Call for Papers: ACM TAAS 2019
Call for Papers
ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems: Providing a Platform for Interdisciplinary Research on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems 2019
Editor-in-Chief Bashar Nuseibeh
The Open University, UK, & Lero, Ireland
ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (TAAS) is a venue for high-quality research contributions addressing foundational, engineering, and technological aspects related to complex ICT systems that have to operate autonomously and with autonomous adaptation capabilities - in highly dynamic cyber-physical-social environments.
TAAS addresses research on autonomous and adaptive systems being undertaken by an increasingly interdisciplinary research community -- and provides a common platform under which this work can be published and disseminated. TAAS encourages contributions aimed at supporting the understanding, development, and control of such systems and of their behaviors.
Contributions are expected to be based on sound and innovative theoretical models, algorithms, engineering and programming techniques, infrastructures and systems, or technological and application experiences. Currently, the average review turnaround time from submission to first notification is approximately 2 months. For papers requiring revision, time from acceptance to publication is less than 6 months.
Non-Exhaustive List of Topics
- Autonomic Computing and Communication
- Multi-Agent Systems
- Self-organizing Computing Systems and Swarm Intelligence
- Pervasive and Mobile Computing
- Distributed Services and Systems
- Social and Urban Computing Systems
- Web and Participatory Systems
- Cooperative Systems
- Applications for Autonomous and Adaptive Systems
- Foundational models of autonomous and adaptive behaviors
- Networking models and techniques for autonomous and adaptive systems
- Nature-inspired techniques
- Self-* properties
- Data and Information Management
- Operating systems and middleware for autonomous and adaptive systems
- Software Engineering Approaches and Methodologies
- Context-aware Systems
- Social sensing and social analysis
- Learning & Prediction
For more information and to submit your manuscript, visit the website linked here.