Visible to the public CfP: RATE 2013

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Call for Participation:

***** RATE: Workshop on Real-Time Ethernet *****
Vancouver, Canada, December 3, 2013

a satellite event of:
34th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS)
>>>> preliminary program below <<<<


From office automation to industrial automation, Ethernet has been an
omnipresent networking technology for many years. Its attractive high
throughput, low cost, wide availability and general maturity are
still pushing it to other application domains, such as embedded
systems and cyber-physical systems in general (avionics, automotive
systems, medical equiment...), many of which entail timing
constraints and require thus real-time communications capabilities.
However, when using COTS Ethernet switches, network interface cards
and IP stacks, guaranteeing real-time behavior is still challenging
due to possible uncontrolled packet arrival patterns and generalized
poor queue management.

This motivated a strong research activity in recent years towards
providingEthernet-based real-time communication solutions, the so
called Real-Time Ethernet (RTE) protocols. Despite the myriad of
solutions existing today, a few issues remain open, such as the
efficient use of the network bandwidth with heterogeneous traffic
profiles, resource reservation across large networks with channel
isolation, support of multiple operational modes and online bandwidth
management, provision of ultra-low jitter, support for high precision
time synchronization, efficient response-time analysis, to name just
a few.


This workshop will foster discussion on actual timing requirements
and associated challenges from industrial cases, as well as on on-
going research in the development and analysis of Real-Time Ethernet
protocols particularly geared to distributed embedded systems.


The workshop will consist of sessions with invited speakers, only,
each session including a number of presentations and a panel to
push discussions.


Wilfried Steiner, TTTech Computertechnik AG
Norman Finn, CISCO Systems
Joey Stubbs, EtherCAT Technology Group
Rolf Ernst, Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany
Christian Fraboul, Jean-Luc Scharbarg, University of Toulouse, France
Ahlem Mifdaoui, Higher Institute for Air and Space (ISAE), France
J. Javier Gutierrez, University of Cantabria, Spain
Luis Almeida, University of Porto, Portugal
Paulo Pedreiras, University of Aveiro, Portugal
Moris Behnam, Malardalen University, Sweden
Gonzalo Carvajal, University of Concepcion, Chile
L. Lo Bello, University of Catania, Italy
Michal Sojka, Czech Technical University


8h30 - Opening and welcome address

8h45 - 10h30 Session 1: RTE in industry

>>> Deterministic Ethernet: Standardization in Progress and Beyond
Wilfried Steiner, TTTech Computertechnik AG
Norman Finn, CISCO Systems
>>> Ethernet as Future Automotive Communication Backbone
Rolf Ernst, Philip Axer, Daniel Thiele, Technical University of
Braunschweig, Germany
>>> DCs vs time-triggered Ethernet
Joey Stubbs, EtherCAT Technology Group

(coffee break 10h30-11h00)

11h00 - 12h30 Session 2: RTE in avionics

>>> Trends in Avionics switched Ethernet networks
Christian Fraboul, Jean-Luc Scharbarg, University of Toulouse, France
>>> SYMADE: a Novel Avionics Data-Acquisition Network based on
Daisy-chain Ethernet
Ahlem Mifdaoui, Higher Institute for Air and Space (ISAE), France
>>> Modeling and schedulability analysis of AFDX networks in MAST 2
J. Javier Gutierrez, University of Cantabria, Spain

(lunch break 12h30-14h00)

14h00 - 15h45 Session 3: Alternative RTE protocols

>>> Developments on Flexible Time-Triggered Switched Ethernet
(1) Luis Almeida, Zahid Iqbal,
(2) Paulo Pedreiras, Ricardo Marau, Luis Silva,
(3) Mohammad Ashjaei, Moris Behnam, Thomas Nolte,
(4) Julian Proenza, Manuel Barranco, David Gessner, Guillermo
Rodriguez-Navas, Alberto Balasteros, Sinisa Derasevic
1- University of Porto, Portugal
2- University of Aveiro, Portugal
3- Malardalen University, Sweden
4- University of the Balearic Islands, Spain
>>> Atacama: An Open Experimental Platform for Mixed-Criticality
Networking on Top of Ethernet
1) Gonzalo Carvajal, (2) Sebastian Fischmeister
1- University of Concepcion, Chile
2-University of Waterloo, Canada
>>> Introducing support for time-sensitive traffic over Ethernet
L. Lo Bello, G. Alderisi, G. Patti, University of Catania, Italy
>>> Real-Time Ethernet and PCI Express: Do they fit together?
Michal Sojka, Rostislav Lisovy, Zdenek Hanzalek
Czech Technical University

15h45 Workshop wrap up and closing


Sebastian Fischmeister, University of Waterloo, Canada
Luis Almeida, University of Porto, Portugal