FRR PI Meeting 2023


Visible to the public Posters/Demos Listing



Odd #s present Day 1 - Tues, May 2nd
Even #s present Day 2 - Wed, May 3rd


Visible to the public Robots Have Feelings Too: A Discussion About Technology Reflecting the Communities They Serve (and Biases They Still Hold)

Abstract: Research has shown that technology does not lack bias - in fact, technology maintains and sometimes amplifies the biases of its developers. As society continues to make technological advances, particularly in the space of robotics and artificial intelligence (AI), it is important to ensure that teams are being intentional about building diverse and inclusive teams, incorporating responsible and ethical development practices, and consciously considering how technologies will impact the communities they serve.


Visible to the public Robotic Learning with Large Datasets


Visible to the public Robotics Solutions Through Scalable Reactive Synthesis


Visible to the public CCCs Mid-Cycle Robotics Roadmap Report Update



Visible to the public Workshop Programs

1. Aspiring Robotics Principal Investigators’ Workshop (by invitation only)

Dates/Times: Tuesday, May 2, 2023 (2:45 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.) and Wednesday, May 3, 2023 (1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.)

Room Location: Potomac I & II

Organizers: Jordan Berg (NSF), Juan Wachs (NSF), and Ralph Wachter (NSF)


Visible to the public Welcome!


Welcome to the official 2023 Foundational Research in Robotics (FRR) - National Robotics Initiative (NRI) Principal Investigators' (PI) Meeting website.