Visible to the public An Experimental Analysis of Current DDoS attacks Based on a Provider Edge Router Honeynet

TitleAn Experimental Analysis of Current DDoS attacks Based on a Provider Edge Router Honeynet
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsTriantopoulou, Stamatia, Papanikas, Dimitrios, Kotzanikolaou, Panayiotis
Conference Name2019 10th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA)
ISBN Number978-1-7281-4959-2
Keywordsbotnets, computer network security, DDoS Attacks, distributed denial of service attacks, honeynet, Internet, IoT-based DDoS attack vectors, ISP edge router, Metrics, network protocol sniffer, Network security, Protocols, provider edge router honeynet system, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Router Systems Security, signature-based attack analysis tools, telecommunication network routing, time 4 month

This paper presents an experimental analysis of current Distributed Denial of Service attacks. Our analysis is based on real data collected by a honeynet system that was installed on an ISP edge router, for a four-month period. In the examined scenario, we identify and analyze malicious activities based on packets captured and analyzed by a network protocol sniffer and signature-based attack analysis tools. Our analysis shows that IoT-based DDoS attacks are one of the latest and most proliferating attack trends in network security. Based on the analysis of the attacks, we describe some mitigation techniques that can be applied at the providers' network to mitigate the trending attack vectors.

Citation Keytriantopoulou_experimental_2019