GA Tech)
2:45pm – 3:30pm

Panel Discussion:
Moderator: Paul Miner (NASA)

Sandeep Neema (Vanderbilt) 
Raj Rajkumar (CMU)
John Rushby (SRI)
Cesare Tinelli (U Iowa)
Jim Truchard (NI)
Arnaud Venet (CMU West)

3:30pm – 5:30pm Poster Session
5:30pm – 7:30pm Dinner (On your own)
7:30pm – 9:30pm Birds of a Feather Group Meetings

Emerging Tools and Methods for CPS
Moderator: Nina Amla (NSF)
Co-Moderator: Sol Greenspan (NSF)

Sicun Gao (CMU), Xenofon Koutsoukos (Vanderbilt), Aaron Stump (U Iowa)

The New Clockwork for Time-Critical CPS
Moderator: Ted Baker (NSF)

Edward A. Lee (UC Berkeley), Al Mok (UT)

Moderator: Thyagarajan Nandagopal (NSF)

7:00am – 5:00pm Registration
8:00am – 5:00pm CPS-VO Help Desk
7:30am – 5pm Registration
8:15am – 8:45am Government Discussion:
Session Chair: Susan Kemnitzer (NSF)

Foundations for Innovation in Cyber-Physical Systems
Shyam Sunder (NIST)
Some Interagency Coordination in Cyber-Physical Systems
Keith Marzullo (NSF)
8:45am – 9:30am Science Keynote: Cyber-Physical Systems Design Using Dissipativity and Symmetry
Panos Antsaklis (UND)
9:30am – 10:05am Framing the CPS Issues in Manufacturing and Design

CPS in Design and Manufacturing
Bruce Kramer (NSF/CMMI)

Towards the Future of "Making": Convergence
Karthik Ramani (Purdue)
10:05am – 10:20am Break
Session Chair: Bruce Kramer (NSF/CMMI)
10:20am – 10:30am

Internet-Enabled Manufacturing - Fabbit: Fabrication and Brokering through Information Technology
Paul Wright (UC Berkeley)

10:30am – 10:40am

Design Environments and Manufacturing Integration
Mark Traband (PSU)

10:40am – 10:50am

Industry Capabilities and Needs
Brian Murray (UTRC) 

10:50am – 11:40am

Panel Discussion:
Moderator: Steve McKnight (NSF/CMMI)

Al Jones (NIST)
Xenofon Koutsoukos (Vanderbilt)
Pieter Mosterman (Mathworks)
Brian Murray (UTRC)
Fritz Prinz (Stanford)
Karthik Ramani (Purdue)
Mark Traband (PSU)
Paul Wright (Berkeley)

11:40am – 12:15pm Break for Lunch Pickup
12:15pm – 1:15pm

Conversation with Government: Examples for CPS Initiatives
Moderator: Al Wavering (NIST)

Paul Eremenko (DARPA)
Tim Heidel (ARPA-E)
Paul Jones (FDA)
David Kuehn (FHWA)
Brad Martin (NSA/ODNI)
Bob Pearce (NASA)

1:15pm – 1:30pm CPS-VO Update: The CPS-VO Collaboration Platform
Chris vanBuskirk (Vanderbilt)
1:30pm – 3:30pm Poster Session
Session Chair: Sylvia Spengler (NSF)
Session Chair: Ted Baker (NSF)
Session Chair: Ralph Wachter (NSF)
3:30pm – 3:45pm Julian Goldman (Partners & Mass. Gen. Hosp.) The Future Power Grid: Resilience and Systemic Risk
Munther Dahleh (MIT)
Active Safety Control in Automotive Cyber-Physical Systems
Francesco Borrelli (UC Berkeley)
3:45pm – 4:00pm Medical CPS: Opportunities and Challenges
Oleg Sokolsky (UPenn)
Information and Computation Hierarchy for Smart Grids
Lang Tong (Cornell)
Designing Decision-Support Systems for Air Traffic Flow Management: A Cyber-Physical Systems Challenge
Sandip Roy (WSU)
4:00pm – 4:15pm Feedback-Driven Assay Interpretation Using Digital Microfluidic Biochips
Philip Brisk (UC Riverside)
Francesco Bullo (UCSB) CPS and the Mobile Tsunami
Hari Balakrishnan (MIT)
4:15pm – 5:00pm

