Visible to the public Privacy Controls for Always-Listening DevicesConflict Detection Enabled

TitlePrivacy Controls for Always-Listening Devices
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsNathan Malkin, Serge Egelman, David Wagner
Conference NameNew Security Paradigms Workshop (NSPW)
KeywordsHuman Behavior, ICSI, January 2020, Metrics, Operationalizing Contextual Data, Operationalizing Contextual Integrity, Policy-Governed Secure Collaboration, Scalability and Composability

Intelligent voice assistants (IVAs) and other voice-enabled devices already form an integral component of the Internet of Things and will continue to grow in popularity. As their capabilities evolve, they will move beyond relying on the wake-words today's IVAs use, engaging instead in continuous listening. Though potentially useful, the continuous recording and analysis of speech can pose a serious threat to individuals' privacy. Ideally, users would be able to limit or control the types of information such devices have access to. But existing technical approaches are insufficient for enforcing any such restrictions. To begin formulating a solution, we develop a system- atic methodology for studying continuous-listening applications and survey architectural approaches to designing a system that enhances privacy while preserving the benefits of always-listening assistants.

Citation Keynode-65624