Visible to the public Mechanisms for Mutual Attested Microservice Communication

TitleMechanisms for Mutual Attested Microservice Communication
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsWalsh, Kevin, Manferdelli, John
Conference NameCompanion Proceedings of the10th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4503-5195-9
Keywordsattestation, composability, mutual authentication, pubcrawl, trustworthiness, trustworthy computing
AbstractFor systems composed of many rapidly-deployed microservices that cross networks and span trust domains, strong authentication between microservices is a prerequisite for overall system trustworthiness. We examine standard authentication mechanisms in this context, and we introduce new comprehensive, automated, and fine-grained mutual authentication mechanisms that rely on attestation, with particular attention to provisioning and managing secrets. Prototype implementations and benchmark results indicate that mutual attestation introduces only modest overheads and can be made to meet or exceed the performance of common but weaker authentication mechanisms in many scenarios.
Citation Keywalsh_mechanisms_2017