Visible to the public The 3rd International Competition on Verifying Continuous and Hybrid Systems (ARCH-COMP'19)Conflict Detection Enabled

The 3rd International Competition on Verifying Continuous and Hybrid Systems (ARCH-COMP'19) held as a part of the 6th International Workshop on Applied Verification for Continuous and Hybrid Systems (ARCH'19) occurred on April 15, 2019 as a part of the ACM/IEEE Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things Week (CPS-IoT Week). Through ARCH-COMP, about 40 software developers creating verification tools for CPS participated across 8 categories of verification problems, such as in artificial intelligence (AI) components arising in autonomous CPS, Continuous and Hybrid Systems with Linear Dynamics, Stochastic Systems, and Falsification. A repeatability evaluation of the competition results has been conducted to validate the verification results of the participants, and all artifacts are available online for further dissemination and use by the CPS community, available here:

Fabian Immler of Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) received the Best Results Award for his verification tool Isabelle/HOL-ODE-Numerics. The award comes with a 650 Euro prize sponsored by Bosch. Since Fabian couldn't be at the ceremony, Matthias Althoff accepted the certificate on his behalf, from Arne Hamann of Bosch.

In the ARCH workshop, two keynotes were delivered, one by Nathalie Cauchi of Oxford entitled "Tools for Stochastic Hybrid Systems Quo Vadis" and one by Taylor T. Johnson of Vanderbilt entitled "Verification for Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems with Machine Learning Components". In the workshop, three new verification benchmarks were proposed, and one new software tool was described.

The program is available here: . In total, ARCH has now collected over 3 dozen verification benchmark problems: