2019 Global City Teams Challenge: Smart and Secure Cities and Communities Challenge Expo
Dear GCTC/SC3 community,
The 2019 GCTC/SC3 Expo will be held at the Washington DC Convention Center next week. So far, over 1300 attendees have registered from all over the world, and we are expecting the number to surpass 1500 by the time of the event. Attendees will be able to meet:
- Smart Tractors, Mobile Command Center, Electric Vehicles
- 100+ Exhibitors: Check out the list HERE.
- 90+ Projects and 130+ Speakers including 2 U.S. Congressmen and 8 Mayors: Check out the list HERE.
- See the full agenda HERE.
- Complimentary registration is HERE.
Several SuperClusters will release new blueprints at the Expo. Wireless SuperCluster has already uploaded its latest blueprint on Municipal IoT. Download HERE.
Birds of A Feather Meetings (Open to Public, No pre-registration needed)
Several SuperClusters and subgroups will host Birds of a Feather (BoF) meetings during the Expo. BoF meetings will take place in the exhibit space. Currently we have the following BoF meetings scheduled:
- Thursday, July 11, 3:00-4:00PM
- Cybersecurity & Privacy Advisory Committee: Exhibit Booth #435
- Data Super Cluster Meeting: Exhibit Booth #415
- Thursday, July 11, 4:00-5:00PM
- ASEAN Smart City Networking Event: Exhibit Booth #409
- Smart Building Super Cluster Meeting: Exhibit Booth #219
- Agriculture and Rural Super Cluster Meeting: Exhibit Booth #301
- Smart Regions Collaborative Meeting: Exhibit Booth #211
- Friday, July 12, 1:00-2:00PM
- Smart Procurement: Exhibit Booth #211
- Health and Thriving Communities: Exhibit Booth #301
- Half of the World - Women's Leadership in Smart Secure Cities: Exhibit Booth #415
Pre-Conference Public Event on July 10: FIWARE Workshop
Hosted by FIWARE, Room 150A, 4:15-5:30pm, Wednesday, July 10 (free and open to public, pre-register here)
- Discover how FIWARE is driving the de-facto standards needed for the creation of a sustainable global market for Smart Cities! Connected to the Action Cluster proposal presented by the FIWARE Foundation, the workshop will highlight the overall FIWARE vision and value proposition for Smart Cities, as well as present the collaboration activities with the World Economic Forum and TM Forum. In addition, it will touch upon the FIWARE Smart Cities showcase program: the basis and how to join.
Evening Panel and Reception on July 11: Risk Reduction in Tomorrow's Cities
Hosted by the EastWest Institute, in partnership with Microsoft and Unisys, Room 150B, 5:00-6:30pm, Thursday, July 11 (free and open to public, pre-register here)
- This panel will bring together representatives from the private sector, non-profit and city leadership to discuss the challenges cities face when deploying technology and smart solutions in urban environments. Speakers will share views on recommendations and best practices to manage the risks and reap the full potential of Smart Cities across four main areas: cybersecurity, public safety, privacy and data protection, and collaboration in governance. The discussion will be based around a 2019 report from the EastWest Institute, Microsoft and Unisys: Smart and Safe: Risk Reduction in Tomorrow's Cities. Followed by Q&A Session and Reception.
Feel free to forward this message to anyone who might be interested in learning more about 2019 GCTC/SC3. Thank you all.
Sokwoo Rhee, Ph.D.
Associate Director | Cyber-Physical Systems Innovation
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Email: sokwoo.rhee@nist.gov