Visible to the public Business Process Extraction Using Static Analysis

TitleBusiness Process Extraction Using Static Analysis
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsIslam, Md Rofiqul, Cerny, Tomas
Conference Name2021 36th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE)
Date Publishednov
KeywordsBusiness, Business Process Mining, cloud computing, codes, composability, Costs, data mining, Data Science, Distributed Systems, Human Behavior, log analysis, pubcrawl, Resiliency, Runtime, static analysis, static code analysis
AbstractBusiness process mining of a large-scale project has many benefits such as finding vulnerabilities, improving processes, collecting data for data science, generating more clear and simple representation, etc. The general way of process mining is to turn event data such as application logs into insights and actions. Observing logs broad enough to depict the whole business logic scenario of a large project can become very costly due to difficult environment setup, unavailability of users, presence of not reachable or hardly reachable log statements, etc. Using static source code analysis to extract logs and arranging them perfect runtime execution order is a potential way to solve the problem and reduce the business process mining operation cost.
Citation Keyislam_business_2021