Visible to the public Grouping-Proofs Based Access Control Using KP-ABE for IoT Applications

TitleGrouping-Proofs Based Access Control Using KP-ABE for IoT Applications
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsTouati, Lyes
Conference Name2017 IEEE Trustcom/BigDataSE/ICESS
Date PublishedAug. 2017
ISBN Number 978-1-5090-4906-6
KeywordsAccess Control, authorisation, authorize NFC payment, Collaboration, cryptographic protocols, Encryption, Grouping proofs, grouping-proofs based access control, Internet of Things, IoT applications, key policy attribute based encryption, key-policy attribute-based encryption, KP-ABE, KP-ABE protocol, message encryption, Pairing Cryptography, policy-based governance, pubcrawl, Public key, radiofrequency identification, RFID systems, Scalability, security analysis, threshold grouping-proofs

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a new paradigm in which every-day objects are interconnected between each other and to the Internet. This paradigm is receiving much attention of the scientific community and it is applied in many fields. In some applications, it is useful to prove that a number of objects are simultaneously present in a group. For example, an individual might want to authorize NFC payment with his mobile only if k of his devices are present to ensure that he is the right person. This principle is known as Grouping-Proofs. However, existing Grouping-Proofs schemes are mostly designed for RFID systems and don't fulfill the IoT characteristics. In this paper, we propose a Threshold Grouping-Proofs for IoT applications. Our scheme uses the Key-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (KP-ABE) protocol to encrypt a message so that it can be decrypted only if at least k objects are simultaneously present in the same location. A security analysis and performance evaluation is conducted to show the effectiveness of our proposal solution.

Citation Keytouati_grouping-proofs_2017