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Tenure Track Assistant or Associate Professor Position in Automotive Software Systems and Architectures

University of Oulu (Finland) is seeking outstanding candidates to apply for a 5-year tenure track Assistant or Associate Professor position in Automotive Software Systems and Architectures.

Full details and electronic application system at

There are three alternative research units for the position.

Please contact Markku Oivo ( if you are interested in working in M3S research unit (Empirical Software Engineering).


The position is directed to investigate automotive software systems and architectures.

In this context, the position can have a special focus on embedded software systems and architectures, vehicular edge/fog computing, or safety-critical software. The tenure track position is open to highly talented researchers who hold a doctoral degree and have an excellent potential for an outstanding scientific career and master one or more of the research topics mentioned above.

The position requires close collaboration with Oulu Automotive Cluster, an ecosystem of 110 companies and 33 research and development organizations ( The cluster is strong in 6G, embedded system development, printed electronics, and automotive testbeds. The professor is expected to prepare and lead RDI initiatives between researchers and companies in the cluster and open doors for international RDI cooperation. The aim is to create a versatile and competitive research project portfolio supported by innovative startups, SMEs, and corporations.

The professor will join the 6G Flagship program. 6G Flagship ( is a global leader and desired research partner for 5G adoption and 6G co-creation. The program aims at envisioning and defining 6G-enabled digital world towards 2030, aligned with the UN SDGs, where the physical and virtual worlds meet, and wireless connectivity expands to all areas of life. For this purpose, 6G Flagship’s experts develop fundamental 6G technology components, novel wireless solutions and business approaches in four interrelated research areas - wireless connectivity, device and circuit technologies, distributed intelligent computing, and sustainable human-centric services and applications. The program partners with stakeholder groups from research community and political decision makers to companies representing both ICT development and a broad range of ICT user fields from health sector to automotive and heavy industry. Joint development of applications in verticals paves the way for sustainable data-driven society enabled by near-instant, unlimited connectivity.

The position will be based in the Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ITEE, in one of the three research units listed below; the relevant host research unit will be identified based on the specific research area and the successful applicant’s expertise:

A researcher at any level of the academic tenure track system is expected to conduct outstanding world-class scientific research, to be competitive in attracting external funding, to publish in leading journals, to supervise doctoral students, to be an active member of the international scientific community, to create and teach related BSc and MSc level courses, and to exhibit academic leadership.

GENERAL QUALIFICATIONS: The applicant should have excellent potential for a successful scientific career. The top candidates undergo an evaluation by external experts and are required to reach top scores (5-6 on a scale from 1 to 6 for scientific activity and as the overall score) to be recruited.

QUALIFICATIONS FOR AN ASSISTANT PROFESSOR POSITION: We expect you to have a doctoral degree in a relevant field as described above, the ability to work independently, and to hold teaching skills relevant for the position. To qualify as an Assistant Professor, your doctoral degree has been received a maximum of ten years ago.

QUALIFICATIONS FOR AN ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR POSITION: We expect you to have an applicable doctoral degree as well as evidence of scientific research work and the teaching skills required in the position. You must have the ability to lead a research group and acquire supplementary research funding. We also expect you to have sufficient and relevant experience in international scientific work and international cooperation.

Please find out more about our tenure track system, entry criteria, evaluation procedure, and advancement on our careers website, including the Tenure Track guidelines.

The position is fixed term for 5 years as of January 1, 2022, or as soon as possible after that. A trial period of 6 months is applied in the position.

The salary will be based on the levels 5-6 for an assistant professor and on the levels 6-7 for an associate professor of the demand level chart for teaching and research staff of Finnish universities. In addition, a salary component based on personal work performance will be paid (maximum of 50 % of the job-specific component). The starting EUR salary will be approximately €3500 - 5500 per month (before taxes). Regular salary is paid 12 months per year, including paid leave and an additional holiday bonus in the summer. In addition, the university will insure the employed person and provide occupational healthcare.

The tenure track position includes a start-up package with one postdoctoral researcher (5-yr) and/or one PhD student (4-yr), fully funded.

We offer a stimulating and versatile position and the possibility to develop professionally as a member of an experienced and enthusiastic community. The development opportunities of a big organization are accompanied with flexible working hours and excellent work-life balance. In addition, Finnish government provides benefits to residents and their families, for example, the possibility to the national healthcare system and high-quality, affordable childcare and school services.

Apply online by Tuesday, August 31, 2021, at 23:59 (Finnish local time).

Please include the following attachments in your application in English and the pdf file format:

1)      a motivation letter with contact information, stating the career level for which you would like to be evaluated,
2)      curriculum vitae following the guidelines of the Finnish Advisory Board on Research Integrity. The guidelines and template are available at,
3)      a complete list of publications preferably with DOI identifications, with the ten most important ones marked, following the guidelines of the Academy of Finland:,
4)      a brief account of research merits (max 1 page),
5)      a brief account of teaching merits or a teaching portfolio (max 2 pages),
6)      details regarding the acquisition of research funds (max 2 pages),
7)      research and action plan (max 2 pages), and
8)      contact details of 2 to 4 persons available for recommendation.

The selection process follows the University of Oulu tenure track guidelines. A recruitment committee carries out the process, and the candidates are subjected to publication analyses based on their publication lists. The candidates that are considered most suitable by the recruitment committee will also undergo an expert evaluation.


Prof. Juha Röning, Biomimetics and Intelligent Systems Group (
phone: +358405181621

Prof. Timo Ojala, Center for Ubiquitous Computing (
phone: +358405676646

Prof. Markku Oivo, Empirical Software Engineering in Software, Systems and Services (
phone: +358408227702
email: (available whole summer)

Concerning application process:
Research Support Specialist Elina Rossi,, tel. +358407471071

Please note that due to university`s holiday season in July, there may be a delay in responses.

At the University of Oulu, we work as part of the international science community to produce new scientific information and science-based solutions. We are committed to educating future pioneers to build a more sustainable, intelligent, and humane world. Creating new, taking responsibility, and succeeding together are values that build a strong foundation for our actions. We offer a working environment where individuals can cultivate their skills, do meaningful work, and develop professionally. Our university's several specialized research and service units enable extensive and diverse development and career opportunities for experts in various fields. More information: Finland and the City of Oulu: For the fourth year in a row, Finland has been evaluated as the world's happiest country according to the UN-sponsored World Happiness Report survey data. The capital of Northern Finland, the City of Oulu, combines beautiful northern nature, vivid cultural life, and modern technology. The city is also known for its highly educated people and friendly, easy-going atmosphere. The residents of Oulu enjoy the high standard of living Finland is known for, while the cost of living is still affordable in national comparison. The Oulu region is home to over 200 000 people, making it the largest urban center in northern Nordics and one of the fastest-growing regions in Finland. Find out more about Oulu:
Prof. Markku Oivo
Head of M3S
Empirical Software Engineering in Software, Systems and Services
P.O. Box 8000, FI-90014 University of Oulu, Finland
Mobile +358 40 8227702

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