Programming Language Approaches to Concurrency
and communication-cEntric Software
April 2014, Grenoble, France
Affiliated with ETAPS 2014
Theme and Goals
Applications today are built using numerous interacting services. Soon
off-the-shelf CPUs will host thousands of cores, acceleration using
GPUs, DSPs and re-configurable hardware will be common-place, and sensor
networks will be composed from a large number of processing units.
Modern and future applications need to make effective use of large
numbers of computing nodes. At multiple levels of granularity,
computation in such systems is inherently concurrent and
To exploit and harness the richness of this computing environment,
designers and programmers will utilise a variety of computing paradigms,
depending on the shape of data and control flow, and on resource
constraints such as energy and bandwidth. Plausible candidates for such
paradigms include structured imperative concurrent programming,
stream-based programming, concurrent functions with asynchronous message
passing, higher-order types for events, and the use of types for
communications and data structures (such as session
types and linear types), to name but a few. Combinations of these
abstractions will be used even in a single application, and applications
will be designed to work without prior knowledge about resource
availability, such as the number of nodes or cores per node. Runtime
environments thus need to ensure seamless execution, adapting
dynamically according to resource availability.
The PLACES workshop aims to offer a forum where researchers from
different fields exchange new ideas on one of the central challenges for
programming in the near future: the development of programming
languages, methodologies and infrastructures where concurrency and
distribution are the norm rather than a marginal concern.
Topics of interest
Submissions are invited in the general area of programming language
approaches to concurrency, communication and distribution, ranging from
foundational issues, through language implementations, to applications
and case studies. Specific topics include, but are not limited to:
- Design and implementation of programming languages with first class support for concurrency and communication
- Behavioural types, including session types
- Concurrent data types, objects and actors
- Verification and program analysis methods for concurrent and distributed software
- Runtime systems for scalable management of concurrency and resource allocation
- High-level programming abstractions addressing security concerns in concurrent and distributed programming
- Multi- and many-core programming models, including methods for harnessing GPUs and other accelerators
- Memory models for concurrent programming on relaxed-memory architectures
- Integration of sequential and concurrent programming techniques
- Use of message passing in systems software
- Interface languages for communication and distribution
- Novel programming methodologies for sensor networks
- Programming language approaches to web services
- Concurrency and communication in event processing and business process management
Papers are welcome which present novel and valuable ideas as well as
Submission Guidelines
Authors should submit a title and a 200 word abstract by Monday 16th
December 2013, to help the PC chairs assign reviewers to papers. Papers
of up to five pages in length should be submitted in PDF format by
Monday 23rd December 2013 using the EasyChair proceedings template
available at:
Abstracts and full papers should be submitted using EasyChair:
Preliminary proceedings will be available at the workshop. A
post-proceedings will be published in EPTCS.
Important Dates
Abstracts: Monday 16th December (anywhere on earth)
5-page paper: Monday 23rd December (anywhere on earth)
Notification: Friday 31st January 2014
Final version for pre-proceedings: Friday 7th February 2014
Workshop date: TBC (during ETAPS period, 5th-13th April 2014, see for updates)
Invited Speaker
Akash Lal, MSR India
Program Committee
Jade Alglave, University College London, UK
Michele Bugliesi, Universita Ca' Foscari Venezia, IT
Alastair Donaldson, Imperial College London, UK (co-chair)
Benedict Gaster, Qualcomm, USA
Simon Gay, University of Glasgow, UK
Thomas Hildebrandt, IT University of Copenhagen, DK
Jeroen Ketema, Imperial College London, UK
Hans-Wolfgang Loidl, Heriot-Watt University, UK
Etienne Lozes, ENS Cachan & University of Kassel, FR & DE
Francisco Martins, University of Lisbon, PT
Alan Mycroft, University of Cambridge, UK
Luca Padovani, Universita di Torino, IT
Shaz Qadeer, MSR Redmond, USA
Vasco T. Vasconcelos, University of Lisbon, PT (co-chair)
Organizing Committee
Alastair Beresford, University of Cambridge, UK
Simon Gay, University of Glasgow, UK
Alan Mycroft, University of Cambridge, UK
Vasco Vasconcelos, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Nobuko Yoshida, Imperial College London, UK