Visible to the public A Data-driven Process Recommender Framework

TitleA Data-driven Process Recommender Framework
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsYang, Sen, Dong, Xin, Sun, Leilei, Zhou, Yichen, Farneth, Richard A., Xiong, Hui, Burd, Randall S., Marsic, Ivan
Conference NameProceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4503-4887-4
Keywordsemergency medical process analysis., Measurement, Metrics, metrics testing, process prototype extraction, process recommender system, process trace clustering, pubcrawl
AbstractWe present an approach for improving the performance of complex knowledge-based processes by providing data-driven step-by-step recommendations. Our framework uses the associations between similar historic process performances and contextual information to determine the prototypical way of enacting the process. We introduce a novel similarity metric for grouping traces into clusters that incorporates temporal information about activity performance and handles concurrent activities. Our data-driven recommender system selects the appropriate prototype performance of the process based on user-provided context attributes. Our approach for determining the prototypes discovers the commonly performed activities and their temporal relationships. We tested our system on data from three real-world medical processes and achieved recommendation accuracy up to an F1 score of 0.77 (compared to an F1 score of 0.37 using ZeroR) with 63.2% of recommended enactments being within the first five neighbors of the actual historic enactments in a set of 87 cases. Our framework works as an interactive visual analytic tool for process mining. This work shows the feasibility of data-driven decision support system for complex knowledge-based processes.
Citation Keyyang_data-driven_2017