Visible to the public Evaluating the effects of cyber-attacks on cyber physical systems using a hardware-in-the-loop simulation testbedConflict Detection Enabled

TitleEvaluating the effects of cyber-attacks on cyber physical systems using a hardware-in-the-loop simulation testbed
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsBradley Potteiger, William Emfinger, Himanshu Neema, Xenofon Koutsoukos, CheeYee Tang, Keith Stouffer
Conference NameResilience Week (RWS)
Date PublishedSep.
Keywordsactuation capability, Analytical models, Computational modeling, Computer architecture, computer security, CPS attack experiments, cyber components, cyber physical systems, cyber-attack effect evaluation, cyber-physical system, Cyber-physical systems, cybersecurity design process, embedded computers, Embedded systems, experimentation, Hardware, hardware-in-the loop simulation, Hardware-in-the-Loop, hardware-in-the-loop simulation testbed, HIL testbed, model based software development framework, Model Integrated Computing, physical components, physical system, platform specific performance measurements, railway transportation system, resilience, security of data, simulation environment, Software, software engineering, system functions, System-security co-design, testbed, Vanderbilt, vulnerability assessment

Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) consist of embedded computers with sensing and actuation capability, and are integrated into and tightly coupled with a physical system. Because the physical and cyber components of the system are tightly coupled, cyber-security is important for ensuring the system functions properly and safely. However, the effects of a cyberattack on the whole system may be difficult to determine, analyze, and therefore detect and mitigate. This work presents a model based software development framework integrated with a hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testbed for rapidly deploying CPS attack experiments. The framework provides the ability to emulate low level attacks and obtain platform specific performance measurements that are difficult to obtain in a traditional simulation environment. The framework improves the cybersecurity design process which can become more informed and customized to the production environment of a CPS. The developed framework is illustrated with a case study of a railway transportation system.

Citation Key8088669