Visible to the public Side-Channel Timing Attack of RSA on a GPU

TitleSide-Channel Timing Attack of RSA on a GPU
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsLuo, Chao, Fei, Yunsi, Kaeli, David
JournalACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO)
Date Publishedaug
Keywordsexponentiation, GPU, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, RSA, Scalability, Timing attack
AbstractTo increase computation throughput, general purpose Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) have been leveraged to accelerate computationally intensive workloads. GPUs have been used as cryptographic engines, improving encryption/decryption throughput and leveraging the GPU's Single Instruction Multiple Thread (SIMT) model. RSA is a widely used public-key cipher and has been ported onto GPUs for signing and decrypting large files. Although performance has been significantly improved, the security of RSA on GPUs is vulnerable to side-channel timing attacks and is an exposure overlooked in previous studies. GPUs tend to be naturally resilient to side-channel attacks, given that they execute a large number of concurrent threads, performing many RSA operations on different data in parallel. Given the degree of parallel execution on a GPU, there will be a significant amount of noise introduced into the timing channel given the thousands of concurrent threads executing concurrently. In this work, we build a timing model to capture the parallel characteristics of an RSA public-key cipher implemented on a GPU. We consider optimizations that include using Montgomery multiplication and sliding-window exponentiation to implement cryptographic operations. Our timing model considers the challenges of parallel execution, complications that do not occur in single-threaded computing platforms. Based on our timing model, we launch successful timing attacks on RSA running on a GPU, extracting the private key of RSA. We also present an effective error detection and correction mechanism. Our results demonstrate that GPU acceleration of RSA is vulnerable to side-channel timing attacks. We propose several countermeasures to defend against this class of attacks.
Citation Keyluo_side-channel_2019