Visible to the public Understanding and Formalizing Accountability for Cyber-Physical SystemsConflict Detection Enabled

TitleUnderstanding and Formalizing Accountability for Cyber-Physical Systems
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsSeverin Kacianka, Alexander Pretschner
Conference NameIEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
Date Published10/23/2018
Conference LocationBari, Italy
Keywordsaccountability, Cyber Physical Systems (CPS), formal modeling

Accountability is the property of a system that enables the uncovering of causes for events and helps understand who or what is responsible for these events. Definitions and interpretations of accountability differ; however, they are typically expressed in natural language that obscures design decisions and the impact on the overall system. This paper presents a formal model to express the accountability properties of cyber-physical systems. To illustrate the usefulness of our approach, we demonstrate how three different interpretations of accountability can be expressed using the proposed model and describe the implementation implications through a case study. This formal model can be used to highlight context specific-elements of accountability mechanisms, define their capabilities, and express different notions of accountability. In addition, it makes design decisions explicit and facilitates discussion, analysis and comparison of different approaches.

Citation Keynode-62101