Visible to the public 2013 WESE Workshop

2013 Workshop on Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems Education

October 3, 2013, Montreal, Canada
Organized as a part of Embedded Systems Week


Embedded and cyber-physical systems design requires multidisciplinary skills from control and signal processing theory, electronics, computer engineering and science, telecommunication, etc., as well as application domain knowledge. Demand for embedded systems engineers has motivated a growing interest in the question of educating specialists in this domain. As system designs grow more complex and the time to market diminishes, quality education becomes more and more important. This ninth workshop on the subject aims to bring researchers, educators, and industrial representatives together to assess needs and share design, research, and experiences in embedded and cyber-physical systems education. Particular topics of interest include but are not limited to:

  • Industrial needs regarding embedded systems education

  • Embedded systems curricular design and implementation

  • Cyber-physical systems education

  • Control and signal processing issues

  • Real-time computing issues

  • Distributed systems issues

  • Architecture and design issues

  • Hardware/software co-design

  • Hands-on experiences and labs

  • Teaching embedded systems


08:00 Get-together
08:15 Opening
08:30 Walid Taha, Robert Cartwright, Roland Philippsen, Yingfu Zen (Halmstad University, Sweden and Rice University, USA)
Experiences with a First Course on Cyber- Physical Systems
09:00 Chris van Buskirk, Mariah Figlietti Vasquez, Brandon Knight, Sandeep Neema, Thomas J. Withrow (Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA)
The AVM Internship Program - A Short Course in Cyber-Physical Systems Design
09:30 BREAK
10:00 Keynote Presentation: Tom Withrow, Janos Sztipanovits (Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA)
Teaching of model-based CPS design using a real-life system project
10:45 Steffen Büchner, Steffen Jaschke, Sigrid Schubert (University of Siegen, D)
Enhancing the Comparability between Didactic Research on Embedded Systems
11:15 Franco Fummi (University of Verona), Cristina Marconcini (STMProducts s.r.l.), Graziano Pravadelli (University of Verona)
Teaching embedded software design with radSUITE
11:45 Discussion
12:00 LUNCH
13:00 Jérôme Hugues, Janette Cardoso (Université de Toulouse, F)
CESEC Chair – Training Embedded System Architects for the Critical Systems Domain
13:30 Omair Rafique, Manuel Gesell, Klaus Schneider (University of Kaiserslautern, D)
Learning Various Aspects of a Distributed Real-Time Automotive Embedded System
14:00 Kai Huang, Hardik Shah, Karan Savant, Dexin Chen, Gang Chen, Sebastian Klose, Alois Knoll (TU Munich, D)
A LEGO/FPGA-Based Platform for the Education of Cyber-Physical/Embedded Systems
14:30 David C. Dyer (University of Warwick, UK)
VIP: A novel 12-bit _ISA_ for introducing novice students to instruction set paradigms, their use and implementation
15:00 BREAK
15:30 Harry Courtney Powell, Joanne Bechta Dugan (University of Virginia, Charlottesville; USA)
Development of Embedded Computing Courseware for Undergraduates in Electrical and Computer Engineering (short paper)
15:45 Eric Biggers (Macalester College, Saint Paul, USA), Farzeen Harunani, Tyler Much, Dennis Brylow (Marquette University, Milwaukee, USA)
XinuPi: Porting a Lightweight Educational Operating System to the Raspberry Pi (short paper)
16:00 Discussion
17:00 Close



  • Alexander Dean, North Carolina State University, USA
  • Helen Gill, NSF, USA
  • Jeff C. Jensen, National Instruments, USA
  • Tei-Wei Kuo, NTU, Taipeh, Taiwan
  • Sin Ming Loo, Boise State University, USA
  • Pieter Mosterman, Mathworks, USA
  • Jogesh Muppala, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
  • Falk Salewski, Lacroix Electronic, Willich, Germany
  • Klaus Schneider, TU Kaiserslautern, Germany
  • Stewart Tansley, Microsoft Corp., USA
  • Shiao-Li Tsao, NCTU, Hsinchu, Taiwan
  • Martin Törngren, Royal Inst. of Technology, Sweden


* Info:

* ESWEEK web site:

* Workshop registration website:

* Hotel reservation:


  • Peter Marwedel, TU Dortmund, Germany (chair)
  • Jeff Jackson, The University of Alabama, USA
  • Kenneth Ricks, The University of Alabama, USA



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