Submit Your Paper
Submit your paper ECBS 2013
The submission site has closed as of January 1, 2013.
Reviewers may still use the EasyChair link to access their assigned papers. Once the list of accepted papers is finalized, authors may use that link to upload their final manuscripts.
Please use the IEEE Computer Society format. For Author Guidelines see IEEE Computer Society instructions, which includes recent links to the LaTeX and Word templates.
Track Selection
Please select the track to which you are submitting your paper. It is important to get this right, as papers submitted to an incorrect track may not receive reviews from experts in their field. The available tracks for submission, and their descriptions, are:
- Research paper (6-10 pages): Submissions should present novel research results in the thematic or subject areas described in the CfP. Papers consisting of experience reports may be more appropriate for the Industry Papers track.
- Industry paper (4-10 pages): Industry papers provide a forum for short papers on results of industrial research and development, or of significant practical results from academic colleagues, which combine the various themes mentioned in the CfP. Industrial track papers should emphasize the case study and results, and may be shorter than research papers (though they may use the full 10 pages if the authors prefer). It is important to ensure that an industry paper is submitted to the industry paper track.
- Doctoral symposium paper (6-10 pages): The Doctoral Symposium provides a forum for PhD candidates to present work in progress and get feedback from the research community while also publishing a full paper in the IEEE proceedings. Submissions to the Doctoral Symposium should list as an author only by the PhD candidate (though their advisor and any collaborators may be mentioned in the acknowledgments). Submissions to the Doctoral Symposium should follow the guidelines at the doctoral symposium page.
- Poster (max 5 pages): Posters and abstracts presenting work in progress are invited for a poster session. Accepted abstracts will be published in the proceedings. Graduate students are especially welcome to participate.
Submissions to any track must not be concurrently submitted or under review in another venue.
Abstracts should be 250 words, and should not contain numbered references or formulas.
Formatting and Length
Full papers and Doctoral Symposium papers must be 6 to 10 pages in Computer Society Format, posters 5 pages max and industrial papers 4-10 pages. Papers must be submitted via EasyChair and must be allocated to one of the defined ECBS tracks or will be declined without review.