Visible to the public 2018-2019 Meetings SupportedConflict Detection Enabled

CPS, SaTC, and SoS-related Meetings, Workshops, and Conferences housed on the CPS VO portal since the last reporting period:

  1. Computational Cybersecurity in Compromised Environments (C3E) - Sept. '18
  2. Mitigating Adversarial Machine Learning - Sept. '18
  3. NSF National Robotics Initiative PI Meeting - Oct. '18
  4. Science of Security Quarterly Lablet Meeting - Oct. '18
  5. U.S. German International Workshop - Oct. '18
  6. NSF Cyber-Physical Systems PI Meeting - Nov. '18
    1. Women and Underrepresented Minorities Special Interest Networking Lunch
  7. NSF Expeditions in Computing 10thAnniversary PI Meeting - Dec. '18
  8. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS) - Dec. '18
  9. Science of Security Lablet Quarterly Meeting - Jan. '19
  10. CPS Week 2019 CPS-VO Supported Workshops - Apr. '19
    1. DESTION 2019
    2. ARCH 2019
    3. SM2N 2019
    4. SCOPE 2019
  11. Smart and Connected Communities PI Meeting (Publicizing only) - Apr. 19
  12. Hot Topics in Science of Security: Symposium and Bootcamp - Apr. 19
  13. 19th Annual High Confidence Software and Systems Conference - May '19
  14. Formal Methods for Statistical Software Workshop - May '19
  15. Software Certification Consortium Meeting #20 - May '19
  16. C3E Mid-Year Planning Meeting - May '19
  17. 2019 CPS Challenge "No Drone Left Behind" - May '19
  18. CPS Security Summer Camps 2018 - June '19
  19. CPSS Teacher Camp
  20. CPSS Student Camps
  21. Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity Workshop - June '19
  22. Computational Methods and the Future of Science (publicizing only) - June '19
  23. Science of Security Quarterly Lablet Meeting - July '19