Visible to the public Compression Optimization For Automatic Verification of Network Configuration

TitleCompression Optimization For Automatic Verification of Network Configuration
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsWang, Haoyu
Conference Name2021 6th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Signal Processing (ICSP)
KeywordsAutomatic Reasoning, Collaboration, composability, compositionality, Computational modeling, computer network, computer network reliability, Experimental Network Verification, Internet, network compression, NP-C, Paralysis, Path Algebra, policy-based collaboration, privacy, protocol verification, Protocols, pubcrawl, security, Signal processing
AbstractIn the era of big data and artificial intelligence, computer networks have become an important infrastructure, and the Internet has become ubiquitous. The most basic property of computer networks is reachability. The needs of the modern Internet mainly include cost, performance, reliability, and security. However, even for experienced network engineers, it is very difficult to manually conFigure the network to meet the needs of the modern large-scale Internet. The engineers often make mistakes, which can cause network paralysis, resulting in incalculable losses. Due to the development of automatic reasoning technology, automatic verification of network configuration is used to avoid mistakes. Network verification is at least an NP-C problem, so it is necessary to compress the network to reduce the network scale, thereby reducing the network verification time. This paper proposes a new model of network modeling, which is more suitable for the verification of network configuration on common protocols (such as RIP, BGP). On the basis of the existing compression method, two compression rules are added to compress the modeled network, reducing network verification time and conducting network reachability verification experiments on common networks. The experimental results are slightly better than the current compression methods.
Citation Keywang_compression_2021