Visible to the public Identifying Security Spots for Data Integrity

TitleIdentifying Security Spots for Data Integrity
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsOgale, Pushkar, Shin, Michael, Abeysinghe, Sasanka
Conference Name2018 IEEE 42nd Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC)
Date Publishedjul
ISBN Number978-1-5386-2667-2
Keywordsbenign code, composability, coupling, Couplings, data integrity, Databases, IBCs, insider attack, insiders, Integrity breach condition, integrity breach conditions, malicious code, Malware, Metrics, object oriented security, object-oriented programming, object-oriented programs, program diagnostics, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, security of data, Security spot, security spots identification, Tools

This paper describes an approach to detecting malicious code introduced by insiders, which can compromise the data integrity in a program. The approach identifies security spots in a program, which are either malicious code or benign code. Malicious code is detected by reviewing each security spot to determine whether it is malicious or benign. The integrity breach conditions (IBCs) for object-oriented programs are specified to identify security spots in the programs. The IBCs are specified by means of the concepts of coupling within an object or between objects. A prototype tool is developed to validate the approach with a case study.

Citation Keyogale_identifying_2018