Visible to the public Efficiently Checking Actual Causality with SAT SolvingConflict Detection Enabled

TitleEfficiently Checking Actual Causality with SAT Solving
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsAmjad Ibrahim, Simon Rehwald, Alexander Pretschner
JournalLecture Notes of the 2018 Marktoberdorf Summer school on Software Engineering. To Appear.
Keywordsartificial intelligence, Computers and Society, Data Structures and Algorithms

Recent formal approaches towards causality have made the concept ready for incorporation into the technical world. However, causality reasoning is computationally hard; and no general algorithmic approach exists that efficiently infers the causes for effects. Thus, checking causality in the context of complex, multi-agent, and distributed socio-technical systems is a significant challenge. Therefore, we conceptualize an intelligent and novel algorithmic approach towards checking causality in acyclic causal models with binary variables, utilizing the optimization power in the solvers of the Boolean Satisfiability Problem (SAT). We present two SAT encodings, and an empirical evaluation of their efficiency and scalability. We show that causality is computed efficiently in less than 5 seconds for models that consist of more than 4000 variables.

Citation KeyDBLP:journals/corr/abs-1904-13101