Visible to the public Acceleration of Post Quantum Digital Signature Scheme CRYSTALS-Dilithium on Reconfigurable Hardware

TitleAcceleration of Post Quantum Digital Signature Scheme CRYSTALS-Dilithium on Reconfigurable Hardware
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsCampbell, Donal, Rafferty, Ciara, Khalid, Ayesha, O'Neill, Maire
Conference Name2022 32nd International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL)
KeywordsComputational efficiency, cryptography, digital sig-nature, digital signatures, FPGA, Memory management, Post-quantum cryptography, Power demand, pubcrawl, quantum computing, resilience, Resiliency, Resource management, Scalability
AbstractThis research investigates efficient architectures for the implementation of the CRYSTALS-Dilithium post-quantum digital signature scheme on reconfigurable hardware, in terms of speed, memory usage, power consumption and resource utilisation. Post quantum digital signature schemes involve a significant computational effort, making efficient hardware accelerators an important contributor to future adoption of schemes. This is work in progress, comprising the establishment of a comprehensive test environment for operational profiling, and the investigation of the use of novel architectures to achieve optimal performance.
NotesISSN: 1946-1488
Citation Keycampbell_acceleration_2022