Visible to the public Adapting Users' Privacy Preferences in Smart Environments

TitleAdapting Users' Privacy Preferences in Smart Environments
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsAlom, Md. Zulfikar, Carminati, Barbara, Ferrari, Elena
Conference Name2019 IEEE International Congress on Internet of Things (ICIOT)
Date Publishedjul
Keywordsdata privacy, Human Behavior, Internet of Things, learning (artificial intelligence), machine learning, privacy, privacy checking, privacy control, Privacy Policies, Privacy Preferences, pubcrawl, Scalability, service providers, smart environment, soft privacy matching mechanism, users privacy preferences
AbstractA smart environment is a physical space where devices are connected to provide continuous support to individuals and make their life more comfortable. For this purpose, a smart environment collects, stores, and processes a massive amount of personal data. In general, service providers collect these data according to their privacy policies. To enhance the privacy control, individuals can explicitly express their privacy preferences, stating conditions on how their data have to be used and managed. Typically, privacy checking is handled through the hard matching of users' privacy preferences against service providers' privacy policies, by denying all service requests whose privacy policies do not fully match with individual's privacy preferences. However, this hard matching might be too restrictive in a smart environment because it denies the services that partially satisfy the individual's privacy preferences. To cope with this challenge, in this paper, we propose a soft privacy matching mechanism, able to relax, in a controlled way, some conditions of users' privacy preferences such to match with service providers' privacy policies. At this aim, we exploit machine learning algorithms to build a classifier, which is able to make decisions on future service requests, by learning which privacy preference components a user is prone to relax, as well as the relaxation tolerance. We test our approach on two realistic datasets, obtaining promising results.
Citation Keyalom_adapting_2019