9 Research Scientist Positions in RTES, CPS and IoT
Call for expression of interest in 9 Research Scientist positions to engage in an ambitious research plan in the area of Real-Time & Embedded Computing Systems (RTES), Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and Internet-of-Things (IoT).
The CISTER Research Centre (https://www.cister.isep.ipp.pt), an internationally renowned research centre in the areas of RTES, CPS and IoT, invites applications for Research Scientist positions (at least 9 will be available).
We offer a contract of up to 6 years, with the possibility to obtain a permanent position. The initial annual salary, depending on the specific position and on the candidate's merits, will range from 43.000 up to 55.000 Euros.
The formal call for applications, following the Portuguese law applicable, is expected to be issued by early July.
We are seeking outstanding candidates that have a PhD degree in Computer Science (CS), Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), Software Engineering (SE) or similar. Preference is given to those candidates with more than 3 years of Post Doc experience, although other candidates with exceptional merits will also be considered.
We are particularly seeking candidates with the capacity to contribute and drive research in areas and topics such as:
- analysis and algorithms to enable safe timing execution of high-performance real-time applications on complex heterogeneous platforms, including multi and many-core platforms, GP-GPUs and FPGA accelerators;
- analysis and communication mechanisms for dense and highly connected sensor and actuator systems, able to provide timely information and control, even with complex topologies, based upon latencies and timeliness as structuring concerns;
- time and space isolation mechanisms for safety-critical and mixed-critical systems, built on top of complex embedded computing platforms (multi-core and many-core);
- interplay and dependencies between time and other non-functional properties such as energy, reliability and security, as more and more solutions need to devise an "optimal" operating point with several competing requirements;
- methodologies and algorithms to enable analysis and configuration from model-based specification of systems, and systems-of-systems, thus enabling validation of timing properties to be performed early in the development process, considering multiple stakeholders;
- methodologies and algorithms to enable to formally monitor timing behaviour and adapt to changing operation conditions;
- methodologies and mechanisms for incorporating quality of service and service level agreements as a structural component at all layers of complex cyber-physical systems and internet-of-things frameworks;
- analysis of safety and security of drones-over-the-Internet and design of appropriate approaches to ensure their functional safety;
- integration of robots and drones to the Internet of Things and cloud with satisfaction of real-time constraints and quality of services.
The selected candidates are expected to pro-actively drive a strong publication record within the research area; collaborate in the definition and implementation of strategic research topics and projects; and supervise/co-supervise PhD students.
Interested candidates should send an email with their CVs and a brief research statement to Eduardo Tovar (emt@isep.ipp.pt), no later than July 7th, 2018 with subject CISTER-RS/2018/EOI. The potential candidates should be available for an interview in person or over Skype.