Visible to the public 11 Research Scientist Positions in RTES, CPS and IoTConflict Detection Enabled

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CISTER and ISEP are promoting a number of longer-term Research Scientist positions to engage in an ambitious research plan in the areas of Real-Time & Embedded Computing Systems (RTES), Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and Internet-of-Things (IoT).

For more details about CISTER Outlook for the years 2018 - 2022 please check the last quinquennium report on pages 34-39.

What we offer

The accepted candidates will engage on a highly ambitious research environment, with internationally renowned researchers, and will become part of an international and multi-cultural research ecosystem with a leading research track on multiple hot topics in the areas of Real-Time and Embedded Systems, Ciber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things.

This research environment is boosted by strong collaborations with various world reputed academic institutions as well as with key international industrial players.

Currently we have 11 positions open, with slightly different framings as follows:

  • 8 positions are for 6 years contracts and are funded to ISEP under an institutional contract with FCT. It is expected that during the terms of these contracts, tenured-track positions in the same topics will be made available. The 8 positions are open now are listed below with references CISTER-2018.1-RTS (4 positions), CISTER-2018.1-IOT (2 positions), CISTER-2018.1-TELE and CISTER-2018.1-VV
  • 2 positions are for 6 years contracts funded by ISEP. It is expected that during the terms of these contracts, tenured-track positions in the same topics will be made available. The 2 positions are open now and are listed below with references CISTER-2018.3-RTS-VV and CISTER-2018.3-IOT-TELE.
  • 1 position is already a tenured-track position. This position is open and is listed below with reference CISTER-2018.2-IALC

All these 11 positions have an initial annual gross salary of at least 48200 Euros. All are public servant positions and as such other benefits include social security support, retirement plan, 22 days of vacation, cash food allowance of 105 Euros/month, access to optional extended public servent health coverage, etc.

Candidates' Profiles

We are seeking outstanding candidates that have a PhD degree in Computer Science (CS), Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), Software Engineering (SE) or similar. Preference is given to those candidates with more than 3 years of Post Doc experience, although other candidates with exceptional merits will also be considered, depending on the particular positions.

The selected candidates are expected to pro-actively drive a strong publication record within the research area; collaborate in the definition and implementation of strategic research topics and projects; and supervise/co-supervise PhD students.

Currently Open Positions

Eight 6-year contract positions with application deadline in October 2, 2018:

One tenured-track position with application deadline in October 12, 2018:

Two 6-year contract positions with application deadline in October 15, 2018:

How to Apply: instructions available at

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