SASO 2013
Seventh IEEE International Conference
on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems
Philadelphia, USA; September 9-13, 2013
The 2013 edition of the Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing systems conference (SASO) will be held in Philadelphia, PA, USA, and hosted by Drexel University, in the week of September 9-13, 2013.
The aim of the SASO conference series is to provide a forum for the foundations of a principled approach to engineering systems, networks and services based on self-adaptation and self-organization. To this end, the meeting aims to attract participants with different backgrounds, to foster cross-pollination between research fields, and to expose and discuss innovative theories, frameworks, methodologies, tools, and applications. The complexity of current and emerging computing systems has led the software engineering, distributed systems and systems management communities to look for inspiration in diverse fields (e.g., complex systems, control theory, artificial intelligence, sociology, and biology) to find new ways of designing and managing networks, systems and services. In this endeavor, self-organization and self-adaptation have emerged as two promising interrelated approaches.
The seventh edition of the SASO conference embraces the inter-disciplinarity and the scientific, empirical and application dimensions of self-* systems, and welcomes novel results on both self-adaptive and self-organizing systems research. It seeks to emphasize the interconnection of basic research between and within fields, and the increasing protrusion of self-* systems into the human sphere, evaluating their impact on society, environmental sustainability, commerce, living/working spaces and critical infrastructure. Contributions must present novel theoretical or experimental results, or practical approaches and experiences in building or deploying real-world systems, applications, tools, frameworks, etc. Contributions contrasting different approaches for engineering a given family of systems, or demonstrating the applicability of a certain approach for different systems, are equally encouraged.
The topics of interest to SASO include, but are not limited to:
- Self-* systems theory: theoretical frameworks and models; biologically- and socially-inspired paradigms; inter-operation of self-* mechanisms;
- Self-* systems engineering: hardware, software and middleware development frameworks and methods, platforms and toolkits; self-* materials;
- Self-* system properties: robustness, resilience and stability; emergence; computational awareness and self-awareness; reflection;
- Self-* cyber-physical and socio-technical systems: human factors and visualization; self-* social computers; crowdsourcing and collective awareness;
- Applications and experiences of self-* systems: cyber security, transportation, computational sustainability, big data and creative commons, power systems.