Panel Discussion:
Moderator: Grace Peng (NIH)

Philip Brisk (UC Riverside)
Julian Goldman (Partners & Mass Gen. Hosp.)
Paul Jones (FDA)
Kamran Sayrafian (NIST)
Oleg Sokolsky (U Penn)
Sandy Weininger (FDA)

Panel Discussion:
Moderator: Tim Heidel (ARPA-E)

Francesco Bullo (UCSB)
Munther Dahleh (MIT)
Santiago Grijalva (GT)
Randy Katz (UC Berkeley)
Steven Low (Caltech)
Amit Narayan (Stanford)
Lang Tong (Cornell)

Panel Discussion:
Moderator: David Kuehn (FHWA)

Hari Balakrishnan (MIT)
Francesco Borelli (UC Berkeley)
Ed Griffor (Chrysler)
David Homan (AFRL)
David Kuehn (FHWA)
Bill Milam (Ford)
Paul Miner (NASA)
Sandip Roy (WSU)
Shige Wang (General Motors)

5:00pm – 7:30pm Dinner (On your own)

7:30pm – 9:30pm
Birds of a Feather Group Meetings

Moderator: Randy Katz (UC Berkeley)

Francesco Bullo (UCSB)
Munther Dahleh (MIT)
Santiago Grijalva (GA Tech)
Tim Heidel (ARPA-E)
Cesar Silva Monroy (Sandia)
Amit Narayan (Stanford)
Wenzhan Song (Georgia State University)
Lang Tong (Cornell)

Moderator: Marc Rigas (NSF)
Co-Moderator: Vinay Pai (NIH/NIBIB)

Philip Brisk (UC Riverside)
Julian Goldman (Partners & Mass. Gen. Hosp.)
Paul Jones (FDA)
Kamran Sayrafian (NIST)
Oleg Sokolsky (U Penn)
Sandy Weininger (FDA)

Moderator: Raj Rajkumar (CMU)

Yuri Gawdiak (NASA/JPDO)
Jake Hinchman (AFRL)
Brian Hulbert (AFRL)
David Kuehn (FHWA)
Claire Tomlin (UC Berkeley)
Andres Zellweger (FAA/JPDO)

7:00am – Noon Registration
8:00am – 12:15pm CPS-VO Help Desk
7:30am – 8:30am Continental Breakfast
8:30am – 9:30am

International Panel: CPS Research Agenda
Moderator: Bill Chang (NSF)

Karl-Erik Årzén (Lund): CPS Research Agenda: A Personal Perspective
Radu Grosu (SUNY Stonybrook & TU Vienna): CPS from EU-Science Perspective
Alkis Konstantellos (EU)
Yuzuru Tanaka (Hokkaido University): Government Initiatives on CPS in Japan
Wei Zhao (University of Macau): CPS Research and Development in China

9:30am – 10:15am

International Conversation: Mechanisms for Collaboration in CPS
Moderator: Sankar Basu (NSF)

Alkis Konstantellos (EU): European Systems Related R&D&I Programs: Past, Present, and Future Plans; and International Cooperation
Yuzuru Tanaka (Hokkaido University): New CPS Project in Japan - CPS-IP: CPS Integrated Platform for Efficient Social Services
Bonnie Thompson (NSF): Mechanisms for International Collaboration in Science & Engineering Research and Education
Ken Whang (NSF): Internationalizing a Program in Computation Neuroscience
Feng Zhao (MSR Beijing): CPS Collaboration Opportunities in Asia

10:15am – 10:30am Break
10:30am – 11:00am Education Keynote: Teaching Embedded Systems Foundation of Cyber-Physical Systems
Peter Marwedel (TU Dortmund)
11:00am – 11:45am Education Keynote: Introducing Embedded Systems: A Cyber-Physical Systems Approach
Edward A. Lee (UC Berkeley)
11:45am – 12:15pm Box Lunch Pickup
12:15pm – 1:45pm

Education Breakouts
Breakout Session Report

Breakout 1:
Moderator: Magnus Egerstedt (GA Tech)
Breakout 2:
Moderator: Rajesh Gupta (UCSD)
Breakout 3:
Moderator: Peter Marwedel (TU Dortmund)

1:45pm – 3:00pm Education Breakout Reports
3:00pm Meeting Adjourned