Visible to the public Trust and Packet Loss Aware Routing (TPLAR) for Intrusion Detection in WSNs

TitleTrust and Packet Loss Aware Routing (TPLAR) for Intrusion Detection in WSNs
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsNageswar Rao, A., Rajendra Naik, B., Nirmala Devi, L., Venkata Subbareddy, K.
Conference Name2020 12th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (CICN)
Date Publishedsep
KeywordsBuffer Capacity, Computational Intelligence, Computational modeling, Energy states, false trust, FPR, Intrusion detection, MDR, Packet loss, policy-based governance, pubcrawl, residual energy, Resiliency, Routing, Scalability, Wireless sensor networks, WSNs
AbstractIn this paper, a new intrusion detection mechanism is proposed based on Trust and Packet Loss Rate at Sensor Node in WSNs. To find the true malicious nodes, the proposed mechanism performs a deep analysis on the packet loss. Two independent metrics such as buffer capacity metric and residual energy metric are considered for packet loss rate evaluation. Further, the trust evaluation also considers the basic communication interactions between sensor nodes. Based on these three metrics, a new composite metric called Packet Forwarding Probability (PFP) is derived through which the malicious nodes are identified. Simulation experiments are conducted over the proposed mechanism and the performance is evaluated through False Positive Rate (FPR) and Malicious Detection Rate (MDR). The results declare that the proposed mechanism achieves a better performance compared to the conventional approaches.
Citation Keynageswar_rao_trust_2020